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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Wed Nov 14, 2007, 02:02pm
Huck Finn
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 3,347
Y2Koach, I would have hated to be in a situation like that. If it was me and I recognized what was going on, I would call the first foul I saw regardless of where it is on the court. Some officials' idea of doing a good job is warped to say the least.

Oh, I forgot. Part 3. During the girls varsity game (remember, we do double-headers) I'm at the C, my partner who admitted there was contact after the game is lead and my partner who should have called the contact was trail. This play occured in the second half, opposite the table.
The ball is going out of bounds in the far corner near the endline. A girl from the home team, who is on offense, throws the ball over her shoulder to save it. The ball is up in the air and 8 players are on that half of the court. The best player from the other team has a shorter girl in front of her. They both jump for the ball, but the taller girl is literally almost on her back like a piggy-back ride - this girl is a freshmen, is about 6' and probably blocked 10 shots. The ball ends up going out of bounds and there is a whistle. Well, in the meantime, the two girls come down and the taller girl grabs both of the other girl's shoulders and flings her to the ground. The official at lead was looking at the ball going out of bounds and the other official was.....I don't know what he was doing - probably watching the ball too. Everyone in the gym sees this, it is that obvious since the ball and all the players are now in the area. "TWEET, TWEET, TWEET", here I come running. Intentional foul, which was the least that should have been done. Again, this guy was not on it and missing something like this is how fights occur. The girls game was competitive otherwise and could have got real ugly.

We have the capability to block partners and schools. I think I have someone blocked who isn't officiating this year and I can't find a way to remove it. Too bad because this is someone I don't want to work with anymore. He was pissed after the game, but I wasn't rude or anything. I just mentioned what I thought without sugar-coating it. That is when my other partner said, "There was contact; I could have called it too."
"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." -- John Wooden
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Wed Nov 14, 2007, 05:07pm
Statistician/Ref Hybrid
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 1,044
Originally Posted by Mark Padgett
I think guys who swallow their whistle late in non-close games just to "get it over" should only get paid for three quarters. Agree?
I'd have no problem with this, if we got to pay the "unused" portion to the referees that actually hustled and did their job for the whole game.


tomegun: I think the fact you posted here shows that you are an official who strive do a good job from opening tip to final buzzer. It is frustrating when people don't pull their weight, so to speak, regardless of the settings, but hopefully it motivates you to not follow in their footsteps.

Good luck this season.
"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." – Dalai Lama

The center of attention as the lead & trail. – me
Games officiated: 525 Basketball · 76 Softball · 16 Baseball
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Wed Nov 14, 2007, 11:36pm
Huck Finn
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 3,347
The assigner called me this afternoon and asked me what happened. He had to go to the school and the coach asked him about it. Other than this play, the coach/team was fine. I told him what happened and he didn't have any problems with it.
The crew I had tonight was much better although we had two blowouts. It is all good and I'm looking forward to a night off.
"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." -- John Wooden
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Wed Nov 14, 2007, 11:59pm
Official Forum Member
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Posts: 15,012
I hope that the assignor also called your partners and not just you about this.

PS Did you call an intentional personal foul or an intentional technical foul. It is unclear from your description whether the ball was live and you called the foul late because it was out of your PCA or if the contact that you penalized took place after the ball had gone OOB.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 15, 2007, 09:46am
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 51
I had my 1st match of the year this week. 2nd game was a blowout-completely overpowered the other. I was saying to myself "game's out of reach, just keep it safe" but then thought the more you let go, the more it escalates. A little slap leads to a bigger on, then a little more pushing, then a lot of pushing, until right before your eyes, you have lost your "control." I still see talking the players out of a lot of stuff as much as you can.

Here's something from the 1st game. Late in the 4th, home team down by 3, has 4 fouls to give. Ball is right in front of the opponent's bench. Home coach is wanting them to foul to stop the clock. They do, and the opponent coach is looking at my partner and asking why he didn't call an intentional. He says anytime you yell "foul" it is automatic intentional. I tried to explain that it was a poe to combat excessive contact fouling in this situation, but the coach calling foul doesn't unlock the door. Did I miss something on the POE's lately, or is this coach being himself?
Oh well, the joys of the season.
"My purpose on life was to not make people happy, it is to make the correct call!!"
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 15, 2007, 09:50am
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This was the official interp one year. Several years ago, abandoned as quickly as it was adopted.

apologies to any adopted children with abandonment issues
Sprinkles are for winners.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 15, 2007, 09:59am
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells
This was the official interp one year. Several years ago, abandoned as quickly as it was adopted.

apologies to any adopted children with abandonment issues
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 15, 2007, 10:50am
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Location: Lake County, IL
Posts: 343
Originally Posted by Coltdoggs
Your biggest drawback might be the fact that you are a Bears fan!
No.. that will be an asset... I know what horrible play looks like.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 15, 2007, 11:29am
Huck Finn
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 3,347
Originally Posted by Nevadaref
I hope that the assignor also called your partners and not just you about this.

PS Did you call an intentional personal foul or an intentional technical foul. It is unclear from your description whether the ball was live and you called the foul late because it was out of your PCA or if the contact that you penalized took place after the ball had gone OOB.
I doubt whether he called them. This area is ran by coaches and my partners know how to fall in line. On the other hand, I try my best to do what is right and supported by the rules. The assigner knows I will try my best to do a good job, but he also knows I will give someone a T like it is candy on Halloween.

I saw him at my games last night and he said (jokingly), "Don't be out here calling a lot of Technicals." Fortunately, the games went well and nobody came close to crossing that line.

The play occured as the ball was going out of bounds so it wasn't an intentional technical. My whistle was late because the thought, "We have to call that" ran through my head. It was a long way for me to go, but it had to be called.
"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." -- John Wooden
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 15, 2007, 11:34am
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Posts: 486
Originally Posted by Bearfanmike20
No.. that will be an asset... I know what horrible play looks like.
HA! Well, you are in for some more with Rex going back under center....

Hey wait, didn't my QB just throw 6 INTS!
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 15, 2007, 08:12pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 15,012
Originally Posted by a4caster
He says anytime you yell "foul" it is automatic intentional. I tried to explain that it was a poe to combat excessive contact fouling in this situation, but the coach calling foul doesn't unlock the door. Did I miss something on the POE's lately, or is this coach being himself?
Here is the current NFHS position on this.


3. Intentional Fouls.
B. Late in the game. Fouling is an accepted coaching strategy and is utilized by nearly all coaches in some form. It is viewed as a chance for a team behind in the score to get back in the game while the clock is stopped. There is widespread belief that it works or it wouldn't be coached.
There is a right way and a wrong way to foul. Coaches must instruct their players in the proper technique for strategic fouling. "Going for the ball" is a common phrase heard, but intentional fouls should still be called on players who go for the ball if it is not done properly. Conversely, a coach who yells, "Foul!" instructions to his or her team does not mean the ensuing foul is "automatically" an intentional foul – even though it is a strategic foul designed to stop the clock. Coaches, officials, players, fans and administrators must accept fouling as a legitimate coaching strategy.

However, it is true that the NFHS did issue the exact opposite ruling back in a 2000-01 POE:
"Acts that must be deemed intentional include when a coach/player says watch, we're going to foul"..

Last edited by Nevadaref; Thu Nov 15, 2007 at 08:27pm.
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