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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Sat Feb 22, 2003, 01:57am
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Keeper of the HAMMER
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Watched the Cal-Poly vs. UC Santa Barbara game last night and the refs threw a fan (looked like a drunk student surrounded by drunk fans.) The ref stopped the game and walked to the table and told them to remove the kid, pointing to him and describing his appearance. Looked well handled to me.
The only fans I've ever removed were in a HS intramural league where I was flying solo. They were making it difficult to concentrate on the game. I'm human, sue me. Aside from that, they can't treat officials that way.

You can't *always* avoid direct confrontation; not when they initiate it.

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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Sat Feb 22, 2003, 06:44am
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I tossed a fan early in my career. The astonishing part was that it worked! It was a freshman girls game with about nine total fans in attendance, including these two students who began making fun of the visiting team. They were calling them names, such as "cow" and "slob" and making comments on their athletic abilities, which were at best limited. It was really getting to the players, I could tell, although the visiting coach wasn't saying anything (I didn't think much of her). I looked around for the AD, but couldn't find him anywhere and finally I'd had enough. I just looked up at these kids with my best Mother-Bear-Protecting-the-Cubs snarl and yelled, "Either be quiet or get out!!" And they left! Never been so surprised in my life. When the AD finally made an appearance, I apprised him of the situation, so that we wouldn't have any repeat performances in the second half, or in the JV game.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Sat Feb 22, 2003, 11:08am
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 400

Originally posted by Snaqwells
Watched the Cal-Poly vs. UC Santa Barbara game last night and the refs threw a fan (looked like a drunk student surrounded by drunk fans.) The ref stopped the game and walked to the table and told them to remove the kid, pointing to him and describing his appearance. Looked well handled to me.
The only fans I've ever removed were in a HS intramural league where I was flying solo. They were making it difficult to concentrate on the game. I'm human, sue me. Aside from that, they can't treat officials that way.

You can't *always* avoid direct confrontation; not when they initiate it.

In the NCAA game, they had fan removed, didn't comfront fan themselves. Correct procedure. Still MHO..and respectfully..I would never sue you, or say that we are not human, but we can avoid direct confrontation, because it takes two to cause a confrontation. I chose to not be confronted.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Sat Feb 22, 2003, 09:07pm
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 42
Whoops, I didn't mean to open a can of worms on this one. My apologies to the queen, but you're reading a lot more into our comments than anyones meaning. Please never assume.
You appear to believe that we're climbing into the stands and shaking our fingers in peoples faces. Where did this come from. All I've ever done, during a prolonged stop in play, is walk to an administrator, take three steps out on the baseline with him/her, point to the troubed fan, nod, and walk back to my place on the floor. That's It. That's all that needs done. If this screws up a game, then every cowboy ref in Montana needs banned from the sport. It was a topic of discussion amongst several masters at a tournament we were doing today. Our decision...head on, baby.
Reffing...the third phase of childhood.
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