Thread: Good partner
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Old Wed Dec 19, 2001, 08:43pm
crew crew is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 451
i have had such a similar situation. if you stated what the coach said verbatim then rod's partner should have addressed the statement. the coach said, "your partner" he was not addressing rod, he was making a statement to rod's partner. therefor rods partner should have used his 1-10 skills to difuse the situation whether it be a tech or whatnot.(i would prefer tech) but there may have been other ways of intervention. being a good partner is a new term that has sprung about in the past 2-3 seasons. there are 3 teams on the court, team a, b, and the crew. your partners need to have your back, that gives integrity to the crew and lets everyone know that you cant play sides. also, being a good partner makes the crew more comfortable, and comfortability takes the anxiety out of tough situations.
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