Originally Posted by Scrapper1
Does this make rocky another appeaser? 

The point I was trying to make was that some assignors want that brown blarge stuff avoided if at all possible, and if that is whatthey want they have to be appeased. I really don't consider the coach's feeling applicable here.
The original poster implied the Trail was dead on the play and knew what he had (and was in front of everyone else that knew what the Trail had).
So, the Trail had to do something.
If Trail does not call the charge on his own, he is giving a terribly unfair advantage to the offense. If the Trail does not call the charge because he was told (by his assignor?) to not make a call contrary to a partner's preliminary signal in order to avoid the blarge, then he is appeasing the assignor (which may be quite necessary*) and is not using all the rules to the best of his ability.
* - the assignor may ask his officials to avoid the double foul, in this instance, so that his customers will not be asking him how his trained personnel can see two different things on the same play.