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  #61 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jan 27, 2007, 06:46pm
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Originally Posted by nakemiin
Oh, I don't take it personally -- I recognize the arguments you present and recognize them for what they are -- weak and illogical. Based on your logic no official should EVER be removed, regardless of how many bad calls they make. Based on your logic no one who has never ref'd that specific sport has any knowledge of the game to judge the RESULTS or VERACITY of an official's call. You are entirely too defensive on this -- and yes "fanboys" have knowledge, wisdom, and judgment. Being an official does not wisdom nor correctness convey -- a point you clear have missed.
No, no no....

You're completely misinterpreting what I'm trying to say.

I'm saying that no official should ever take ignorant fanboys like you seriously. I sureashell don't.

Clowns like you always slither out of their hiding places at this time of year to whine about the mean old referees screwing their teams. It must be a Law of Nature or something because it happens every year. Hey, don't let me stop you though. Do what you gotta do, fanboy. Just don't operate under the illusion that anyone actually takes you or the other fanboys like you seriously. You're comic relief.

Carry on.
  #62 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jan 27, 2007, 08:05pm
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
Well, how about this, fanboy....

You post where and when you're next soccer game is. I'll come to your game and watch you for a few minutes. Now, I don't know the first damn thing about soccer or the rules, but that ain't gonna make any nevermind to me. Nosiree, fanboy, it surashell ain't. I'll write a letter to your local newspaper and your officiating association demanding that you never be allowed to officiate another soccer game in your life. I'll tell them that I've literally seen dozens of soccer games on tv, and it's obvious to me as an extremely qualified expert that there is certainly a pattern of poor performance attached to your game-calling. Has your local soccer refereeing association got a website too? Please give the addy also so that I can make numerous posts there about your shoddy officiating.

Does that sound just about right to you?

1. Glad to, when soccer season starts.

2. Once again you illustrate your immaturity, when you say you don't know anything about soccer but are willing to comment on the officiating.

3. And you demonstrate your vindictiveness when you talk about writting a letter to papers and the website. The bottom line is you STILL do not understand what I was saying in the beginning, and you seem more interested in fighting and whining. If you, as a referee, can't stand the criticism then get out of the game -- quit trying to blame the fans. (And by the way, it's "fans" -- not fanboy.)

In the end, trying to hold an adult discussion with you, where the facts and ideas are paramount as opposed to simply casting aspersions, is pointless. Reminds me of that old saying -- "never wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty but the pig loves it." So with that, I'll let you go on with your misperceptions.
  #63 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jan 27, 2007, 08:21pm
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
No, no no....

You're completely misinterpreting what I'm trying to say.

I'm saying that no official should ever take ignorant fanboys like you seriously. I sureashell don't.

Clowns like you always slither out of their hiding places at this time of year to whine about the mean old referees screwing their teams. It must be a Law of Nature or something because it happens every year. Hey, don't let me stop you though. Do what you gotta do, fanboy. Just don't operate under the illusion that anyone actually takes you or the other fanboys like you seriously. You're comic relief.

Carry on.
Once again, when pressed on the facts and logic you resort to personal attacks. You show yourself for what you are. If you think your pitiful assault on fans has any effect at all -- you are sadly mistaken. Debate or argue like an adult, with dignity, logic, and decorum.
  #64 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jan 27, 2007, 09:00pm
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Originally Posted by nakemiin
Once again you illustrate your immaturity, when you say you don't know anything about soccer but are willing to comment on the officiating.

And you demonstrate your vindictiveness when you talk about writting a letter to papers and the website.
You really don't get it, do you?

Whatinthehell do you think YOU are doing? You don't know a damn thing about basketball officiating-the rules, mechanics or philosophies- and you've never officiated a basketball game in your damn life...but YOU think that you're eminently qualified to judge top-level NCAA D1 basketball officials? Well, what's wrong with that picture, fanboy?

And you think that I'm being vindicitive, but YOU can't see anything wrong with YOU coming on this website and crapping all over basketball officials.

