Thread: Good partner
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Old Wed Dec 19, 2001, 09:01pm
Doug Doug is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 251
I agree with Tony. When I first started, and even now, I was always told by one referee, whom I officiate more games with then I do my actual partenr, "You're my parnter, my best and only friend that I have for the next hour and a half. You protect me and I will do the same for you." This guy is a good reff to wk w/ because you can be sure that if the situation gets heated, he will protect you, he has thick skin, and will do everything he can to avoid giving the "T", but if it is necessary, he will do it. One second, you are loved by half the crowd and hated by the other half, and that changes instintaniously. I have been taught (wheather it is right or not, I am not sure) that as an official, the only friend you have is your partner, and it is your job to protect him. I don't think "that guy is bad" is enough to give a T, but if it gets worse, and it is directed at your parnter and it is said to you, or you hear it, i think it is YOUR responsiblility to protect your only friend, wouldn't you want him to do it for you? I don't know if that helped or not, those are just my beliefs. Good luck, also, where is a good place to buy reffing gear, i am doing softball this year and would like to buy all new equipment, but am not sure where to get it

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