Thread: Cooling off
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Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 04:04pm
blindzebra blindzebra is offline
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Originally Posted by Old School
I thought this was a discussion forum. Not everybody views the world the same. If you want me to sugar coat and always say what everyone wants to hear. Then you are the ones that are fooling yourselves. I'm just being real and speaking my mind, even if you don't agree. You wonder why those guys are saying the things they are saying behind the scenes about you making the playoff's. Why did the official tell the guy you shouldn't even be here? There is a group of officials in every state that doesn't like how decisions are being made when it comes to the state HS playoffs. Remember the incident in Kentucky last year. These things are real, whether you want to acknowledge it or not, whether you want to blame me for all these problems or not. They are still real and they are not going away. If you want to pretend these issues don't exist and live in your make believe world, then I really feel sorry for you.

Don't shoot the messenger....
This is laughable.

Sure there are officials in every state complaining about how the playoffs get assigned...they are the ones who aren't working. Big freaking shocker there. I think you should inform CNN, that's a huge news story.

Here's the real scoop.

The ones talking, saying others shouldn't be there, are the same ones who:

Never go to camps.

Don't follow the policies of rule meetings, scrimmages, mentoring, etc.

Are usually out of shape.

Think that their "experience" means that they know what they need so a rule book doesn't really need to be read.

Think the "young guys" who keep up and are in position in the boys games don't deserve it, while they get beat back all the time in the girls game.

Say it's all who you know...well, they must be pretty dumb if they've been around 15 years and don't meet the right people, when someone who's been around a few years seems to always find them.
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