Give your head a shake, fanboy. Then screw off.
  #65 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jan 27, 2007, 09:07pm
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Originally Posted by nakemiin
Once again, when pressed on the facts and logic you resort to personal attacks. You show yourself for what you are. If you think your pitiful assault on fans has any effect at all -- you are sadly mistaken. Debate or argue like an adult, with dignity, logic, and decorum.
Facts and logic? Some ignorant, clueless fan who knows absolutely nothing about basketball officiating thinks that his verbal diarrhea equates to "facts and logic"? How can anybody debate with someone that knows absolutely nothing about the subject that he wants to debate? What color is the sky in your world anyway, fanboy?

Lah me....

Every damn year without fail....
  #66 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jan 27, 2007, 09:20pm
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Originally Posted by cmathews
BBR, It is good to see you in the Dukies corner ....I know it is tough for you, but I agree with everything you have said, and we all know that the officials don't cheat for the Dukies, and to suggest so calls into question any officials integrity...
Not in the Dookies corner, CM. In the officials corner.

How about those Arizona Wildcats from the great Pac-10, the best conference in the country!!!!!! Embarrassed at home by a bunch on Tar Babies, on national TV!
" cool as the other side of the pillow." - Stuart Scott

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  #67 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jan 27, 2007, 09:47pm
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Originally Posted by BktBallRef
Not in the Dookies corner, CM. In the officials corner.

How about those Arizona Wildcats from the great Pac-10, the best conference in the country!!!!!! Embarrassed at home by a bunch on Tar Babies, on national TV!
I can agree with you to some extent about the officials.

If you watched the game today I hope you noticed the officiating. There is nothing nobody could have done to help Arizonal today, but I hope you will agree that wasn't the best officiated game an ACC crew has done. I don't think I would feel too good about some of the calls in that game.

I hope we can talk about things like this; it isn't like we are saying these things in the stands with a whole bunch of fans around us.
"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." -- John Wooden
  #68 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jan 27, 2007, 09:55pm
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
You really don't get it, do you?

Whatinthehell do you think YOU are doing? You don't know a damn thing about basketball officiating-the rules, mechanics or philosophies- and you've never officiated a basketball game in your damn life...but YOU think that you're eminently qualified to judge top-level NCAA D1 basketball officials? Well, what's wrong with that picture, fanboy?

And you think that I'm being vindicitive, but YOU can't see anything wrong with YOU coming on this website and crapping all over basketball officials.

Give your head a shake, fanboy. Then screw off.
1. Upon what do you base your assertion --- you don't know anything about the depth of my knowledge about the rule, mechanics or philosophies.

2. As I have attempted to explain before, but you are too dense to appreciate, is that you don't have to BE an official to know the rules and be able to see when a call is in error. Based on your lame assertions, if you have never umpired a tennis match you could never even comment on whether the ball lands outside the court, or hits the net on a serve. Can't you see how patently ridiculous you position is? (No, I suppose not -- which is precisely the problem.)

3. I never said all officials are bad -- go back and read my posts. The comment I made that sticks in your craw is the assertion that if an official has a pattern (over games or seasons) of making poor calls then he or she should be removed. Why is that so extreme, and so difficult for you to appreciate?

You language and tone indicate you are, if not uneducated, at least crude and rude. I'm beginning to doubt if you are even an official -- perhaps a 16 or 17 year old masquerading as one.
  #69 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jan 27, 2007, 09:58pm
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
Facts and logic? Some ignorant, clueless fan who knows absolutely nothing about basketball officiating thinks that his verbal diarrhea equates to "facts and logic"? How can anybody debate with someone that knows absolutely nothing about the subject that he wants to debate? What color is the sky in your world anyway, fanboy?

Lah me....

Every damn year without fail....

Okay, Nethanderal man, please justify you statement. What is this thread that I have written can possibly lead you to that conclusion? Nothing -- there is nothing in this thread about the depth of knowledge that you can make that judgment on. Thus, you have just reaffirmed your assertion and protestations are baseless. LOL
  #70 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jan 27, 2007, 10:32pm
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Can someone get rid of this guy, or at least shut this thing down?
" cool as the other side of the pillow." - Stuart Scott

"You should never be proud of doing the right thing." - Dean Smith
  #71 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jan 27, 2007, 10:34pm
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
You really don't get it, do you?

