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zm1283 Sat Oct 30, 2010 08:43am


Originally Posted by biggravy (Post 698901)
Again, let me apologize for my lack of awareness of how things are done in other states. I am sorry. Now I know.

FWIW, I was on a 48 hour shift and wanted to work on the test that I had left at home. I did finally get to work on the test this week. I choose not to participate in the "group meetings" where one could be a fly on the wall. I worked through the test myself as a way to study the rules. I looked up every questions then cross references the case book. I learn something new every year by doing this. It took me 8 hours. If anyone has the open format like we do, I would encourage them to work through the test and look up EVERYTHING, even if you think you know it. It's a great way to refresh on the rules for the upcoming season.

I take the test myself as well. Our state allows "open book" association tests, which really means everyone shows up and they read the answers off and they mail the tests in. I do the Part 2 before the meeting and take my answer sheet to check my answers with the correct ones. I feel like I'm in the vast minority of people who do this, as most tend to not even look at the questions and simply color in the answer sheet and mail it off.

It's no wonder I get told "You read too much into rules", when actually it's because I know the rules and choose to enforce them as written instead of making up my own like some do.

BillyMac Sat Oct 30, 2010 11:00am

Raise The White Flag ...
We used to work on the refresher exam as individuals in an open book format. The exam would then be submitted to our rating committee who would correct the exam, with each member getting rating points based on how many questions each member got right on the refresher exam. Our rating system (peer ratings, refresher exam, meeting attendance, availability) produces a ranking, and the number, level, and quality of your assigned games is based on this ranking, so it's a big deal.

The problem was that there were too many master answer sheets available from many sources, within our local board, from other boards in the state, and from other states. These master answer sheets somehow made their way into the hands of a large portion of our membership. If you "knew a guy" then you able to get your hands on these master answer sheets. If you weren't "connected" then you were on your own. Those with the master answer sheets always got full credit, and the full number of rating points for their answers. Those without access to these master answer sheets almost always got far fewer answers correct, and thus, a lower number of rating points.

How did our rating committee fix this? They gave up. Now we still work on the exam as individuals with an open book format. Then we bring our test and answers to one of several officially sanctioned "study groups". Your "ticket" into one of these "study groups" is a completed exam, with no regard for the number of correct, or incorrect, answers. The group leader, usually a veteran official, has the master answer sheet. At these sessions we take turns reading the questions, giving our answers, discussing our answers, and correcting our incorrect answers. Attendance is taken at these "study groups".

If you attend one of these officially sanctioned "study groups", then you get full credit for the refresher exam portion of your rating for the season. If you don't attend, you get no credit. If you have an emergency (family, work, illness, etc) and can't attend, then you have the option of handing in an exam that will be corrected and counted the "old fashioned" way, but at this point almost everybody on our local board has the correct answers so it's all academic at this point.

newflyer22 Mon Nov 29, 2010 04:47pm

do u have the 2010 nfhs basketball text answers i just want them for studying purpose's only email me at [email protected]

Jurassic Referee Mon Nov 29, 2010 04:58pm


Originally Posted by newflyer22 (Post 703827)
do u have the 2010 nfhs basketball text answers i just want them for studying purpose's only email me at [email protected]

Studying purposes....:rolleyes:

If you really want to study, open the damn rule books up and look up the damn answers. That's how you learn, not getting someone to supply you with answers.

Lah me.....

Adam Mon Nov 29, 2010 05:03pm


Originally Posted by newflyer22 (Post 703827)
do u have the 2010 nfhs basketball text answers i just want them for studying purpose's only email me at [email protected]

a, b, c, d, e, F, and T.

rockyroad Mon Nov 29, 2010 05:24pm


Originally Posted by Snaqwells (Post 703830)
a, b, c, d, e, F, and T.

Hey, wait a minute. You got those last two backwards - it should be T and then F.

Check out 11.12.13 Sit. A , C, and D. And the Exception.

Adam Mon Nov 29, 2010 05:28pm


Originally Posted by rockyroad (Post 703831)
Hey, wait a minute. You got those last two backwards - it should be T and then F.

Check out 11.12.13 Sit. A , C, and D. And the Exception.

You're reading too much into it. Look at 11.1.87 Sit. Z. It's the exact same play. The exception doesn't apply here; I think because bob said so.

Welpe Mon Nov 29, 2010 05:45pm


Originally Posted by Snaqwells (Post 703833)
You're reading too much into it. Look at 11.1.87 Sit. Z. It's the exact same play. The exception doesn't apply here; I think because bob said so.

Always listen to Bob. I think Nevada has the same NFHS interpretation from 1983 in his archives as well. Case play is 12.15.22.ID.10.T

rockyroad Mon Nov 29, 2010 05:56pm


Originally Posted by Snaqwells (Post 703833)
You're reading too much into it. Look at 11.1.87 Sit. Z. It's the exact same play. The exception doesn't apply here; I think because bob said so.

No, no, no...

Your 11.1.87 has the ball bouncing off of the rafter first, then hitting the Cheerleader in the head.

The question clearly states that the ball hits the Clock Operator first, and THEN hits the Cheerleader. Which clearly results in a Technical foul on the Visiting Coach, and an automatic ejection of the Home Team post player.

You have to go with the Exception to 11.12.13...even Bob would agree with that.

Adam Mon Nov 29, 2010 06:01pm


Originally Posted by rockyroad (Post 703837)
No, no, no...

Your 11.1.87 has the ball bouncing off of the rafter first, then hitting the Cheerleader in the head.

The question clearly states that the ball hits the Clock Operator first, and THEN hits the Cheerleader. Which clearly results in a Technical foul on the Visiting Coach, and an automatic ejection of the Home Team post player.

You have to go with the Exception to 11.12.13...even Bob would agree with that.

Crap. I missed that part. I should have known better than to question your interp.
Now I'll wait for M&M to come along and remind me I was right all along.

rockyroad Mon Nov 29, 2010 06:01pm


Originally Posted by Snaqwells (Post 703838)
Crap. I missed that part. I should have known better than to question your interp.
Now I'll wait for M&M to come along and remind me I was right all along.

I can't stand that guy! :D

Adam Mon Nov 29, 2010 06:02pm


Originally Posted by rockyroad (Post 703839)
I can't stand that guy! :D

Yeah, he's such an elitist schmuck.

Jurassic Referee Mon Nov 29, 2010 06:24pm


Originally Posted by Snaqwells (Post 703840)
Yeah, he's such an elitist shvanz.

Fixed it for ya....

BillyMac Mon Nov 29, 2010 06:38pm

Today's Yahoo Word Of The Day Is Auspicious ...

Originally Posted by Snaqwells (Post 703840)

Was this word on everyone's "Word of the Day" calendar this past week?

justacoach Mon Nov 29, 2010 08:56pm


Originally Posted by BillyMac (Post 703848)
Was this word on everyone's "Word of the Day" calendar this past week?

Billy, you know darn well the blame sits with the timerguy.:confused::confused:

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