Originally Posted by All_Heart
Nobody has commented on this, did anyone else see this? I am not saying that in this particular play that a 10 second call should have been called, although by rule it could have been called, BUT what I don't think is a good idea is to run ahead of the ball handler ESPECIALLY if he's not looking over his shoulder officiating him.
Yes, I saw it. I see a lot of DI officials do this. My thing is it had no bearing on the outcome of the game, but from a mechanic standpoint, it's bad and something I clearly will not do if given the opportunity. There is a reason they call it the Trail.
In the overall sceme of things, you got a DI player bringing the ball up the court with no pressure on him. Let me get on up the court and get in position for where I need to be. I can go with the shot clock to tell when he needs to be in the frontcourt. What are the changes that a DI player double dribbles, carry the ball from the BC to the FC with no pressure on him? Very very slim. I think it's wrong but here's the deal, he's working the game and you and me is watching the game. Knowing how hard it is to get to this level, I'm sure he has paid his dues and has earn the right to work the game the way he's feels the most comfortable. IOW, it's his game to screw-up. Everything worked out though.
I don't understand why you guys are so upset with the officiating of this game. This was a great game to watch. The players from both teams where so good, they overcame any shortcomings from the officials. Oden got to play, didn't have to sit out because of foul trouble which probably hurt Ohio State more then it helped them. They're are use to him being on the bench in the 1st half and having to step up to carry the load. Doesn't matter who referee'd that game, the results where going to be the same. Florida State came to play. They deserved to be champions, they played like champions, unselfish. Rarely do we see a team this good and that dominate.