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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 23, 2002, 01:44pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 2,729
Jurassic Ref

Thanks for the correction.

Can you guide me to the document that you reference to decide what the "intent and purpose" of the rule should be. That would be a great resource when teaching new officials FEDlandia rules.

It just seemed logical to me that either:

A- You penalize the instant the violation occurs (i.e. you properly warned not to break the pane then someone did) and call the technical or,

B- Like other plays in sports you let them complete all activity then call the "end" of the activity.

So I am still somewhat confused but accept your interpretation completely.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 23, 2002, 02:50pm
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Re: Jurassic Ref

Originally posted by Tim C
Thanks for the correction.

Can you guide me to the document that you reference to decide what the "intent and purpose" of the rule should be. That would be a great resource when teaching new officials FEDlandia rules.

It just seemed logical to me that either:

A- You penalize the instant the violation occurs (i.e. you properly warned not to break the pane then someone did) and call the technical or,

B- Like other plays in sports you let them complete all activity then call the "end" of the activity.

So I am still somewhat confused but accept your interpretation completely.
Tim,I always loosely reference the preamble at the start of the FED rulebook for the purpose and intent of a rule-i.e.-"A player or a team should not be permitted an advantage which is not intended by a rule.Neither should play be permitted to develop which may lead to placing a player at a disadvantage not intended by the rule".

If you call it by your (B) above,everything falls beautifully into line with what Marty Rogers posted.You have 3 separate and distinct acts outlined in the rulebook;these also have 3 separate and distinct penalties attached to them,as also outlined in the rulebook.

That was the point that I was trying to make.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 24, 2002, 03:44am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 15,012
Originally posted by Marty Rogers
3) If B1 reaches through the plane and FOULS (touches) A1, this is an intentional personal foul. No warning for the delay required. Two shots for A1, throw-in at spot of foul. The only thing I am not clear on is if the severity of the touch matters. I believe just touching A1 is a foul (it doesn't have to be a hit or slap, etc. because B1 is causing a delay).

Ok, Marty is correct that in this case any touch equals a foul. Here's why:
4-19-1 ...A personal foul is a player foul which involves illegal contact with an opponent while the ball is live, ...
4-27 Incidental contact is contact with an opponent which is permitted and which does not constitute a foul.

Since, the defender is not allowed to reach across the throw-in boundary plane, any contact with the thrower cannot be considered permitted and incidental contact, therefore it is illegal contact and is a personal foul. 9-2 Penalty 4 tells us that this foul must be called an intentional personal foul.
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