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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 19, 2001, 06:44pm
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 23

One of the issues of officiating that is probably not discussed a lot is what constitutes a good partner, by good partner I mean other than showoing up in time and having a good pre-game. I had a senario happen yesterday day that I would like your opinion on...

This time of year many of the area high schools are having X-mas tournaments and my partner and I had arrived early to one of them to relax and see some of our collegues in action. What happened next nearly caused a major la-dee-da in the locker room so here it goes...

The coach of team A was obvioulsy not happy with his team and decided to motivate them by yelling or questioning every call the officials made. Finally Rod got tired and whacked the coach for unsportsmanlike conduct which drew some applause form the fans and even a sigh of relief from his players.

As the partner went over to tell the coach about the seatbelt rule, the coach yelled "your partner is horrible, how did he get this game anyway" my partner and I just knew he had just earned his way to the soup line, but to our surprise the comment was allowed to stand and he walked off... a few tirades later the coach was given the second "t" by Rod and ejected. In the stands we heard a few parents comment that it was about time, and something else about that coach always being like that....

In the locker room as we were getting ready for the next game I asked Rod's partner why did he not "t" the coach for that comment, what he said floored me, his comment, "well the coach was not talkig to me so I did not see any reason to "t" him needless to say we got into a discussion about being a good partner and crew integrity all of which he did not seem to have much of a grasp of, the discussion got a little heated but we got our of their because of our game.

I'm interested in what the hoops scholars around the country and world for that matter think, and if you don't mind I may share your comments with him.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 19, 2001, 08:43pm
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i have had such a similar situation. if you stated what the coach said verbatim then rod's partner should have addressed the statement. the coach said, "your partner" he was not addressing rod, he was making a statement to rod's partner. therefor rods partner should have used his 1-10 skills to difuse the situation whether it be a tech or whatnot.(i would prefer tech) but there may have been other ways of intervention. being a good partner is a new term that has sprung about in the past 2-3 seasons. there are 3 teams on the court, team a, b, and the crew. your partners need to have your back, that gives integrity to the crew and lets everyone know that you cant play sides. also, being a good partner makes the crew more comfortable, and comfortability takes the anxiety out of tough situations.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 19, 2001, 09:01pm
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I agree with Tony. When I first started, and even now, I was always told by one referee, whom I officiate more games with then I do my actual partenr, "You're my parnter, my best and only friend that I have for the next hour and a half. You protect me and I will do the same for you." This guy is a good reff to wk w/ because you can be sure that if the situation gets heated, he will protect you, he has thick skin, and will do everything he can to avoid giving the "T", but if it is necessary, he will do it. One second, you are loved by half the crowd and hated by the other half, and that changes instintaniously. I have been taught (wheather it is right or not, I am not sure) that as an official, the only friend you have is your partner, and it is your job to protect him. I don't think "that guy is bad" is enough to give a T, but if it gets worse, and it is directed at your parnter and it is said to you, or you hear it, i think it is YOUR responsiblility to protect your only friend, wouldn't you want him to do it for you? I don't know if that helped or not, those are just my beliefs. Good luck, also, where is a good place to buy reffing gear, i am doing softball this year and would like to buy all new equipment, but am not sure where to get it

If you don't take opportunity as it comes, you are lost in the sauce!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 20, 2001, 09:57am
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 20, 2001, 01:00pm
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Now, as for the thread - my partner(s) and I are a team, period. Insult one, insult all. I would have banged the guy so fast he wouldn't have known what hit him. To me, it's really the same as when a coach says something to a partner that warrants a T but the partner doesn't hear it and I do. Bang in that situation, also. Is there anyone among us who wouldn't do it then?
Yom HaShoah
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 22, 2001, 03:09pm
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Thanks for the information, I would hope that since officiating is such a small community we would have some deifnite no cross zones, I try to avoid the them versus us when talking about coaches and officials or players and officials.

But there are times when you do what you have to do otherwise we start spelling team with the letter "I" and that can only mean trouble.... again thanks for the input.

