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BillyClyde 68 Mon Dec 08, 2008 03:53pm

2 or 3 man crews
Which states use 2 and 3 man crews on their games in season? My state does all games in the post season 3-man but does not make schools do any during the regular season? Does this sound right?

jdw3018 Mon Dec 08, 2008 03:58pm

Does it sound right? What does that mean? It certainly sounds as if that's what your state does, since you said so.

FWIW, my state does all 3-man, even sub-varsity unless we're running low on local officials for MS games...

jdmara Mon Dec 08, 2008 04:11pm

Iowa does 3-person for all Varsity in the two largest classes. 3-person is used if the school wants to at the lower classes as well. Subvarsity games are done with two-person crews.


Rufus Mon Dec 08, 2008 04:19pm

We use 3-man for varsity and 2-man for sub-varsity.

Ignats75 Mon Dec 08, 2008 04:34pm

In the Cleveland, Ohio area, all Varsity games both Boys and Girls are 3-man.

There is talk that boys JV games will be going to three person.

Fees are $55-70 per game per official for Varsity.

summdawg76 Mon Dec 08, 2008 04:41pm

In Georgia, we use 3 man for all varsity levels and 2 man for all others.

Adam Mon Dec 08, 2008 04:48pm

CO is pretty much all 3-whistle for varsity. CO Springs also does 3 for most JV. Freshman ball is 2. Pay is only slightly less (about $6 per official) for 3 than for 2.

stripes2255 Mon Dec 08, 2008 04:54pm

2-person crews for everything in Oregon.

BillyClyde 68 Mon Dec 08, 2008 05:17pm

How do you expect to call games in the post season if you do not do many in the regular season? That is my question.

Adam Mon Dec 08, 2008 05:21pm


Originally Posted by BillyClyde 68 (Post 556477)
How do you expect to call games in the post season if you do not do many in the regular season? That is my question.

I think what you’re asking is, “How can you expect officials to do a good job on three-person in the post-season when they haven’t worked three-person mechanics all year?” Correct me if I’m wrong.

Most of us would agree this is a good question.

But, FWIW, a lot of states don't require more than 2 officials even if their schools have gone to 3. CO still has a pay scale for 2 official games, and I've heard rumor that some schools up in the mountains still use only 2.

whistleone Mon Dec 08, 2008 05:29pm

Missouri leaves it up to the schools for the regular season. The post season is 3-person crews for all classes (1-5).

Ref Ump Welsch Mon Dec 08, 2008 06:04pm

Since someone already commented on Iowa, I'll comment on Nebraska. The state association uses 3-whistle for the entire postseason, districts all the way to state. Regular season is pretty much on a conference or per school basis. The Metro Conference in the Omaha metro area uses 3-whistle for all varsity games they schedule, regardless if they are conference games or not. I believe the bigger schools in Lincoln are using 3-whistle, and more schools are warming up to the idea. Everything below varsity is still 2-whistle.

BillyMac Mon Dec 08, 2008 08:34pm

Land Of Steady Habits
Connecticut: With the exception of some "big city" games down in the southern part of the state, almost all games here are two-person games, until the postseason, in some league, or conference finals, and the state quarterfinals, and higher, when all games have three-person crews.

Camron Rust Mon Dec 08, 2008 08:35pm


Originally Posted by stripes2255 (Post 556471)
2-person crews for everything in Oregon.

Don't be so sure about that. I know of a few unofficial exceptions.

Scooby Mon Dec 08, 2008 08:46pm

Here we us 3 in boys and girls varsity. All sub-varsity we use 2.

stripes2255 Mon Dec 08, 2008 09:05pm


Originally Posted by Camron Rust (Post 556512)
Don't be so sure about that. I know of a few unofficial exceptions.

But you are in the big city. I am further south and much more rural.

derwil Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:15pm

In Alabama its 3 man varsity, 2 man sub varsity. It might be two man for varsity out where you can hear the banjo music, but we try not to go out that far.

Freddy Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:22pm

In Our Little Corner of the World
In this part of Michigan, all varsity seems to be 3-man. For most big schools, JV is 3 man. For the smaller schools, a single JV game would likely be 2 man. If it's a frosh/JV doubleheader, it will be the same 3-man crew doing both.
Got a non-conference 2-man frosh/JV doubleheader, which is a rarity, next week. That's a lot of running, but the pay is split between two officials instead of three, so that sorta makes it worth the hoof-pounding.

Adam Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:29pm


Originally Posted by Freddy (Post 556539)
In this part of Michigan, all varsity seems to be 3-man. For most big schools, JV is 3 man. For the smaller schools, a single JV game would likely be 2 man. If it's a frosh/JV doubleheader, it will be the same 3-man crew doing both.
Got a non-conference frosh/JV doubleheader, which is a rarity, next week. That's a lot of running, but the pay is split between two officials instead of three, so that sorta makes it worth the hoof-pounding.

