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Camron Rust Sat Jan 09, 2010 02:01am

In all likelihood, he would be kicked out of our association for such behavior.

Loudwhistle Sat Jan 09, 2010 03:19am

Cut his Bulls Off!
I had a situation that goes along with breaking the code of respecting the difficult job officials try to do. This happened 8 years ago, but I remember it very well. All the reffs in this situation were volunteering there time. This was a middle school tournament game and it was the final 7 seconds. It was a one point game at this point with blue leading. I whistled a block on the blue team which gave the red team two foul shots. Both shots were made, and red eventually won the game. My partner and I go into the reff room after the game and are shooting the breeze. In walks an official that had done a couple of games with me earlier that day already. He says to us, "man you guys really F*&%^$$ that game up." He then takes off his jersey, crosses his name off the next game that he was already signed up to officiate and stomps out of the room. Partner and I were in such shock that neither said a word until after he left. We found out later that his son was on the losing team. I'll guarantee you that he will never reff another game in that gym. He's been totally blackballed from our association.

KJUmp Sat Jan 09, 2010 05:05am


Originally Posted by ref2coach (Post 649529)
My State office cares. A few years ago there was a Football official who had refereed the State Final in early December. In late December he was overly vocal at a Basketball game when his child was playing. His behavior was reported to his association, the State got wind of it and stepped in and ordered a 1 year suspension.

My kind of state association. Good for them.

mbyron Sat Jan 09, 2010 09:22am

1. Constant shouting is not acceptable fan behavior. Have game management deal with such behavior whenever it occurs.
2. If you happen to know that the offender is also an official, contact the secretary or assignors of the local association and alert them to the behavior. Discipline within the ranks is part of their job. I personally would not go to directly to the OHSAA with this one.

dragonref Sat Jan 09, 2010 10:58am

While he is at games, he loves to bark and scream at calls (or no calls) made by officials on the floor. He has spoke up in meetings about what he does. He also asks about situations he sees and asks for clarification at said association meetings.

This to me is the saddest part, the Association already knows about this guy and he is still doing the same crappy things at games. If he spoke up in a meeting about a "situation" in one of my game I'm sure I would not be too civil in my response.

CLH Sat Jan 09, 2010 03:47pm

Make an example of this jack@ss... I ejected a fan last night, she tried to buffalo management by saying she was an official too and they let her back in. After a stern "talkin' too" by me, the administrator discovered the err of her ways and promptly escorted the fan out. I don't whether they are an official or not they have got to go. This is totally out of line, right or wrong, we hold officials to a higher standard than typical fans when they are watching a game. Give this guy the boot!

LSams Sat Jan 09, 2010 05:22pm

have him removed.

then you'll be the guy in your association with the guts to throw this bozo out of a game. I'm pretty sure your appreciation and respect within your association will go through the roof -- you'll be the guy that had the chutzpah to deal with this loser.

26 Year Gap Sat Jan 09, 2010 06:45pm


Originally Posted by LSams (Post 649590)
have him removed.

then you'll be the guy in your association with the guts to throw this bozo out of a game. I'm pretty sure your appreciation and respect within your association will go through the roof -- you'll be the guy that had the chutzpah to deal with this loser.

And you probably will not be the last. Someone has to be first.

StripesOhio Sat Jan 09, 2010 07:38pm

Thanks for the input guys. We have an association meeting Wednesday and I plan on bringing it up with the secretary. If this guy isn't in attendance I may bring it up for group discussion.

26 Year Gap Sat Jan 09, 2010 07:52pm


Originally Posted by StripesOhio (Post 649603)
Thanks for the input guys. We have an association meeting Wednesday and I plan on bringing it up with the secretary. If this guy isn't in attendance I may bring it up for group discussion.

That would be good even if he was there. He has embarrassed you.....

Adam Sat Jan 09, 2010 08:10pm

1. Absolutely bring it up at the meeting; you could perhaps ask whether it's acceptable in your association to behave like this clown. You might want to be diplomatic.
2. I'd dump him even faster than a known varsity coach pulling the same sh1t during a JV game.

grunewar Sat Jan 09, 2010 08:25pm


Originally Posted by Snaqwells (Post 649607)
You might want to be diplomatic.

Yeah, be diplomatic.....I have a "hypothetical situation" I was wondering how you guys would handle it.....

Adam Sat Jan 09, 2010 08:33pm


Originally Posted by grunewar (Post 649613)
Yeah, be diplomatic.....I have a "hypothetical situation" I was wondering how you guys would handle it.....


StripesOhio Sat Jan 09, 2010 09:41pm

I absolutely would be diplomatic. I might even ignore him and ask it in a round-about way.

Such as:

"Say, I'm curious what opinions in this room are of other officials sitting in the stands and be overly vocal."

I don't know that I'd put him directly on the spot. I'll talk to the secretary and let him handle it. Or, I may personally walk up to the guy and just simply say that next time he's at a game I'm doing I'll eject him if he's riding me from the stands.

26 Year Gap Sat Jan 09, 2010 10:10pm


Originally Posted by StripesOhio (Post 649617)
I absolutely would be diplomatic. I might even ignore him and ask it in a round-about way.

Such as:

"Say, I'm curious what opinions in this room are of other officials sitting in the stands and be overly vocal."

I don't know that I'd put him directly on the spot. I'll talk to the secretary and let him handle it. Or, I may personally walk up to the guy and just simply say that next time he's at a game I'm doing I'll eject him if he's riding me from the stands.

That is like baiting a coach telling him one more word and it is a T. It should come as a shock to him not as something he prepares for.

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