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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 23, 2006, 02:29am
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 346

Yep, JR - a backpack for now! Too many years in the University, I guess, where backpacks are now prevelant [or were, anyway - my last degree was in 2001... my first degree was in - well, back then we just carried our books in huge stacks under our arms!]. I'll take your chagrin as a sign that I should upgrade to a cart or something before I start working any varsity ball? This is just my 2nd year - oh well - nobody has said anything critical yet (about the backpack, that is!).

It's also a hint of economics at home, as, among other things, we are on the tail end of raising four children - currently two in college, with the next two entering college over the next two years... come to think of it, I might be using the backpack for quite awhile yet! It is a very nice, leather backpack if that makes it more respectable? I did have one of those carts last year, but apparently went too cheap and the insides sort of fell apart on me... I think my money this summer will go towards an extra pair of shoes, pants, etc., which means I will probably have to roll everything up tighter in order for it all to fit in the backpack - and I bet it still won't wrinkle!!

Of course, the key thought I meant to leave in my original post was that rolling clothes produces fewer wrinkles than folding!! Oh well - good to get feedback about the backpack if using one sounds too off the beaten track. Noone has ever called me mainstream, however...
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 23, 2006, 07:39am
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Originally Posted by jkjenning
Yep, JR - a backpack for now! Too many years in the University, I guess, where backpacks are now prevelant [or were, anyway - my last degree was in 2001... my first degree was in - well, back then we just carried our books in huge stacks under our arms!]. I'll take your chagrin as a sign that I should upgrade to a cart or something before I start working any varsity ball? This is just my 2nd year - oh well - nobody has said anything critical yet (about the backpack, that is!).

It's also a hint of economics at home, as, among other things, we are on the tail end of raising four children - currently two in college, with the next two entering college over the next two years... come to think of it, I might be using the backpack for quite awhile yet! It is a very nice, leather backpack if that makes it more respectable? I did have one of those carts last year, but apparently went too cheap and the insides sort of fell apart on me... I think my money this summer will go towards an extra pair of shoes, pants, etc., which means I will probably have to roll everything up tighter in order for it all to fit in the backpack - and I bet it still won't wrinkle!!

Of course, the key thought I meant to leave in my original post was that rolling clothes produces fewer wrinkles than folding!! Oh well - good to get feedback about the backpack if using one sounds too off the beaten track. Noone has ever called me mainstream, however...
There is always the possibility of a Christmas or birthday present. Anything is possible. Look, even Ralphie got his cobalt blue beauty courtesy of Red Ryder.
Never hit a piņata if you see hornets flying out of it.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 23, 2006, 08:20am
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Originally Posted by 26 Year Gap
There is always the possibility of a Christmas or birthday present. Anything is possible. Look, even Ralphie got his cobalt blue beauty courtesy of Red Ryder.
But it wasn't as cool as getting a major award as a contest winner -- especially when the prize comes from Italy!

I'm sorry to be part of the crowd that hijacked this thread, Observer. So here's my serious comment. As a regular presenter at my association meetings, I have to think that there's something more worthwhile for you to talk about than clean whistles or wrinkled pants. Is that something that you were asked to discuss? If not, I (personally) would probably try to find a topic that is more directly related to plays on the court. JMO.
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 23, 2006, 08:30am
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I have a neat shirt depicting that award.

Depending on when the meeting is, you may have access to new rule changes. Most of our meetings focus on inconsistencies, coaches' and administrators' observations, and how to implement any changes in how we call games. Case in point, at last year's mid-season meeting, our interpreter, who also calls college games,instructed us in the college mechanic of free throw administration of watching your own line instead of across the lane. [Of course, one guy who is not patched who did a game with me called an intentional foul on a guy on my line. I had my fist at the side for early entry, but the FT was made and I instead blew my whistle for a substitution. This is a guy who does not and will not listen, so I was not going to over rule him.]
Never hit a piņata if you see hornets flying out of it.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 23, 2006, 08:39am
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 56
Thanks for the apology Chuck,
I too have been instrumental at many association meetings
talking of many topics. I felt this is one that has never been
covered in officials talk at meetings.
In fact, the #1 or first block on our state observers sheet is
"appearance". To me this means "is shirt neatly pressed, shoes
shined, slacks neatly pressed, hair groomed properly, jacket
zipped up, posture, etc.
As an observer in D1 basketball, the #1, really #2, preceeded
by "Difficulty of Game", is Appearance/Manner.