Whatinthehell do you think YOU are doing? You don't know a damn thing about basketball officiating-the rules, mechanics or philosophies- and you've never officiated a basketball game in your damn life...but YOU think that you're eminently qualified to judge top-level NCAA D1 basketball officials? Well, what's wrong with that picture, fanboy?

And you think that I'm being vindicitive, but YOU can't see anything wrong with YOU coming on this website and crapping all over basketball officials.

Give your head a shake, fanboy. Then screw off.
I hope you are watching the OSU and MSU game -- for there again is an example of an officiating error. On an MSU shot under the basket, Oden batted it down (pulled it down) -- and it was ruled by the ref that it hadn't gone above the rim so couldn't have gone in. But the video reply showed CLEARLY that it was above the rim and that goaltending should have been called. By your definition, no one in the entire court could possibly criticize that call -- because they are not officials. Nonsense -- go look at the video of the game - then recant your nonsense.
  #72 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jan 27, 2007, 10:53pm
PWL PWL is offline
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
Well, how about this, I'll come to your game and watch.
Ah, soccer. Ninety minutes of nonstop action. First team to one wins
  #73 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jan 27, 2007, 11:15pm
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Originally Posted by BktBallRef
Can someone get rid of this guy, or at least shut this thing down?
Ah -- democracy at its finest. Problems with Article 1 of the Bill of Rights have we?
  #74 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 28, 2007, 03:13am
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Originally Posted by nakemiin
Ah -- democracy at its finest. Problems with Article 1 of the Bill of Rights have we?
I see your knowledge of the constitution is as deep as your knowledge of officiating basketball, in other words all theory, bluster, and wishful thinking. And no real experience.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

This board is private property, and as such its owners and their agents can limit the speech of any person here in any way they choose. Legally. If the mods were to shut you down, remove your posts, delete your account, and block your access to this forum in perpetuity, it would in no way violate the constitution's prohibition against congress ... abridging the freedom of speech.

And while I have your attention, let me just assure you that the Jurassic one is certainly not some adolecent masquerading as a curmudgeon. He is, in fact, a very real curmudgeon. And let me get you up to speed on how this works. Every year around this time, whiney fans show up here to complain about how their team got shafted. With no perceivable rules knowledge, no officiating experience, and all the objectivity of Al Gore on the eve of that fateful Supreme Court decision, they come spewing vitriol and venom, caustically self-assured of the righteousness of thier indignation. I don't know why they think they're going to get a sympathetic reception here. But we don't want them here and we get rid of them. JR is chairman of the welcoming committee, he's done a bang up job of it, and was recently re-elected to his post. Unanimously.

By the way, you're a bit early for the main influx of fanboys. That usually doesn't happen until March. So consider yourself lucky that JR is just getting warmed up and isn't in full stride yet.

Now that you're up to speed on history, especially historic patterns, as that seems to be of interest to you, let's talk recent history.

Who was it that wandered into the forum, made very assertive statements about top-rated officials blowing judgement calls (based on such conclusive evidence as the reaction of some Clemsen fans) and began talking about forming a process to remove referees? Hmmmm, that would be you. Can you see how that wouldn't warrant you a warm reception? I didn't think it would, but I figured it would be worth a try.

So why don't you take your fascinating theories and penchant for lively debate to where you'll get a warmer reception. Like your neighborhood sports bar. Oh, and if the bartender tires of your patter, drop that line about Article I on him. He'll be impressed.
"It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best." - W. Edwards Deming
  #75 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 28, 2007, 04:45am
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Originally Posted by BktBallRef
Can someone get rid of this guy, or at least shut this thing down?
Naw, I'm done talking to the goober. Waste of time anyway...which I knew from the git-go.

I just get thoooooo mad thometimes.......
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