Originally Posted by JRutledge
I agree. But when you are working varsity games they do sometimes know what you work as when teams scout each other they recognize or don't recognize officials. Also when you work certain tournaments they see who is working the game before or after and know who has some experience at that level. That is probably why in an earlier post the coach made that claim. Also they can probably find out more about us than we know. Remember coaching are some of the most paranoid professions on the planet. They think of all kinds of situations and scenarios and likely come up in our games and affects what they say to us on the court.
I don't care if it's my first varsity game. If a coach throws that line out I'm t'ing him up and setting the tone. treat me with respect and ill talk to coaches and players as often as I am capable of. Try walking over me and you will find the rug pulled very fast.
There is no justification or excuses for the coaches actions during a game. Each game, I treat, as a contest in a vacuum. I don't hold previous positive or negative actions by a coach for or against them.