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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 29, 2007, 08:23pm
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Originally Posted by Old School
This is a classic waffle! Don't call a foul if the defenders fakes a foul/flops! That's a damn technical!

You may not be so sure, but the committee has made this a POE for this year, which means they disagree with you.

From the 2007-08 NCAA Men's Points of Emphasis.
This year, the charge and block situations occurring at the basket area are
the points of emphasis.
Go back and read the POE, VI. Just before the part cited above that mentions a defensive player faking a foul, the POE says "only when the following occurs, the penalty shall NOT be applied." The penalty that they are talking about NOT applying is calling a personal foul for charging. There is no mention anywhere in the POE about calling a technical foul instead for faking being fouled. Aamof, can you cite an NCAA rule that says that it is a technical foul to fake being fouled?

Again, you simply don't understand what you are reading.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 29, 2007, 08:29pm
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Originally Posted by Old School
Now I have a better understanding from a different prospective as to why it wasn't being called. I'm not so sure the ball or play is dead unless the last minute of the 2nd half after a made bucket. !
No, you still completely fail to understand very basic rules and concepts. The ball is dead immediately after a made basket EVERY time it happens at ANY time during the game. You're confusing stopping the clock with the ball becoming dead. Still. It's been explained to you...oh...maybe 20-30 times since you came here. It's like talking to a wall.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 29, 2007, 08:39pm
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
It's been explained to you...oh...maybe 20-30 times since you came here. It's like talking to a wall.
If words aren't getting the message across, perhaps a picture will.

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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 29, 2007, 08:44pm
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
No, you still completely fail to understand very basic rules and concepts. The ball is dead immediately after a made basket EVERY time it happens at ANY time during the game. You're confusing stopping the clock with the ball becoming dead. Still. It's been explained to you...oh...maybe 20-30 times since you came here. It's like talking to a wall.
Dude, I wasn't born yesterday. The ball maybe dead but the clock is still running! Okay, if the clock is still running, I can still have a personal foul. For example: after a made bucket b4 grabs A4 trying to get free. Okay, using the block/charge reasoning we are discussing here, I am to let that foul go if it's not intentional or flagrant. Give me a break! Somebody please shut this fool up, he ruining the discussing. I'm trying to learn and you're playing grade school games.

B4 fouling A4 is a personal foul. If before all this, A1 drives in and shoots, and the ball goes in, and then there's contact to B1 standing under the basket. You're telling me we're ignoring this because it's not intentional? No wonder it's so damn inconsistent! I never reason this. I reason you can't play defense standing under the basket like it was last year with the women. Oh brother.....where are all the decent referee's?
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 29, 2007, 09:13pm
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Originally Posted by Old School
Dude, I wasn't born yesterday. The ball maybe dead but the clock is still running! Okay, if the clock is still running, I can still have a personal foul. For example: after a made bucket b4 grabs A4 trying to get free. Okay, using the block/charge reasoning we are discussing here, I am to let that foul go if it's not intentional or flagrant. Give me a break! Somebody please shut this fool up, he ruining the discussing. I'm trying to learn and you're playing grade school games.
What would you say if someone told you that he is right and that you are the fool?

4-19-1 NOTE: Contact after the ball has become dead is ignored unless it is ruled intentional or flagrant or is committed by or on an airborne shooter.

6.1.2 SITUATION B: Team A has just scored a goal. The ball is bouncing close to the end line when: (a) A1 calls for a time-out; or (b) A1 contacts B1. RULING: In order to rule correctly, it depends on whether the bouncing ball is judged to be at the thrower's disposal. If the covering official judges it is at the thrower's disposal, he/she would start the count and the ball becomes live. In this case, in (a) no time-out is granted and the foul in (b) is penalized. If the ball is not at the thrower's disposal, the time-out is granted in (a) and the contact in (b) is ignored unless it is intentional or flagrant. COMMENT: In this situation, the covering official must give the new throw-in team a moment or two to recognize it is their ball for a throw-in and get a player into the area to pick up the ball. If the ball is near the end line, it is the throw-in team's responsibility to secure it and throw-in from anywhere out of bounds along the end line. The covering official shall start his/her throw-in count when it is determined the ball is available. (4-4-7d)
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 29, 2007, 11:10pm
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Originally Posted by Old School
I got it from the book. Here is a reprint, plus NevadaRef requoted it too in the OP. Why don't you read before typing?

1. The force of the contact by the offensive player is such that it is inconsequential, but the defensive player fakes a foul.
I was wrong. For some reason I thought it said "takes" a foul. I guess that means we've both been wrong in this thread.
Sprinkles are for winners.

Last edited by Adam; Sat Sep 29, 2007 at 11:12pm.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Sat Sep 29, 2007, 11:16pm
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Originally Posted by Old School
Dude, I wasn't born yesterday. The ball maybe dead but the clock is still running! Okay, if the clock is still running, I can still have a personal foul. For example: after a made bucket b4 grabs A4 trying to get free. Okay, using the block/charge reasoning we are discussing here, I am to let that foul go if it's not intentional or flagrant. Give me a break!
That's what the rules say. If you have to call this foul when the ball is dead, you have to call an intentional (or flagrant, if appropriate) technical foul. Ignore the contact if you can.

