MS Game Report #3
The good guys won in overtime - Junior Sam played the last two minutes and the entire overtime (a starter fouled out). The officiating was avg. middle school officiating. A call from the backcourt on a play in the lane, a long pass oob and officials didn't know if the ball had been in-bounded or not, they tried to start overtime off the possesion arrow until coaches convinced them to use the jumpball method. All in all it was very evenly officiated.
I think the officials take too much guff from the coaches. I think this is because the coaches and officials get to know each other a bit. There are three different officiating teams that we have seen so far in 6 games.
Interestingly, in our previous game, an official caled a foul on 32 but reported it as 23, coach reasonably questioned the number reported, official looks around and sticks with his switched numbers (the call was in a half court trapping sitch in which the coach uses the two big fellas, 32 and 33, to trap), no one got into foul trouble so it didn't matter.
- SamIAm (Senior Registered User) - (Concerning all judgement calls - they depend on age, ability, and severity)