This falls under the "What I learned at Camp this summer" heading:
EXACT same play. I was settling into new lead, "C" was hustling down the floor. Play happened, no whistle from "C", and then I blew my whistle and had the foul. (The only reason I remeber this is because I think it was the only thing I did righ all week!) Here is what the evaluator said as we were reveiwing the video tape:
Evaluator "Why did you have that call, the ball came from "C's" area and he should have had the call"
Me: "I had contact in my area, but held the whistle a beat to see if "C" had anything because I wanted to avoid a BLARGE."
Evaluator: "Good answer"
Then we reviewed the play in slo mo, and the "C" had good position, but was blocked off by a third defender as the foul occured.
So all that to say, I would hold the whistle a beat to see what "C" has, and then if you have something call it.