Originally Posted by Zoochy
I started a post in early December about 'squeeking shoes' while A1 is attempting Free Throws. I called a disconcerting violation. There are many forms of disconcerting.
Pay close attention to B1 if they are standing behind Free Throw shooter A1. Sometimes they may be talking to the shooter. Kids are tricky. 
I wish I could have had some of you guys as refs about a month or two ago... we were the visiting team, one of my girls was at the line, and behind my player was a player from the other team... she was standing there talking to one of the refs (the refs new a number of the people on there team and the coach - pretty common around here - refs tend to work the same schools for travel reasons) and she was loudly clearing her throat multiple times - I was prett upset that the ref was allowing it... Well, I was willing to get a T, didn't want one, but was going to do something...so, I very politely asked the ref if I could get the girl a drink of water so my player could shoot her foul shots.....
If looks could kill.... I didn't get a T - but it was close...