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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 24, 2004, 04:09pm
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Originally posted by TPS2859

What I am saying is, for some here its hard to train an "old dog" new tricks. They choose not to receive advice from anyone with less years on the court. Sence they are so godlike, they would make me feel uncomfortable with them doing a game. Therefor we both suffer!
TP..let's say you have 20 years experience on the court...some guy with a couple years experience comes in the locker room at half time and "gives you advice". This guy is trying to "train an old dog", using your words. This dosen't come off to well with the Veterans I know...myself included.
I mean...when you get to those pearly gates, are ya going to give God advice!
You are right about some of our egos here...mine actually happens to be larger than JRuts afro on his smiley face! (with no apologies) I actually heard more than one big time Div 1 official say you have to have somewhat of an ego to even do this advocation.

rockyroad...yeah, maybe a little testy...I'm in Mariner country also.
Dan Ivey
Tri-City Sports Officials Asso. (TCSOA)
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 24, 2004, 07:26pm
Huck Finn
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I'm only talking about officials I know personally when I say this.

There are two kinds of veterans; those that are good and those that are veterans just because they have been officiating for a long time. The latter might not accept this advice from someone who has less experience than them but sometimes they should.

There is a ref on my board that was complaining about not getting playoff games this past year. I made a comment to someone that there are some guys who deserve at least one game because they are pretty good. Then I asked if this official complaining was a 2nd year official. I was told he was a 5 year official while the guys I thought should get a game are 3 year officials. I was shocked. In IAABO how long you've been working makes more of a difference than it should (on some boards).
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 24, 2004, 09:00pm
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Originally posted by RookieDude
Originally posted by TPS2859

What I am saying is, for some here its hard to train an "old dog" new tricks. They choose not to receive advice from anyone with less years on the court. Sence they are so godlike, they would make me feel uncomfortable with them doing a game. Therefor we both suffer!
TP..let's say you have 20 years experience on the court...some guy with a couple years experience comes in the locker room at half time and "gives you advice". This guy is trying to "train an old dog", using your words. This dosen't come off to well with the Veterans I know...myself included.
I mean...when you get to those pearly gates, are ya going to give God advice!
You are right about some of our egos here...mine actually happens to be larger than JRuts afro on his smiley face! (with no apologies) I actually heard more than one big time Div 1 official say you have to have somewhat of an ego to even do this advocation.

rockyroad...yeah, maybe a little testy...I'm in Mariner country also.
Here is something that happened to me that I think fits.

I arrived early for my varsity game, with about 3 minutes to go in the first half of the JV game. I took a seat in the front row with my bag.

A foul was called that was the 7th team foul, neither the younger of the two officials or the older one noticed and were about to inbound the ball. I was about ten feet away and said, "Hey guys, you are in the bonus." I'm no spring chicken, but this "old dog" decided to stop the game, come over and annouce," I see your bag, you have the next game, I've been doing this for over 30 years and don't need your help."

The half came, I went into the dressing room, figuring I'd let it go, and see if the younger guy wanted any feedback. We get in there and this "old dog" starts in again, about it being his game. I finally said, "Listen, if I'm about to screw up, I don't care if I get help from my partner, the table, a player, a coach, or a fan, I'd rather not mess the game up."

I'd rather be open to another persons opinion and choose to disagree based on what I've learned from my experience, and not because I view my experience as being infallible.

Things have changed so much about officiating that old dogs need to learn new tricks or someone will put them out to pasture.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 24, 2004, 11:06pm
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Originally posted by blindzebra
Things have changed so much about officiating that old dogs need to learn new tricks or someone will put them out to pasture.
Do you mean "some" old dogs, or "all" old dogs ?
Do you mean old with respect to age, or years of experience?
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Mon May 24, 2004, 11:19pm
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Originally posted by mick
Originally posted by blindzebra
Things have changed so much about officiating that old dogs need to learn new tricks or someone will put them out to pasture.
Do you mean "some" old dogs, or "all" old dogs ?
Do you mean old with respect to age, or years of experience?
I meant old dog in terms of being stubborn and resistant to change.

The old dog in my story fit it for age, experience, and stubborness.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 25, 2004, 08:09am
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blindzebra: There must be a reason why the guy has been doing JV ball for 30 years. I know the "old guy" didn't say he has been at the jv level for that long, but there might be something there. I listen to all advice, take what I can use, and toss the rest. And, I always say "thanks".
Never argue with an idiot. He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 25, 2004, 11:31am
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I would have ignored you too, since I always forget who the shooter is for the one and one.

I work on that every game, but I still get caught every now and then. I report a foul, the table tells me that we're in the bonus, then I start praying that a player identifies himself as the shooter. Basketball gods have been good so far, but probably won't be when I'm doing a NCAA final 4 game.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 25, 2004, 12:26pm
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Originally posted by lrpalmer3
Basketball gods have been good so far, but probably won't be when I'm doing a NCAA final 4 game.
At least at that level, you can fix it by going to the monitor to see who should've shot them. (NCAA 2-5-1b)

Of course, good luck getting back to the Final Four after that. . .
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 25, 2004, 01:39pm
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 186

Blind Z, Great example !
I choose also to learn from anyone regardless of how many years they have been a ref.

Now for the guy who was reffing a game and had been doing it for 30 years, good for you! Why do some refs feel that it belittles them to take anything less than a V game!
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