I understand what you are saying as a citizen of a country that allows you to speak out. and I fully support it. The only thing I have to say is that...deployment or not, I would rather be the one to die in the field, then having some 18yr old kid who doesn't even care for his country die. My parents are "semi" prepared for that "letter" of condolensces, moreso then his.
And it is true, that the Bush administration may be stretching the truth a little, (Though there ARE some chem weapons unaccounted for) in fact, im sure they are, as ANY administration would. Lets face it, politics is not the most respectable career. And regardless of the political affiliation, they are always going to piss us off.
http://www.brain-terminal.com (he offers great incite on politics and the war...and of course he's conservative)
Liberia...yes, we may have created the mess, but our European friends have no right in asking after the support they have been giving us. Regalrdess of the background info. If I am asked to do something by someone who gipped me on support recently, you really can't expect me to whole-heartedly help you.
And in regards to Iraq...the "we'll see"...that wont be for a loooong time. The US has a habit of occupying countries, beyond its welcome. So maybe...maybe we can stabilize country...and until we find alternatives, im open to hearing suggestions..
But for this thread, its becoming too controversial for the main purpose of this site, and that is baseball. The fact remains...Baseball is the best game in the world