Originally posted by Hawks Coach
in the beginning of this thread Barnes is accused of uttering the magic word and Valentine having no choice but to eject him. Y'all can't have it both ways - either everybody can say it, or nobody can.
There's a difference in the way it can be used, Coach, and I'm sure that you know that. There's:
1) You're a [bleep]ing joke!
And then there's:
2) Is this a great [bleep]ing game, or what?
#1 gets a coach tossed. #2 gets a smile and "Sure is, Coach" from the ref.
As Dan pointed out, if it's an adjective and NOT directed at a person (and not at the top of your lungs), it's usually ignored.
So you're right that we can't have it both ways if we say that coaches can't use #1, but refs can. That's obviously an unfair double-standard. But it's totally consistent to say that nobody can use #1, and anybody can use #2.
Barnes (perhaps) used #1. Teddy V (perhaps) used #2.