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BillyClyde 68 Mon Dec 08, 2008 03:53pm

2 or 3 man crews
Which states use 2 and 3 man crews on their games in season? My state does all games in the post season 3-man but does not make schools do any during the regular season? Does this sound right?

jdw3018 Mon Dec 08, 2008 03:58pm

Does it sound right? What does that mean? It certainly sounds as if that's what your state does, since you said so.

FWIW, my state does all 3-man, even sub-varsity unless we're running low on local officials for MS games...

jdmara Mon Dec 08, 2008 04:11pm

Iowa does 3-person for all Varsity in the two largest classes. 3-person is used if the school wants to at the lower classes as well. Subvarsity games are done with two-person crews.


Rufus Mon Dec 08, 2008 04:19pm

We use 3-man for varsity and 2-man for sub-varsity.

Ignats75 Mon Dec 08, 2008 04:34pm

In the Cleveland, Ohio area, all Varsity games both Boys and Girls are 3-man.

There is talk that boys JV games will be going to three person.

Fees are $55-70 per game per official for Varsity.

summdawg76 Mon Dec 08, 2008 04:41pm

In Georgia, we use 3 man for all varsity levels and 2 man for all others.

Adam Mon Dec 08, 2008 04:48pm

CO is pretty much all 3-whistle for varsity. CO Springs also does 3 for most JV. Freshman ball is 2. Pay is only slightly less (about $6 per official) for 3 than for 2.

stripes2255 Mon Dec 08, 2008 04:54pm

2-person crews for everything in Oregon.

BillyClyde 68 Mon Dec 08, 2008 05:17pm

How do you expect to call games in the post season if you do not do many in the regular season? That is my question.

Adam Mon Dec 08, 2008 05:21pm


Originally Posted by BillyClyde 68 (Post 556477)
How do you expect to call games in the post season if you do not do many in the regular season? That is my question.

I think what you’re asking is, “How can you expect officials to do a good job on three-person in the post-season when they haven’t worked three-person mechanics all year?” Correct me if I’m wrong.

Most of us would agree this is a good question.

But, FWIW, a lot of states don't require more than 2 officials even if their schools have gone to 3. CO still has a pay scale for 2 official games, and I've heard rumor that some schools up in the mountains still use only 2.

whistleone Mon Dec 08, 2008 05:29pm

Missouri leaves it up to the schools for the regular season. The post season is 3-person crews for all classes (1-5).

Ref Ump Welsch Mon Dec 08, 2008 06:04pm

Since someone already commented on Iowa, I'll comment on Nebraska. The state association uses 3-whistle for the entire postseason, districts all the way to state. Regular season is pretty much on a conference or per school basis. The Metro Conference in the Omaha metro area uses 3-whistle for all varsity games they schedule, regardless if they are conference games or not. I believe the bigger schools in Lincoln are using 3-whistle, and more schools are warming up to the idea. Everything below varsity is still 2-whistle.

BillyMac Mon Dec 08, 2008 08:34pm

Land Of Steady Habits
Connecticut: With the exception of some "big city" games down in the southern part of the state, almost all games here are two-person games, until the postseason, in some league, or conference finals, and the state quarterfinals, and higher, when all games have three-person crews.

Camron Rust Mon Dec 08, 2008 08:35pm


Originally Posted by stripes2255 (Post 556471)
2-person crews for everything in Oregon.

Don't be so sure about that. I know of a few unofficial exceptions.

Scooby Mon Dec 08, 2008 08:46pm

Here we us 3 in boys and girls varsity. All sub-varsity we use 2.

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