When I was in Des Moines, virtually all Frosh games were double headers (2 man). I was a little surprised to find they were all singles when I moved to Colorado.

JRutledge Tue Dec 09, 2008 12:27am

Illinois uses 3 Person for all post season games Boy's and Girl's basketball.

I have heard rumors of some places using 2 Person still, but it is not very common. Every league or tournament I have worked is 3 Person for all varsity games.

There are even places that go 3 Person for lower level games. This is not common, but it has taken place.


Drizzle Tue Dec 09, 2008 12:30am

General rule in Texas is 3-person for 3A, 4A, and 5A games (three largest classes which make up most cities), 2-person for smaller schools and almost all sub-varsity.

ODJ Tue Dec 09, 2008 01:04am


Originally Posted by stripes2255 (Post 556522)
But you are in the big city. I am further south and much more rural.


ref2coach Tue Dec 09, 2008 01:40am

TN has geographical differences. "Greater" Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville areas all use 3 person for varsity, 2 person for sub-varsity. The "in between" areas still have many schools that use 2 person for varsity.

tjones1 Tue Dec 09, 2008 02:17am

For the most part, most schools hire three officials for varsity games. There are a few exceptions that only hire 2 officials.

IREFU2 Tue Dec 09, 2008 09:58am

In my neck of the woods, we do 3 person all season with the exception of AAA Girls Varsity, Private Schools and JV. All post season is 3 person.

Mregor Tue Dec 09, 2008 11:09pm


Originally Posted by Drizzle (Post 556574)
General rule in Texas is 3-person for 3A, 4A, and 5A games (three largest classes which make up most cities), 2-person for smaller schools and almost all sub-varsity.

Same in NM which is where I just left. In AZ, all 2 except for post season (not sure of which post season as this is my first here).


ajs8207 Tue Dec 09, 2008 11:13pm

Out of curiosity, in places where varsity is 3 and sub-varsity is 2, how much are the game fees for each?

refnrev Tue Dec 09, 2008 11:33pm


Originally Posted by tjones1 (Post 556580)
For the most part, most schools hire three officials for varsity games. There are a few exceptions that only hire 2 officials.


A few places still hire 2 for girls V or 3 for a JV/V combo. I've heard of places where boys still have two for V but haven't seen it for years!

DonInKansas Tue Dec 09, 2008 11:58pm

Kansas uses 3 whistle for Varsity, 2 for sub-varsity.

refnrev Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:00am


Originally Posted by ajs8207 (Post 556865)
Out of curiosity, in places where varsity is 3 and sub-varsity is 2, how much are the game fees for each?

It varies by school.

JRutledge Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:01am


Originally Posted by refnrev (Post 556883)
It varies by school.

Or conference.


refnrev Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:02am


Originally Posted by JRutledge (Post 556884)
Or conference.


Good point... but not so much in this part of the state.

JRutledge Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:03am


Originally Posted by refnrev (Post 556885)
Good point... but not so much in this part of the state.

That is why I said "Or." ;)


CaRef5 Wed Dec 10, 2008 03:26am

in my association in my the Bay Area they only give 3-man to West Catholic League (the really good schools), the rest are 2-man, during the regular season but during the post season i believe they are all 3-man. and of course state playoff are 3-man

Nevadaref Wed Dec 10, 2008 03:43am

Regular season:
Boys and Girls varsity is 3-man for the largest two classes.
The smallest two classes are 2-man.
Sub-varsity is 2-man.

All 3-man.

MidMadness Wed Dec 10, 2008 08:05am

New Jersey
95% of HS games use 2 man......5% being Prep games, St. Anthony's, St. Patrick's boys games. This during regular season.......As post season rolls along they go to 3 man for later state games.

fullor30 Wed Dec 10, 2008 09:15am


Originally Posted by JRutledge (Post 556573)
Illinois uses 3 Person for all post season games Boy's and Girl's basketball.

I have heard rumors of some places using 2 Person still, but it is not very common. Every league or tournament I have worked is 3 Person for all varsity games.

There are even places that go 3 Person for lower level games. This is not common, but it has taken place.


Regarding two man Varsity, it's more than a rumor, the independent conference around Chicago does two man, yet for some bigger game matchups they go to 3 man??? I have a two man date coming up.

Chicago Public League is also two man, although the one game I did a few years ago was 3 man.

rockchalk jhawk Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:17pm

All three man for varsity contests, although I have heard rumor that there might be a league or two in far western Kansas that uses 2-person crews still, but I think more because of availibility of officials than anything. Pay around here is $90-$100 per official for a B/G varsity double header.

Some JV/F and even MS locations are going to three man crews, which has been welcomed with open arms by the guys that work those games.

