Cooling off
Sorry about this post but I need to vent. I am 25 yrs old, have been officiating for 7 yrs. I now do only varsity boys and girls, some small college and I will help out with junior high when needed. I have been doing everything in my power to get better as an official, camps, taping games, ect. Last year I got my first playoff game. This year I got another along with a letter from the state saying I am able to work state playoff games (not just district) I was pumped, it doesn't mean I will get one but still I was excited. Soon guys found out, most were excited and happy for me. However, one official who I thought to be a decent friend has been bad mouthing me about this deal, He is ticked because he has reffed longer, and I am young. He has talked to other people in our chapter (who told me) and even the playoff assignor. I truely feel that I have earned this honor but I am really getting upset about all this BS going on.
My question is should I just have the who cares attitude or should I confront him about this.