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  #46 (permalink)  
Old Sun Mar 28, 2004, 10:43pm
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Has anyone else noticed that the countries who excel in soccer tend to be socialist or communist?
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old Sun Mar 28, 2004, 10:48pm
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Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
Originally posted by gostars
According to Knight-Rider TWO Texas player besides Mouton reported what Valentine said. The story was also reported by the Houston Chronicle, Knight-Rider Newspapers, and the San Antonio Courier Express.
Any papers OUTSIDE of Texas?

I still haven't seen this on ESPN, CBS, or anywhere else but these few TEXAS newspapers. Do you not think if there was anything to this that ESPN would be all over it?
The Knight-Rider Newspaper was not in Texas.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old Sun Mar 28, 2004, 10:55pm
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It doesn't matter. Crude or not, even if he made the comment, he was right. It's not the NBA, and Mouton could likely have earned himself a T there. After an entire game of bi!ching and moaning, Valentine may very well have told him to shut up.
Or, since no one is picking this up (aside from Knight-Ridder and texas papers), it's possible that the players' memories may not be perfect here.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old Sun Mar 28, 2004, 11:37pm
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Originally posted by BktBallRef
You misread.
Your absolutely correct. I went back and re-read it and saw the sentence. I had my annual eye exam on Wednesday and ordered new glasses -- looks like I needed them sooner.
Never argue with an idiot. He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old Mon Mar 29, 2004, 06:13am
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Judge Roy
I am a former soccer guy, and if you really reffed without a yellow or red card, you must not have had any clue what you were doing. Certain types of fouls in the run of play require a red card, others a yellow. Cards are not the same as a T, which is reserved mainly for dissent and dead ball acts. You seem to equate the two.

If you really reffed soccer, you would know this and wouldn't make a ridiculous comment like that.
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  #51 (permalink)  
Old Mon Mar 29, 2004, 07:13am
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Originally posted by Hawks Coach
Judge Roy
If you really reffed soccer, you would know this and wouldn't make a ridiculous comment like that.

Save your breath, Coach. Royboy is outa here. We gave him this:

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  #52 (permalink)  
Old Mon Mar 29, 2004, 07:20am
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Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by Hawks Coach
Judge Roy
If you really reffed soccer, you would know this and wouldn't make a ridiculous comment like that.

Save your breath, Coach. Royboy is outa here. We gave him this:

LMFAO..........That is how I pictured this guy....seriously!
1-2-3 points I gotta get across, 1)Don't 2)Make me 3)Go off!
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old Mon Mar 29, 2004, 09:12am
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Re: Stop defending him please

Originally posted by Judge Roy
Who are you? The internet version of Judge Judy?
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old Mon Mar 29, 2004, 09:36am
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Why on earth is it necessary for the pack to jump on this guy for having a different opinion???? You folks tend to get out of control when a differing thought process comes your way. Isn't he allowed to share his thoughts and opinions without ridicule, you can share your's as well - but he's not an idiot because he disagrees with you. Are you all Liberal Democrats or what??? Thinking no one is as smart as you, give it a rest...Holier than thou.

I, like most idiot fans, changed channels after Texas missed their last attempt to tie the game. When I flipped back 6 FT's were being shot. CBS Studio crew was very opinionated on the matter, they felt Teddy V should have walked away - are they all idiots as well? My guess is Teddy was right, I'm sure Barnes was out of his head with frustration. I know he wanted a foul on that rebound and didn't get it.

I appreciate the loyalty to fellow officials on here, but just because a guy is on TV a lot doesn't make him better than anyone else. He could have been wrong. We don't ever need to tell anyone to "Shut Up," this isn't MLB. If Teddy was that upset and offended by the player, he should have T'd him. I don't think Mr. Valentine got where he is by doing players "favors."

Let the stoning of the crazy minority opinion man begin!!!!!
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old Mon Mar 29, 2004, 10:00am
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mnref, roy is getting pounded because he asked for it. He asked some questions, and refuses to acknowledge the answers. Instead, he rambles and rambles and rambles.
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  #56 (permalink)  
Old Mon Mar 29, 2004, 10:04am
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Re: WoW!!!!!

Originally posted by mnref14
Why on earth is it necessary for the pack to jump on this guy for having a different opinion????
Some of these wanabes, are not offering opinions. They just come here to ridicule or let off some steam from their frustration from there favorite team losing.

CBS Studio crew was very opinionated on the matter, they felt Teddy V should have walked away - are they all idiots as well?[/B]
Well Dah.. Yes, they are when it comes to officiating.

