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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jun 29, 2003, 08:18am
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 3

Hey I would like someone to explain how could I be able to play baseball with boys and men in my country (France) without being shown as an "under-player" ...
There are no teams for girls in my country so your advices to belong to a boy team are welcome. Thanks.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jun 29, 2003, 10:34am
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Just ask to sign up. If you can play, then go ahead, if they dont allow females, then I guess you can fight it or try and start your own league.
They will come Ray...they will Come!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jun 29, 2003, 11:54am
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Play softball instead.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jun 29, 2003, 07:56pm
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god no!

Stick with Baseball, if you WANT baseball, dont look for a subsitute. I play on a Intramural Softball team ONLY because I wasn't able to find an Adult Baseball League in my area. So, if you want to play BASEBALL, then you gotta look for a league...or try to break into an all-male league.
They will come Ray...they will Come!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jun 29, 2003, 11:52pm
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Get your country to to take off their skirts and back the US in the fight, then we will give you some advise on "America's Past Time".

I don't think certain countries should be allowed to participate. Then, just my opinion.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jun 30, 2003, 04:29am
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Originally posted by Whowefoolin
Get your country to to take off their skirts and back the US in the fight, then we will give you some advise on "America's Past Time".

I don't think certain countries should be allowed to participate. Then, just my opinion.

Here's another opinion, go cheer for the men and have a hot dog and some Freedom Fries.
"A picture is worth a thousand words".
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jun 30, 2003, 04:38am
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Hey you know I've already been told to play softball instead at the age of 14 but I disagreed 'cause I just HATE softball, I just like baseball that's all I can't explain it. Today I'm 18 and I guess it has been a big mistake to refuse to play softball but at that time I was so angry to be refused to play in a baseball team.That's a shame,isn't it?
I'm going to university next year so I'm gonna be able to play with guys (I'll fight for it)of my age and a little older. Actually I got another problem with a real team in the town I wanted to play: they have money problems because baseball isn't that much known in France (compared to soccer, I HATE soccer)so some teams have problems ahead. I decided to find another team straightaway and I found another one, the DRAGONS, in a town not too far from me. I met a 16-year-old boy in the Internet who is a catcher and who belongs to the team as a junior (as he is pretty good, he play with seniors too)...he advises me not to integrate into the senior team (I should go there since I'm 18) because they have pretty strong guys and so he was afraid I could be injured seriously. BUT I JUST ASK TO PLAYYYYYY !!!!
It's just getting on my nerves you know, I 've been waiting for 7 years to PLAY, Just PLAY. Maybe I can play with juniors but if I do so I will no be able to participate to championships....
I'm at a loss, GOD!
I don't want to give up because it's a passion, but it's so hard to fight. "You must write to the Ligue","You need a derogation leter", "Ow God, you're too thin and not really strong enough","into the bargain you are left-handed!","what are we gonna do with THAT girl?","are you sure you don't wanna play basketball or tennis?"....etc...etc....just tiring!

I'll give you news about my fight
Are there some people in Canada or in the USA who agree to welcome me at home in order to teach me baseball (can't play very often)and to play with me?
It could be a nice gift!

see you

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jun 30, 2003, 07:11am
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I don't know about France, but both Canada and the United States have semi-professional baseball leagues . . . including national teams that compete on an international level.

If you have access, check out for some information and links to other sites.

Good luck.

Anyone in the Detroit area that knows of promising young girls that would like to get involved with baseball, may contact Shawn at the Detroit Danger.


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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jun 30, 2003, 07:50am
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How much "experience" do you have playing. If you've played before, and ARE rather good, then I would try and get on the "Sr" team. however, I didn't get, from your responses, that you are very well experienced, in any case, cut your losses and go to the Juniors team. It might be just AS competitive, and/or you might have more fun in a league that isn't so competitive. Baseball should be fun, not a chore.

Also, if you dont have that much experience, then maybe the Jr team IS the team for you. But keep in mind, Baseball is baseball, and if you haven't experienced it at that level or soemthing similar, you might be going in over your head.
They will come Ray...they will Come!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jun 30, 2003, 04:50pm
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ow...actually I just played when I was 12 during a camp, then at the age of 14 and 15 in another 3-week-camp (I was able to play everyday). There I met professionnals players and even american men who noticed me as they found I was a pretty good player. I played 2 years ago with american boys in Colorado (2 times actually) just for fun, not with a real team. I'm afraid I will have to re-learn the rules but I bought them in the USA (no F**** way to find some in France)...but it's in English
well, you know I'm thinking about it and I guess you are right, I should play with juniors, they can be as strong as I am so it could be more interesting for me.
Could anyone advise me to re start playing baseball, I mean with the train (I'm not sure about that word, sorry), I mean advice to have a good health to manage to play like boys...I love to throw the ball, and doing the pitcher is so much interesting, maybe some of you are pitchers, so if you could share your experience with me..