Guess thats why I started this thread.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 23, 2006, 09:35am
Courageous When Prudent
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Originally Posted by ChuckElias
I'm sorry to be part of the crowd that hijacked this thread, Observer. So here's my serious comment. As a regular presenter at my association meetings, I have to think that there's something more worthwhile for you to talk about than clean whistles or wrinkled pants. Is that something that you were asked to discuss? If not, I (personally) would probably try to find a topic that is more directly related to plays on the court. JMO.

I think small, seemingly unimportant details like that need to be addressed at least once a year for the benefit of 1st and 2nd year officials. Woudn't take up an entire meeting with it, but a few minutes, or maybe just a handout would be great.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 23, 2006, 09:42am
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Originally Posted by BadNewsRef

I think small, seemingly unimportant details like that need to be addressed at least once a year for the benefit of 1st and 2nd year officials. Woudn't take up an entire meeting with it, but a few minutes, or maybe just a handout would be great.
I agree with that completely. At the first meeting of every year, our association hands out to all of our officials a dress code and a code of conduct. We then quickly go through them and answer any questions. All officials are expected to read, know and follow those handouts- with no excuses.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 23, 2006, 11:45am
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
All officials are expected to read... with no excuses.
Might be asking a bit much, eh?

btw, I agree that these little issues (dress code, behavior, where to buy stuff, what to pack, how to get games, etc) need to be addressed for the new guys)
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 23, 2006, 12:17pm
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I agree about addressing these small things with new people, and they also need to be addressed with the "old" people who just aren't paying attention. You know, the ones who say, "I don't know why I don't get better games. So what if my shoes are scuffed, my jacket is shar-pei wrinkled, and my whistle smells like a dirty shoe? I can still call the fouls..."

As far as the back pack, I'd recommend a good garment bag. You can get a good one for under $50, with pockets for other stuff. It's worth its weight in gold as far as clothing care, and also classy looks.

Caring for the garments is simple if you always use cold water, borax, no bleach and low heat. Hang immediately upon removal from dryer. Dry clean the jacket twice a year. NEVER put the jacket in a bag or backpack. That's it.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 23, 2006, 12:23pm
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Yep - jacket never goes into the backpack!!
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 23, 2006, 12:50pm
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Originally Posted by rainmaker
I agree about addressing these small things with new people, and they also need to be addressed with the "old" people who just aren't paying attention. You know, the ones who say, "I don't know why I don't get better games. So what if my shoes are scuffed, my jacket is shar-pei wrinkled, and my whistle smells like a dirty shoe? I can still call the fouls..."
Man, I must be lucky to be in the official's associations that I'm in. To my memory we have never addressed this issue in any of our meetings with new or old officials. Why? Because we've never had to. Our officials show up looking good and have their stuff clean. The expectation is there, but it's just never talked about.

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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 23, 2006, 02:22pm
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
You guys are silly.

Now...again....what's a "tid" in a tidbit? Inquiring minds need to know.

A choice morsel, as of gossip or food: "The book is chock-full of colorful tidbits about theater and theater people" (Alec Guinness).
Perhaps obsoleteand dialectal tid, tender + bit 1
"Some guys they just give up living, and start dying little by little, piece by piece. Some guys come home from work and wash-up, and they go Racing In The Street." - Springsteen, 1978
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 23, 2006, 03:24pm
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Originally Posted by observer
Thanks for the apology Chuck,
In fact, the #1 or first block on our state observers sheet is
"appearance". To me this means "is shirt neatly pressed, shoes
shined, slacks neatly pressed, hair groomed properly, jacket
zipped up, posture, etc.
That's a valid point, and we do tell people that it's important to look neat and professional; dress appropriately to the game site, etc. I just wonder if people need the "how to" aspect of it. Pack the clothes in a bag. If they come out looking good, fine. If not, next time carry them on a hanger. JMO, but I certainly see the point of those who think it should be addressed in more detail.
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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