I appreciate the loyalty to fellow officials on here, but just because a guy is on TV a lot doesn't make him better than anyone else. He could have been wrong. [/B]
I am not loyal to Teddy. I didn't like him because he went public about another official. But, what is he wrong about? The coach wanted the two T's. Even if Teddy went to the other side, the next official would have given the next T. The coach wasn't mad at Teddy, he felt the other official should have called a foul on the rebound. Of course this had been building up throughout the game.

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  #57 (permalink)  
Old Mon Mar 29, 2004, 10:06am
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Re: WoW!!!!!

Originally posted by mnref14
Why on earth is it necessary for the pack to jump on this guy for having a different opinion???? You folks tend to get out of control when a differing thought process comes your way. Isn't he allowed to share his thoughts and opinions without ridicule, you can share your's as well - but he's not an idiot because he disagrees with you. Are you all Liberal Democrats or what??? Thinking no one is as smart as you, give it a rest...Holier than thou.

I, like most idiot fans, changed channels after Texas missed their last attempt to tie the game. When I flipped back 6 FT's were being shot. CBS Studio crew was very opinionated on the matter, they felt Teddy V should have walked away - are they all idiots as well? My guess is Teddy was right, I'm sure Barnes was out of his head with frustration. I know he wanted a foul on that rebound and didn't get it.

I appreciate the loyalty to fellow officials on here, but just because a guy is on TV a lot doesn't make him better than anyone else. He could have been wrong. We don't ever need to tell anyone to "Shut Up," this isn't MLB. If Teddy was that upset and offended by the player, he should have T'd him. I don't think Mr. Valentine got where he is by doing players "favors."

Let the stoning of the crazy minority opinion man begin!!!!!
See the point you are missing here, we are not sticking up for Teddy as a person. We are sticking up for the fact that we do not know the entire story. And when you do not know the entire story, you cannot tell us what you would have done or what should have been done if you have very limited knowledge. We have all been in the situation where a "he said, she said" situation has taken place and it would be wrong for any of to say, "I would do this" if we have never been in that situation.

If I am not mistaken, none of us have been on National TV with a coach that is imploding in front of you. It is real easy to say would would walk away, but you do not know what Barnes called Valentine? You do not know if Valentine was sticking up for a partner? You do not know if this was something that carried over from the regular season (Valentine does work Big 12 Conference games), we just do not know.

Who cares if you have an opinion, but you better come correct and be willing to have others challenge that opinion. I for one know that very well.

Personally I think it is very unprofessional to rip fellow officials when we do not have the entire story. Just the way I was raised in this game of officiating. It is one thing to debate a call on some merits, but when we do not have the answers, you deserve to have officials point that out to you.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old Mon Mar 29, 2004, 10:22am
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I think it is more the tone than anything, as well as the fact that the individual in question jpoined the board with an inflammatory post. A big No-NO!

I would agree that Ted Valentine probably could have avoided the second T by walking away, and I also think that he should have done so. If somebody else then drew Barnes ire and saw fit to whack him a second time, so be it. With 3.9 seconds left, after such a great game, try to finish the game with the bench intact. Simply walking away might have done that. And simply making that case rather than calling names at the outset might have led to a good discussion of the point.

That said, none of us were there, we don't know what passed between Valentine and Barnes. So I can't say (nor can anybody else) that I would have done . . . (fill in the blank) or that Valentine was a self-aggrandizing jerk. That last kind of judgmental comment makes it hard to have a reasonable discussion of the situation, and lead to everybody piling. And it doesn't help that he enters the board throwing bombs, rather than looking for answers.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old Mon Mar 29, 2004, 10:40am
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Thumbs up

Originally posted by JRutledge
See the point you are missing here, we are not sticking up for Teddy as a person. We are sticking up for the fact that we do not know the entire story.

Personally I think it is very unprofessional to rip fellow officials when we do not have the entire story.


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  #60 (permalink)  
Old Mon Mar 29, 2004, 10:48am
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3.9 seconds

Here are my 2nd guesses - without having been there, admittedely:

You know its a "do or die" game, and its evident Texas is going to lose - obviously Texas' Coach is going to be upset. With that knowledge couldn't you T him once, walk away shoot the throws and finish the 3.9. Instead it looked like he stayed for a conversation that looked reasonable and ended up tossing the coach.
Lastly, if I remember from the Referee Mag article; I thought Mr. Valentine stated that he thought it best that the same official shouldn't T and Run a Coach. If he steps away, and Barnes continues - then his partner takes care of business and this discussion would be unnecessary. I don't see the benefit of T'ing and hanging around waiting for an apology, or a hug, or anything positive to come from a frustrated coach. Just my thoughts.

With all that being said, Barnes may have said, "You're going to have to toss me you___________!!! Fill in your own mean words.
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