Thanks Jerry for your advice and for the website you told me to check out, it may be a start to be informed, thanks so much.

If you know gilrs of my age playing baseball maybe you can tell her about my problem so we could have a talk about it.Thank you!

talk to you later

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jun 30, 2003, 08:32pm
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Unless you are a body builder, I have high doubts you'll be able to be as good as the male pitchers. Its just inthe anatomy of it all. I would work on being a solid fielder. The Pitcher is an important player on the field, but in no way the most important. All players command the field in some aspect. A pitcher is nothing without the ability to field a ball. So I highly suggest you work on the fielding, and batting. But again, i've never seen you, and know nothing about you, so you could be like some East German gal, and kick my arse. In any case, just dont get all hyped up about being a Pitcher, its a messy job, and can't function without the 8 people helping him out
They will come Ray...they will Come!
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 02, 2003, 05:36pm
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For anyone who cares to continue to be offensive, congratulations, you have shown that you have the maturity of a five year-old who hasn't had a nap in a week. My advice falls on the shut up side of put up. And by the way, the man who started the freedom fries thing (Bob Ney, R-OH) is an idiot. Furthermore, we had no reliable evidence to invade Iraq and it is my sheer hope that Blair gets thrown out of office, because it's evident no-one cares that Bush seems to be making it up as he goes along.

As for the topic of the thread, it's all about the attitude. Don't take no crap! And France rocks, I'm writing this from a Paris hotel.
Steve Ryan
Member: IHSA, GLOA
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jul 02, 2003, 07:39pm
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Iraqi people free...evidence or not, its the outcome...and the outcome was good

I personally dont think war is always good, as I am going to be an Army Officer in 2yrs, but I will say that I will do what is asked of my country. And if it means liberating a people then thats fine by me, I dont care if my govt has an ulterior motive or not. I understand only one concept, freedom, no politics.

Secondly, I find it ironic that the global community is asking the Aid of the US to War-town liberia.

They will come Ray...they will Come!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jul 03, 2003, 10:10am
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It's a fair request, seeing as how we funded Taylor's regime up until the end of the Cold War. We helped make the mess and we should damn well help clean it up. But that's just my .02.

Lonewolf, I don't mean to disparage you at all, as I have nothing but the utmost respect for the men and women in our armed services, but I have to ask - though your attitude toward politics seems fairly clear, why is it all right for the Bush Admininstration to fabricate evidence? Tony Blair is being rightfully, if sadly (as I have much respect for the work he has done) raked over the coals for the same actions by the House of Commons.

Personally, it disturbs me that the Administration would go to those lengths. It disturbs me because I wonder what war we're going to start or finish next because of a whim of Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz and company. Any way you slice it, a war spells dead servicemen. And to have that be based on false pretenses is spitting on their bodies.

As for the outcome in Iraq, I can only give a skeptical 'we'll see.' I don't have enduring faith that things will not go right back down the toilet once the last U.S. Army soldier leaves Baghdad.
Steve Ryan
Member: IHSA, GLOA
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jul 03, 2003, 11:19am
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I understand what you are saying as a citizen of a country that allows you to speak out. and I fully support it. The only thing I have to say is that...deployment or not, I would rather be the one to die in the field, then having some 18yr old kid who doesn't even care for his country die. My parents are "semi" prepared for that "letter" of condolensces, moreso then his.

And it is true, that the Bush administration may be stretching the truth a little, (Though there ARE some chem weapons unaccounted for) in fact, im sure they are, as ANY administration would. Lets face it, politics is not the most respectable career. And regardless of the political affiliation, they are always going to piss us off. (he offers great incite on politics and the war...and of course he's conservative)

Liberia...yes, we may have created the mess, but our European friends have no right in asking after the support they have been giving us. Regalrdess of the background info. If I am asked to do something by someone who gipped me on support recently, you really can't expect me to whole-heartedly help you.

And in regards to Iraq...the "we'll see"...that wont be for a loooong time. The US has a habit of occupying countries, beyond its welcome. So maybe...maybe we can stabilize country...and until we find alternatives, im open to hearing suggestions..

But for this thread, its becoming too controversial for the main purpose of this site, and that is baseball. The fact remains...Baseball is the best game in the world
They will come Ray...they will Come!
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