Happy Holidays
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 22, 2001, 07:34pm
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Originally posted by Mark Padgett

Now, as for the thread - my partner(s) and I are a team, period. Insult one, insult all. I would have banged the guy so fast he wouldn't have known what hit him. To me, it's really the same as when a coach says something to a partner that warrants a T but the partner doesn't hear it and I do. Bang in that situation, also. Is there anyone among us who wouldn't do it then?
Huh? What part of Doug's question did you not understand? He would like to know where to buy some softball equipment, can I not answer that without you sticking your nose in?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 22, 2001, 09:45pm
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Angry Good partner

I would not use I ordered from them in early October and never got my order. I cancelled a month later, ordered from Purchase Officials and received that order in three days. My credit card was still billed by pluspos and has not been credited YET!!! They agreed that it was canceleed but can't find my credit. The last three times I've called they've said someone from Customer Service will call me within 24 hours. I'm still waiting and my phone has yet to ring. I will call them again Monday and if I don't get credit then, I'm going to call Discover and dispute the charges. The moral? Don't use!!!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 22, 2001, 10:55pm
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Thumbs up Thanks Mark

thanks guys, I was asking a fellow official (also varsity baseball coach) where I could purchase good equipment, and what I should buy. He gave me a stack of magazines, and I think I am going to order from

As for the partner tread, i still feel that your partner should stand behind you all the way, and TRUST your judegement! The only exception is when his judgement is poor and involves saftey issues or morality. If I give out a technical or a judgement call, my partner better stand behind me, he may not agree 100% with the call, but as my partner, he will trust me, as I would trust his judgement in a call. Question, this was a biggy at camp. As the lead official, do you ever make the call when the ball touches the backboard supports? From reading your post, you are trying to find what things make a person a good official to work with. I believe the thing that has the most impact is trust. It'll make ya or break ya. Good luck, and check back on the forum, there was a post on this from a few months ago that recieved lots of replies and was pretty good. After the previous post, I asked a college official and this was the feedback I recieved. Hope it helps,

If you don't take opportunity as it comes, you are lost in the sauce!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sat Dec 22, 2001, 11:45pm
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Originally posted by devdog69
Originally posted by Mark Padgett

Now, as for the thread - my partner(s) and I are a team, period. Insult one, insult all. I would have banged the guy so fast he wouldn't have known what hit him. To me, it's really the same as when a coach says something to a partner that warrants a T but the partner doesn't hear it and I do. Bang in that situation, also. Is there anyone among us who wouldn't do it then?
Huh? What part of Doug's question did you not understand? He would like to know where to buy some softball equipment, can I not answer that without you sticking your nose in?

That may be:

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 23, 2001, 01:16am
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Posts: 127
Lead calling above the rim


While the lead should not be focussed
on action above the rim, there
are times that the trail misses the
ball hitting the wires/supports on
top of the backboard. There are gyms where
it is difficult to see the wires clearly as
the trail.
My suggesstion: wait to give partner the opportunity
to make the call. If no whistle (and you are 100% sure)
by him, make the call.
The coaches will appreciate it when you get
the call right. In this instance, they don't care who
calls it.
Barry "the ref" Alman
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 23, 2001, 03:42am
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Re: Lead calling above the rim

Originally posted by bossref
My suggestion: wait to give partner the opportunity
to make the call. If no whistle (and you are 100% sure)
by him, make the call.
The coaches will appreciate it when you get
the call right. In this instance, they don't care who
calls it.
This is good advice for ANY call out of your primary. And it pays to cover it in pre-game.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 23, 2001, 10:51am
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Posts: 251
Talking Honigs

Maybe honigs is better, I checked out the chest protectors and they are 139 and the shins are 72.95, I think I might go with the package for 235, which includes chest,shin, and face mask, except I don't need the face mask. I realize I am on the basketball forum, but does anyone know of anyone who might need a cheap facemask. Thanks,

If you don't take opportunity as it comes, you are lost in the sauce!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 23, 2001, 11:43am
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Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
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Post Re: Honigs

Originally posted by Doug
... but does anyone know of anyone who might need a cheap facemask.

I'm good.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 23, 2001, 12:54pm
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Posts: 251
yup, me too, I bought one last year.
If you don't take opportunity as it comes, you are lost in the sauce!
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