Originally Posted by phansen
Between a 2 shot free throw, as T I beckon in 3 substitutes for Team A and 3 players are leaving the court from Team A. I step back down to my free throw line extended position and a fourth Team A player is substituted for. Coach from Team B says that the fourth Team A substitute is one of the original 3 substitutes re-entering the game.
I didn't have a clue if she was one of the original 3 players to leave the court. Not really sure if she left the court or not as my back was to the coaches as I picked up the 3 new entries and followed them onto the court.
Do you make a mental note of faces or numbers as players leave the court? Is there any other way to remember or determine who has left the court so you don't let them re-enter?
Don't need the chastisement for making the mental mistake, just looking for anybody's ideas so it won't happen again.
We did get it resolved correctly thanks to my observant partner.
I so rarely make mental notes about the players leaving. I've seen some officials wave it substitutes and then not even look to see how many players on the court leave.
Other methods you could use are to ask the scorer's table to write down numbers coming out. Also, you can also count on your partner.

Each of you can take a team. R -> H, U -> V.