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BillyMac Fri Feb 04, 2011 07:42pm

Officials Want To Be Him, Women Want To Be With Him ...

Originally Posted by bainsey (Post 726265)
All I know is, as hard it the mechanics are pushed on the newbies, you'd have to hold the vets to the same standard.

Almost agree. Except some of the really old grizzled veterans. We've got a forty plus year veteran on our local board who wouldn't know a basketball mechanic from a football mechanic. But we all want to be his partner, because he can officiate the sh** out of a game.

mbyron Sat Feb 05, 2011 08:32am

Had a BV game where it seemed all the home players were 6 inches taller than any of the visiting players. Naturally, white got 80%+ of the rebounds, and red was crying all night for ... guess what ... over the back. I had to bite my tongue several times from telling the coach that tall is not a foul... :)

wfd21 Sat Feb 05, 2011 09:07am


Originally Posted by BillyMac (Post 726193)
I know more about the Latvian Gambit than I know about NCAA mechanics, but isn't this a proper mechanic for womens games.

Yes it is.

chymechowder Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:22am


Originally Posted by RichMSN (Post 726178)
Because in the big picture it doesn't matter as much as many officials think it does (or would like it to).

I had a player fumble a ball he was receiving while taking a couple of steps in transition last night. When the coach said something about a travel, I gave a fumble signal and the complaining stopped. Bad Rich. Bad, bad Rich.

so if boris karloff is the over the back signal, who's the fumble signal? this guy?

Rich Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:24am


Originally Posted by chymechowder (Post 726398)
so if boris karloff is the over the back signal, who's the fumble signal? this guy?

I just did the Ickey Shuffle.

BillyMac Sat Feb 05, 2011 12:05pm

Wait A Minute, That Was Another Thread, Nevermind ...

Originally Posted by mbyron (Post 726375)
Naturally, white got 80% of the rebounds, and red was crying all night for over the back.

C'mon mbyron. This is the twenty-first century. Get with it. The correct terms are Caucasian, and Native American.

ThatOneRef Sun Feb 20, 2011 06:59am


Originally Posted by wfd21 (Post 726045)
Not an approved signal at any level. Stay away from it. If your partner is an old dog you won't change him. If a newer official, try to offer constructive critisim.

Great point, There is NO SUCH call as "over the back". Alzheimer's or not, ANYONE should know this.

JRutledge Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:01am


Originally Posted by ThatOneRef (Post 732125)
Great point, There is NO SUCH call as "over the back". Alzheimer's or not, ANYONE should know this.

Any any official worth their salt would know what over the back is too. At least the kind of play you asked a question about for sure. ;)


Adam Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:04am


Originally Posted by JRutledge (Post 732168)
Any any official worth their salt would know what over <strike>the</strike> and back is too. At least the kind of play you asked a question about for sure. ;)


all nice and shiny like

ThatOneRef Mon Feb 21, 2011 02:51am


Originally Posted by JRutledge (Post 732168)
Any any official worth their salt would know what over the back is too. At least the kind of play you asked a question about for sure. ;)



Originally Posted by Snaqwells (Post 732170)
all nice and shiny like

LOL, love it. ;)

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