Originally Posted by Old School
Where are all the decent referee's? (sic)
Reading, understanding, and following the rules as written rather than as they'd like to see them written.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Sun Sep 30, 2007, 07:22am
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Originally Posted by Old School
1) Dude, I wasn't born yesterday. The ball maybe dead but the clock is still running! Okay, if the clock is still running, I can still have a personal foul. For example: after a made bucket b4 grabs A4 trying to get free. Okay, using the block/charge reasoning we are discussing here, I am to let that foul go if it's not intentional or flagrant.

2) Somebody please shut this fool up, he ruining the discussing.
1) How does your theory work in the last minute of an NCAA game when the ball is dead after a made basket and the clock isn't running? Your birth date doesn't matter. Your lack of basic rules knowledge does matter.

2) deleted.

Last edited by Jurassic Referee; Sun Sep 30, 2007 at 09:22am.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Sun Sep 30, 2007, 08:49am
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Originally Posted by Back In The Saddle
What does the "under the basket" exception really mean?

2. When the defensive player has legally established a position under the
basket and contact occurs after the ball passes through the net, unless
the defensive player has been placed at a disadvantage (e.g., inability to
rebound, unable to put ball in play without delay.)

So when the defender is under the basket, after the ball passes through the net. Unless it's different in NCAA ball, then we've got an exception for contact after the ball becomes dead. If NCAA is like FED, then unless it's flagrant or intentional, we'd ignore this any time the ball became dead but there was contact afterward.
You can also have a foul when the ball is dead if the foul is on otr by an airborne shooter. IF the shooter commits the foul, this is a PC foul in FED and NCAA-W, and a common foul in NCAA-M.

This part of the POE is just helping us understand what is meant by "disadvantage" so we know whether to judge the contact to be a foul.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Sun Sep 30, 2007, 08:52am
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Originally Posted by Old School
Dude, I wasn't born yesterday. The ball maybe dead but the clock is still running! Okay, if the clock is still running, I can still have a personal foul. For example: after a made bucket b4 grabs A4 trying to get free. Okay, using the block/charge reasoning we are discussing here, I am to let that foul go if it's not intentional or flagrant. Give me a break! Somebody please shut this fool up, he ruining the discussing. I'm trying to learn and you're playing grade school games.
1) Okay -- STFU.

2) We've told you before the difference between "dead ball" and "clock running". Are you even trying to learn?

3) Please stop the name calling. I can't moderate others when you engage (and start) the poor behavior.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Sun Sep 30, 2007, 09:24am
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Originally Posted by bob jenkins

Please stop the name calling. I can't moderate others when you engage (and start) the poor behavior.
I went back and deleted my response. No longer applicable or needed. My apologies.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Sun Sep 30, 2007, 09:38am
Lighten up, Francis.
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Originally Posted by bob jenkins
1) Okay -- STFU.

2) Are you even trying to learn?
NO!!! I hate to be an "I told you so" kind of person, but NO, he's not here to learn or contribute. I've said this repeatedly. His sole purpose here is to get so far under your skin that the moderator of the forum drops an F-bomb. He's getting his jollies. He needs to get the boot, and permanently this time.

3) I can't moderate others when you engage (and start) the poor behavior.
Does that mean I can call him a moron and it won't get deleted this time?
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Sun Sep 30, 2007, 10:36am
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Originally Posted by bob jenkins
You can also have a foul when the ball is dead if the foul is on otr by an airborne shooter. IF the shooter commits the foul, this is a PC foul in FED and NCAA-W, and a common foul in NCAA-M.

This part of the POE is just helping us understand what is meant by "disadvantage" so we know whether to judge the contact to be a foul.
Good heavens! Where is my head? (It's dark and smelly here). I know that, I really do. It's obviously time to hit the books for the upcoming season. Thanks, Bob.
"It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best." - W. Edwards Deming
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Sun Sep 30, 2007, 10:42am
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Originally Posted by Scrapper1
NO!!! I hate to be an "I told you so" kind of person, but NO, he's not here to learn or contribute. I've said this repeatedly. His sole purpose here is to get so far under your skin that the moderator of the forum drops an F-bomb. He's getting his jollies. He needs to get the boot, and permanently this time.
I second this motion. He's not even the plucky comic relief. He's just a nuisance, and a very prolific one. He's like that jerk kid down the street who thinks it's cool to spraypaint grafitti on everybody's fence. He gets his jollies watching everybody else working to clean up his mess. And he just comes out the next night to deface the place again. Boot him. All the way. Forever!
"It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best." - W. Edwards Deming
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Sun Sep 30, 2007, 10:56am
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 1,097
Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
1) How does your theory work in the last minute of an NCAA game when the ball is dead after a made basket and the clock isn't running? Your birth date doesn't matter. Your lack of basic rules knowledge does matter.

2) deleted.
I don't know what my birth date is got to do with this. I know that my rules knowledge is not as good as yours. However, the difference between me and you is that, if I was on top of my profession. I would not hate others for not being on top of there's. IOW's, I wouldn't feel threaten by someone like me who's trying to learn his way. I wouldn't engage in constant insults nor try to get others to feel the same way about me, iow's spread hate. Now I know why decent thinking referee's don't frequent this forum.

A wise man once said, true leaders understand you don't have to put people down to make a point. These type of leaders are respected thru-out history, the ladder are not.

Last, I have absolutely no respect for people who try to make others look bad at their expense. To me, you are truly the scum of the earth. Where does it end.....?
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