Originally posted by TPS2859
What I am saying is, for some here its hard to train an "old dog" new tricks. They choose not to receive advice from anyone with less years on the court. Sence they are so godlike, they would make me feel uncomfortable with them doing a game. Therefor we both suffer!
TP..let's say you have 20 years experience on the court...some guy with a couple years experience comes in the locker room at half time and "gives you advice". This guy is trying to "train an old dog", using your words. This dosen't come off to well with the Veterans I know...myself included.
I mean...when you get to those pearly gates, are ya going to give God advice!

You are right about some of our egos here...mine actually happens to be larger than JRuts afro on his smiley face! (with no apologies) I actually heard more than one big time Div 1 official say you have to have somewhat of an ego to even do this advocation.
rockyroad...yeah, maybe a little testy...I'm in Mariner country also.