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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Fri Nov 15, 2002, 11:47am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 226
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This falls under the "What I learned at Camp this summer" heading:
EXACT same play. I was settling into new lead, "C" was hustling down the floor. Play happened, no whistle from "C", and then I blew my whistle and had the foul. (The only reason I remeber this is because I think it was the only thing I did righ all week!) Here is what the evaluator said as we were reveiwing the video tape:

Evaluator "Why did you have that call, the ball came from "C's" area and he should have had the call"
Me: "I had contact in my area, but held the whistle a beat to see if "C" had anything because I wanted to avoid a BLARGE."
Evaluator: "Good answer"
Then we reviewed the play in slo mo, and the "C" had good position, but was blocked off by a third defender as the foul occured.

So all that to say, I would hold the whistle a beat to see what "C" has, and then if you have something call it.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Fri Nov 15, 2002, 01:02pm
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Glendale, AZ
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I saw a similar play in a game a couple of years ago.
Just to set up the situation, one of my former HS partners has finally made the "big time" and is going to call a D-1 game. I went to watch him. He was working with two veteran D1 officials. Transition play at one end, collision, whistle, no problem.

About two minutes later in the game, transition going the other way, lead is set in front of the play, collision, NO WHISTLE!!

I asked the crew after the game about it. My buddy piped right up with "my fault, I was the C, the play was on my side, I should have had it, I was late getting down the court"

When I got him alone a few days later, I asked him again, he told me that in pregame, his veteran partners were both very specific about making calls in your primary and staying out of your partner's primary. He felt that he had to take responsibility since he was the "rookie".

Frankly, it looked like crap for this collision to have no call, especially after a collision at the other end was called. I would have no issues with the lead taking this call after holding his whistle for a beat.

I think somebody in an earlier post said that coaches don't know or care about our mechanics, they just want the calls made. This is a good example of that.
It's what you learn after you think you know it all that's important!
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Sat Nov 16, 2002, 11:16pm
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Join Date: Aug 1999
Posts: 962
Send a message via AIM to Tim Roden
found this in a power point presentation on for womans CCA.
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