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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 13, 2005, 06:13pm
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Originally posted by bballrob
OK, then let me ask you this. Halftime is over. Both teams are out on the floor to start the 3rd Quarter. Do you blow the whistle prior to handing the ball to the player making the throwin?
Yep, every time. But not when we're starting the half with free throws.
M&M's - The Official Candy of the Department of Redundancy Department.

(Used with permission.)
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 13, 2005, 06:24pm
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Originally posted by bballrob
Originally posted by M&M Guy
Originally posted by bballrob
OK, then let me ask you this. Halftime is over. Both teams are out on the floor to start the 3rd Quarter. Do you blow the whistle prior to handing the ball to the player making the throwin?
Yep, every time. But not when we're starting the half with free throws.
That was my next question. So what's the difference? Book doesn't say "Except in free throw situations."
The difference is obvious. One situation is handled by refs in his area as described in the book, and the other isn't. For something this trivial, I think that's a reasonable guideline to follow.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 13, 2005, 06:34pm
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Originally posted by bballrob

I don't know that it does, but what it DOES say is, "After the second horn to end the time-out, the administering official shall sound his/her whistle to indicate play is ready to resume." It doesn't say not to do this if you are resuming with free throws, so this should apply after all timeouts.
The point that I am making here, is the fact that a lot of what we do is not to the "letter" of the wording in the books. I am not suggesting to you that you just ignore something. I am telling you that no one does this where I live and when I watch TV with the big boys working. If you feel that is wrong, it is going to be you (not me) that will draw attention to yourself that no one thinks are necessary. There are a lot of things you will never read in the NF Official's Manual, but will be required if you work for your association or assignor. There are things that you will have to do, that you will never find in the book at all. How many steps you stand behind the ball handler is something I have yet to read in the manual, but I know what I have been told to do and not to do when I have attended camps.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 13, 2005, 07:13pm
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ok, ok, I have been looking at the forum to get some sound advice. I have gotten it. Rule 6-1-2 cleared it up for me. Unfortunately, I in a location where Mentorship is not prevelant so here I am looking for it in this forum. I am a truerookie to the craft and I will be attending a clinic at Illinois College in Jacksonville, Ill in June. I look forward to enhancing my officiating. I am a total sponge when it comes to receiving information.

Thanks all

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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 13, 2005, 07:31pm
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Originally posted by bballrob
Your You're Welcome.
You too.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 13, 2005, 07:33pm
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Rule 8 Free Throw (previous post question)

I apologize for the previous post. I just had to dig into my book a little further. Rule 8-2 as follows:

Following a time out or intermission, the resumption of play procedure may be use to prevent delay. The timer will sound the authorized warning horn and final signal. The administering official will sound the whistle to indicate play will resume. The ball shall be placed at the disposal of the thrower or placed on the floor and the count shall begin.

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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 13, 2005, 07:37pm
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Re: Rule 8 Free Throw (previous post question)

Originally posted by truerookie
I apologize for the previous post. I just had to dig into my book a little further. Rule 8-2 as follows:

Following a time out or intermission, the resumption of play procedure may be use to prevent delay. The timer will sound the authorized warning horn and final signal. The administering official will sound the whistle to indicate play will resume. The ball shall be placed at the disposal of the thrower or placed on the floor and the count shall begin.

The resumption of play procedure is a specific set of actions and decisions to use when the players are not coming promptly onto the floor for the game to re-commence. In that situation, perhaps a whistle just before bouncing the ball to the f.t. shooter would be a good idea. It happens very, very rarely. Under normal circumstances, where all the players are lined up or are on the court, the whistle just as the ball is being bounced to the shooter is discretionary.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 13, 2005, 10:14pm
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Re: Re: Rule 8 Free Throw (previous post question)

Originally posted by bballrob
Originally posted by truerookie
I apologize for the previous post. I just had to dig into my book a little further. Rule 8-2 as follows:

Following a time out or intermission, the resumption of play procedure may be use to prevent delay. The timer will sound the authorized warning horn and final signal. The administering official will sound the whistle to indicate play will resume. The ball shall be placed at the disposal of the thrower or placed on the floor and the count shall begin.

WAY TO GO ROOKIE!!! And that's in the RULE BOOK, not the officials manual. You're all right rook!!

So, bob, if the teams both (miraculously) come out of the huddle at the 45 second warning horn, and are ready to play with 5 seconds left in the timeout, are you going to wait until the timer blows the horn?

When you call a foul, do you inform the fouler, give a number, give a preliminary, verbally inform the shooter, then report perfectly to the table? Somehow, I doubt that you get every step 100% of the time.

Unfortunately, all I can find right now is an older Mechanics Manual (2001-03), which states:

"It is not desirable to 'show-off' in making a call. The official should remain in the background. It is not the officiating, but the game that is the attraction."
"To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. But to love the game is the greatest of all."
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Sat May 14, 2005, 01:40pm
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Ok, I've stayed up all night worrying about why I don't blow the whistle on FT situations following TO's. I mean, after all, it says so in the book, right? Well, not really. In the official's manual it mentions blowing the whistle before giving the ball to a player to start play. But, there is also a whole section on free throw administration as well. So, where in the FT admin to you blow the whistle? As they are coming out of the huddle? Before the players are lined up correctly? Before bouncing the ball to the shooter? How come the rules and mechanics don't specifiy the difference between FT's after a TO vs FT's after a foul?

Wait, I think the caffine is starting to kick in. I think I know: because it's not as important to notify players before a free throw because you have to wait until they're ready before putting the ball in play. In normal OOB plays, you don't have to wait for everyone to be set, so you are telling the players (by blowing the whistle) that play is going to start. The same with the resuming play procedure - the whistle tells the slow team, "Hey, we're tired of waiting; we're going to start now!"

Now, all this discussion amounts to a waste of time, because it really isn't that important in the overall game of basketball. We have tried to impart our vast knowledge to let it be known that, at least in our area, and many areas, it's not done. If, in watching the better officials in your area, or by talking to your assigner, that you see it is done that way, then you need to do it as well. But we hope your concentration on this minute level of detail is carried over to the important aspects as well.

I am now leaving to go prove the theory that new golf balls are more attracted to water than old balls.
M&M's - The Official Candy of the Department of Redundancy Department.

(Used with permission.)
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