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Old Mon Dec 23, 2002, 02:50pm
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Re: Jurassic Ref

Originally posted by Tim C
Thanks for the correction.

Can you guide me to the document that you reference to decide what the "intent and purpose" of the rule should be. That would be a great resource when teaching new officials FEDlandia rules.

It just seemed logical to me that either:

A- You penalize the instant the violation occurs (i.e. you properly warned not to break the pane then someone did) and call the technical or,

B- Like other plays in sports you let them complete all activity then call the "end" of the activity.

So I am still somewhat confused but accept your interpretation completely.
Tim,I always loosely reference the preamble at the start of the FED rulebook for the purpose and intent of a rule-i.e.-"A player or a team should not be permitted an advantage which is not intended by a rule.Neither should play be permitted to develop which may lead to placing a player at a disadvantage not intended by the rule".

If you call it by your (B) above,everything falls beautifully into line with what Marty Rogers posted.You have 3 separate and distinct acts outlined in the rulebook;these also have 3 separate and distinct penalties attached to them,as also outlined in the rulebook.

That was the point that I was trying to make.
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