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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 19, 2011, 04:16pm
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Team Tech

I'm a little fuzzy on Rule 10-1-2B, so let me pose a situation. Roster is submitted timely, coaches asked if everyone is in the book, and both indicate book is good. A few minutes into the game, lets say A7 commits a foul. Bookkeeper calls R over and advises A7 is not in the book. Fine, discovered while playing, tech is called.

A few minutes later, A8 makes a layup. Another horn, bookkeeper advises A8 is also not in the book. The penalty for 10-1-2 is one foul only per team regardless of the number of infractions. So, is this second violation ignored, and added freely to the book? The penalty for 10-1-2b,c,d is penalized when "they" occur, and I can't get past the rule of thumb that the penalty is for changing the book.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 19, 2011, 04:22pm
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Originally Posted by tjchamp View Post
So, is this second violation ignored, and added freely to the book?
Yes. The T is for changing the book, but the max is 1 T.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 19, 2011, 06:16pm
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I'm Still Working On This For Publication ...

Many administrative infractions can involve the scorebook and rosters. If a team adds a name to the team roster after the ten minute time limit, then a team technical foul is charged. When such a player legally enters the court, the player’s name and uniform number must be entered into the official scorebook. In order to penalize this infraction, the offending team member must be one of the five players currently in the game. In addition, if a team requires the official scorer to change a team member or player’s uniform number in the official scorebook (with exception), after the ten minute time limit, then a team technical foul is charged. If there is no request for change, or if a team member does not become a player, thus avoiding the change, there is no penalty.

Similarly, if a team requires a player to change to a number in the official scorebook after the ten minute time limit, then a team technical foul is charged. A maximum of one team technical foul is charged regardless of the number of players, and substitutes, not wearing the number indicated in the official scorebook. Each player must wear the number indicated in the official scorebook, or change the official scorebook number to that which the player is wearing. Any additional substitutes who become players and require the changing of the number indicated for them in the official scorebook will not result in a penalty, as the one maximum technical has already been charged to the team for this administrative infraction. If there is no request for change, or if the team member does not become a player, thus avoiding the change, there is no penalty.

Three scorebook situations: adding a name to the team roster, changing a name or a number in the official scorebook, and/or having a player change a uniform number, are penalized with a team technical foul when they occur, after the ten minute time limit. These infractions occur when the scorer is advised to add to or change the official scorebook. The foul must be charged when it occurs and enforced when the ball next becomes live. Once the ball becomes live, after such changes have been made to the scorebook, it is too late to penalize. Remember, the ball becomes live when: on a jump ball, the tossed ball leaves the referee’s hand; on a throw-in, it is at the disposal of the thrower; and on a free throw, it is at the disposal of the free thrower.

After the ten minute time limit a team is charged with a maximum of one technical foul regardless of how many infractions of the following are committed: changing a designated starter, adding a name to the team member list, requiring the scorer to change a team member’s or player’s number in the scorebook, requiring a player to change to the number in the scorebook, and/or having identical numbers on team members and/or players. Each player must wear the number indicated in the scorebook, or change the official scorebook number to that the player is wearing. Any additional substitutes who become players and require the changing of the number indicated for them in the official scorebook will not result in a penalty, as the one maximum technical has already been charged to the team for that team’s administrative infraction
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 23, 2011, 06:29pm
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During Girls' JV last night, we had 2 Administrative Ts due to each team having to change numbers. Each team got charged 1 team foul cause of it.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 23, 2011, 07:54pm
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What kind of deadline do you have, Billy?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 23, 2011, 08:43pm
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© BillyMac ???

Originally Posted by bainsey View Post
What kind of deadline do you have, Billy?
No deadline. My interpreter wants me to shorten it before publication. He also suggested that I use situations (like the case book), but that would lengthen the article rather than shorten it, so I'm probably not heading in that direction.

It's slow process. Like the guy who builds a boat from scratch, over several years, in his basement, and when it's finally completed he can't get it out of his basement, so he turns the boat into a rec room. I'm probably going to end up like that guy.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

“I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matthew 25:36)
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