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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 09, 2007, 12:24am
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HS Varsity

Just curious from something mentioned in a different thread where a second year official stated working predominately HS varsity and JV games. What year did y'all begin to work HS varsity games...please also include whether you're in a rural vs. metro area, as it seems officials may be called upon to work varsity contests a bit sooner in rural areas.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 09, 2007, 08:08am
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I am in a Metro area.
We have about 110 schools we do.
I have my first ever officially assigned Varsity game tomorrow night.
I am at the beginning of my 4 th year.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 09, 2007, 08:21am
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I live in a very rural area with lots of small schools (150-200 kids in a 7-12 grade building), and am in my first year of HS ball. I took an officiating basketball class and did some rec ball tied into that 6 years ago, but I am for all intents and purposes a rookie. That being said, they're so hard up for officials out here that I was called for a Varsity gig the other night. I turned it down, telling them that I was not state certified. I had heard that i would get calls like this, and frankly did not get certified this year so there would be no temptation to take a Varsity game. Sub-V I'm okay with, but I'm not willing to put myself or the teams through the brtuality that is a rookie ref learning the ropes. At least, not with me anyways.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 09, 2007, 09:11am
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Don, you're a wise man. Don't put yourself in a position where you might fail until you're confident you can handle it.

I worked rec leagues for several years before signing up with the state association. My first year, I worked middle school and JV games. Then, I got a varsity doubleheader on the last Firday night of season. It was a result of making 100 on the NFHS exam, making somegood impressions, and staying out of trouble all year. The next year, I got a full varsity schedule and have ever since.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 09, 2007, 09:51am
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Originally Posted by BktBallRef
It was a result of making 100 on the NFHS exam, making somegood impressions, and staying out of trouble all year. The next year, I got a full varsity schedule and have ever since.
The building blocks for success in officiating. Though I haven't gotten 100 on my tests yet, I did get 99 this year, which is about 1 above my average.

I'm a grinder in this officiating deal. I just keep plugging away. And now I'm getting better games.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 09, 2007, 11:00am
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Similar to Don, I am in my 6th yr of officiating (rec), but my second with certification (HS). I live in a metro area with lots of opportunity.

I have done one regular season V game (private school) and several scrimmages. While several of my evaluators have said "with two senior partners I could do a V game," I am content to continue to learn from sr officials, become more competent and confident, and wait my time..... at least for a little longer anyhow.
There was the person who sent ten puns to friends, with the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh. No pun in ten did.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 09, 2007, 11:24am
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I got my first assigned V games in my 4th year, and had a full V schedule in my fifth year. That's early for my association. Most don't get any V games until 5 or 6 and don't get more than 3-6 V games until 6 or even after. But I won't get any play-off games for another few years. There is a lot of competition here (Portland, OR metro area) for the best games, and I 'm nowhere near ready. This season would be my 8th, but I"m taking a leave of absence, although I may do a little rec just to keep my whistle from getting rusty.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 09, 2007, 11:41am
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My story is real similar to BktBallRef

Worked some summer rec leagues for a parks department while in college. One of the guys who helped us ref was a certified official and he talked me into joining our local association a few years later.

My first year, I worked middle school and JV games. Then, they gave me a couple small-school varsity games (with strong partners) towards the end of the year after our assignor received some calls from veterans in regards to my progress.

The next year, I got a full varsity schedule with our smaller schools and then our a "big school" varsity schedule the year after that.

Our association covers an area that is both urban and suburban. We have enough officials, but not a surplus so opportunity to get some varsity games in your 2nd or 3rd year is there if you have some talent and work hard.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 09, 2007, 12:26pm
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I guess I'm different than a lot of far I have not really had the desire to do HS ball (until this year). I'm in my 7th year...never done a V game...Took my state test originally back in fall of 99', scored an my patches...kept my license current until the end of the 2005 season.

I got into reffing for something to do after I had my knee worked on and stopped playing with the guys and to also be involved in the game alongside coaching my kids....started working in a local rec league, joined their board and have been working games at a hoops faciity. The games I work are competitive travel leagues for Jr. High aged kids, AAU and some Frosh/JV stuff at the facility. I really enjoy this age group and choose to stay where I'm at. I think I like the involvement/interraction/instruction I have with the kids and feel like I'm making an impression and that's why I am where I am at.

With that said, I've noticed that I have started to appreciate the older kids more and have been asked by a few guys I work with to join their association and get on some HS games. I feel like I'm a decent ref, I work hard and remain professional regardless of the level and I enjoy it.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 09, 2007, 08:17pm
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Here, in Central Connecticut, officials will not get a full varsity schedule until they have completed at least three seasons of junior varsity ball (the first season doesn't count, it's a probationary season), and at least three seasons of "split" ball (some varsity and some junior varsity games). I say "at least" because their promotion depends on their ratings from fellow officials, 80% of which counts toward their junior varsity or varsity ranking. The fastest an official can get a full varsity schedule would be seven years, including the first probationary year.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 09, 2007, 09:14pm
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Originally Posted by BillyMac
Here, in Central Connecticut, officials will not get a full varsity schedule until they have completed at least three seasons of junior varsity ball (the first season doesn't count, it's a probationary season), and at least three seasons of "split" ball (some varsity and some junior varsity games). I say "at least" because their promotion depends on their ratings from fellow officials, 80% of which counts toward their junior varsity or varsity ranking. The fastest an official can get a full varsity schedule would be seven years, including the first probationary year.
What does "full varsity" mean? Does that mean exclusively varsity? Because almost no one in Portland gets that. Even tournament refs do at least a few JV or freshman games each year. The only exception would be refs who do mostly college and hs varsity is their "slummin", but we don't have a lot of those.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 09, 2007, 09:18pm
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I have had a few calls to do varsity contests. I told the AD's I was not ready for varsity games. They thanked me for my honesty and told me they would keep me in mind for the future. I am in my 2nd year and love reffing any game I can get. I did a 4th and 5th grade game a few days ago. I treated it with the same importance I would give a V high school game. I Love This Job!!!(Hobby)
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 09, 2007, 09:22pm
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Similar to others, rec ball for 2 years before joining a HS association. JV my first season, Varsity split games the 2nd season, and a full varsity schedule the 3rd season, with my first State tournament game that same year.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 09, 2007, 11:26pm
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I live in the Twin Cities metro area and the third game I ever reffed in my life was a girls varsity game. Luckily it was a 3 man crew so I was able to hide many of my shortcomings (and there were plenty). The rest of that first season was spent working JV, 10th grade, 9th grade, mens rec league, and AAU ball. In all I worked nearly 100 games that first year. I didn't see another varsity game until my fourth year of officiating and then I only had two varsity games. It wasn't until my sixth year that I truly had a full varsity schedule that consisted of about 25 games. It was also in my sixth year that I received my first playoff assignment and ironically I was assigned to work the first two rounds of the playoffs that year.

I'm now in year seven and looking forward to many more years of varsity ball. I used to think that I wanted to work small college ball but now I'm not so sure about that. I find that working high level HS ball is very satisfying and I'm not sure I would want to drive 3-4 hours (each way) for a $120 contract.

As Sheryl Crow said, its not about getting what you want, rather its about wanting what you got. I'm there.
Yo Lama....How about a little somethin' for the effort...
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 09, 2007, 11:29pm
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Originally Posted by dan74
What year did y'all begin to work HS varsity games
Yom HaShoah
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