All post season is 3 person.

ajs8207 Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:27pm


Originally Posted by JRutledge (Post 556884)
Or conference.


I guess a better way to put it is does the JV crew of 2 get paid more per person than the varsity crew of 3? I believe that's what is stopping us from going to 3 person crews for varsity, as the JV crew would get paid more per person than the varsity.

JRutledge Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:33pm


Originally Posted by ajs8207 (Post 557025)
I guess a better way to put it is does the JV crew of 2 get paid more per person than the varsity crew of 3? I believe that's what is stopping us from going to 3 person crews for varsity, as the JV crew would get paid more per person than the varsity.

That is not the case in Illinois. Unless you agree to that as an official (I do not think I would do such a thing) you are paid per person. Now the rates around here usually are very similar with the intent of paying a 3 Person Crew. Some people work double headers, so that does not always apply when talking about a "per game" fee. I know we do not get two separate game fees in those cases.


stripes2255 Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:37pm


Originally Posted by ODJ (Post 556576)

South Coast. I know where Yoncalla is but have never called their games

PIAA REF Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:40pm

I work in Northwest PA, We use a 3-whistle crew on all varsity contest both girls and boys. For sub-varsity we use a 2 whistle crew. I believe this is the same throughout the whole state and not just my area. Also our pay scale in my area is 63 for varsity, 45 (I think for JV) 40 for single game (7-9), 69 for Jr High double header 2 games. 100 for Triple Header. Fees will vary throughout the state.

dbking Wed Dec 10, 2008 01:20pm

Wizard of OZ
In KS all six classes of tournament are 3 person games.

In larger areas and larger classes, we use 3 person for GV and BV contests. All lower level games are 2 person mechanics.

I know of no Class 5 or 6 school that uses 2 person anywhere in state. I know in western KS, the small schools still use 2 person crews for BV and GV games.

No matter the size, all KC, Topeka and Wichita schools use 3 person crews.

HoopsRefJunior Wed Dec 10, 2008 02:56pm

3-person crews
Our Georgia group attempts to assign 3-person for all levels (middle school through high school varsity). On our busiest dates, we may be forced to assign 2-person for some sub-varsity games (lack of available officials). Our officials understand that their 3-person pay for sub-varsity games will be 2-person crew pay divided by 3 officials. We have found that the training of officials is more efficient by starting people off with 3-person mechanics.

All varsity games in Georgia are 3-person.

RookieDude Wed Dec 10, 2008 03:07pm

Eastern Washington:

All Varsity and sub-Varsity HS boys 3-Whistle 1 game @ $48 plus travel per night (Unless we do a Frosh game prior to the Varsity game...$28 extra)

Middle School 2-Whistle. 2 games @ $40 per = $80

DonInKansas Wed Dec 10, 2008 04:59pm


Originally Posted by dbking (Post 557051)
In KS all six classes of tournament are 3 person games.

In larger areas and larger classes, we use 3 person for GV and BV contests. All lower level games are 2 person mechanics.

I know of no Class 5 or 6 school that uses 2 person anywhere in state. I know in western KS, the small schools still use 2 person crews for BV and GV games.

No matter the size, all KC, Topeka and Wichita schools use 3 person crews.

Damn there's a lot of Kansans on this board.:p

I'm in extreme SW Kansas (an hour south of Dodge City) and have never seen a two-whistle varsity game, so it must be up in the NW around Goodland and whatnot.

bigbeardedbryan Wed Dec 10, 2008 10:47pm


Originally Posted by PIAA REF (Post 557032)
I work in Northwest PA, We use a 3-whistle crew on all varsity contest both girls and boys. For sub-varsity we use a 2 whistle crew. I believe this is the same throughout the whole state and not just my area. Also our pay scale in my area is 63 for varsity, 45 (I think for JV) 40 for single game (7-9), 69 for Jr High double header 2 games. 100 for Triple Header. Fees will vary throughout the state.

In PIAA's D-9, varsity contests are split about 50-50 between 2-man and 3-man. One league is trying to push the issue by requiring 3 for league contests; others are dragging their feet or dipping their toes in the water by hand-picking certain "rivalry" games for which to use 3 officials. All sub-varsity is, as PIAA REF said, 2-whistle in this area.

Varsity here - $60-70; JV - $40-50; Jr. High games $40.

biggravy Thu Dec 11, 2008 02:26am


Originally Posted by DonInKansas (Post 557134)
Damn there's a lot of Kansans on this board.:p

I'm in extreme SW Kansas (an hour south of Dodge City) and have never seen a two-whistle varsity game, so it must be up in the NW around Goodland and whatnot.

Far SouthEAST corner of Kansas, there is occasionally 2 whistle V here, it's school option in two conferences. Only one school that I know of opts for two person crews. All sub-V is 2.

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