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I have been officiating for 2+ years now doing Men's League, High School, JV, and Youth baseball in Florida under FED rules. I love doing it and plan on doing it as long as I can and being the best that I can. I have played and have been involved in athletics for almost 30 years, I'm now 37. In the organization I was with in Florida, my assignor and I was cool and I was always there when he needed me. Even though I was and still am a rookie, I have potential and have been put with senior officials to call upper level games to help me advance to the next level, and their have been no complaints on my potential and capabilities as an official.
I am currently in Europe where my wife is in the military. There is a very limited supply of baseball officials here for the Youth Baseball Program. With the military, it's mostly softball for the troops. Anyway, currently there are only 5 qualified officials, including myself. I must add, there is NO High School Baseball Program here because of the lack of interrest. My situation is, there are 2 senior officials, one with 20 yrs experienc and the other with 10 yrs, who happen to be the Clinicians for the officials and coaches here in Europe. There is only 4 JV games a week, the rest are Lil' League and softball. Well, these 2 officials are wanting to call ALL the higher level games together. And I must say, the competition is not that good. The Lil' League games (Bantam level here under lil' league rules) are actually more competitive and in need of quality officials in moving up to the next level. My situation is that I would like the experience, while I am here, in doing higher level games and not be shut out because of a monopoly. I think it would be more than fair to put some junior official with a senior offial and switch off on the level of games that we all do. I wanted to get your opinions on my situation and any feedback you all have to offer would be grateful.
"A picture is worth a thousand words". |
Where in Europe are you??? I was at Ramstein in the late 90's, where I got into umpiring.
You are not alone in your thinking. Have you spoken with these 2 clowns and told them of your desire to work and getting you a game or four? But, as is the way of military life, you have to work your way to the top. Since Ramstein, I have been transferred 2 more times, and each new umpire organization has had me start at the bottom of the cesspool (ie the Minors, 9-10) and had to work my up from there. I don't say this with any disrespect, but if you are as good as you say, they will notice and you will get your games in the upper levels. It has happened with me in my association in NM where I got as high as Jr/Sr's with Majors District Championship game and at Ramstein doing the Sectional Championship behind the dish. That was the same year Ramstein sent its majors team to Williamspost. Bottom line, do the crappy games. Go to the meetings (if there any), and apply everything and anything to get them interested in you as an umpire to get you to where you want. BTW, I leave the intramural softball to the military. They can worry about those babies, not me!!! Hope this helps. |
Welcome to the world of politics. Officially known as greed, selfishness, miscomunication and sometimes even, someone just not getting their own way.
In our organization we essentially cater to senority, and rightfully so. However, we always have to keep in mind that there are never enough officials and we MUST keep the new one's interested and working. Not always easy. I have found that as long as you are as fair as possible about giving out the games, most officials respect that. Some members believe, that senority means they are supposed to get ALL of the best games , WHENEVER they get in the mood to officiate. We generally don't cater to that self rightous philosophy. By the same toke if you don't move officials up to better games, they move on to other organizations where they can. Then your stuck with trying to get your senior members to handle all the games. Well they don't want to work that much. So as an Assignor you better be catering to both sides or your screwed. You may want to suggest to your fellow officials the word "sharing". Sounds like were dealing with two year olds doesn't it? But truthfully, some people never grow up no matter how old they get. If they are not interested, move on and let them handle ALL the games, that will be their problem. |
I am in Wurzburg. Pretty nice here considering My wife and I were in Baumholder (the Rock) more than 12 yrs ago. I use to work as a carsalesman, if you can believe it, in K-Town back then. Nice area, lots to do. Did you enjoy while it lasted? And, you're right, I won't do military softball, too many crybabies and not worth the hastle! I leave that up to the retired or active duty MSGT's. I have already been told by one of the 2 "senior" officials that I am, with no doubt, good enough to go do the "USAREUR Championship" games. And yes jice, I am too familiar with the politics of sports officials. UNFORTUNATELY it exists everywhere! I am not one of those "kiss a**es" who get where they get by buttering up. I want to get where I get because I deserve it. I agree with, and respect the seniority of others. But, in my opinion, because you may be a senior, shouldn't a rookie be shown the same type of advancement opportunities that was once given to them to progress? I believe in fighting for what is right! Do I have a valid arguement here? TY 4 UR REPLIES!
"A picture is worth a thousand words". |
A couple of things come to mind. First . . . in a couple more years, you'll be a "senior" official and faced with the same dilema; especially if you're working with someone already.
Secondly . . . make sure that your uniform is impeccable, that you study the rules and interpretations backwards and forwards, that you show up early for all your games and that you conduct yourself as a "senior official" . . . even if it's for the lower level games. Thirdly . . . assuming the old-timers are friendly/personable guys, PICK THEIR BRAINS. As 'em questions on what they'd rule in certain situations, how they cover the mechanics, etc. Ask if they could use a "three-man", so all of you can get some practice. I think you'll find yourself fitting in fairly quickly. At least at the top of the list for being a substitute in case one of them can't make it for a game. Good luck. Jerry |
Very good points Jerry.
Even now I feel as tho I am a seasoned official. I am full of confidence and appreciate a challenge. I do to this day welcome all criticism and objectivity to make me a better official. Being on this forum is an example of trying to understand the rules and interpret them. I also love working with a real rookie. The game is more interresting and you get a few good laughs along the way. I do take pride in my appearance and take serious thought to the calls that are made on the field. As a personal indeavor, I critique myself after each game and bore my family with the usual, "how was that?" and "did you think it was the right call?" I must say that I am by no means as good as I wish to be. I take it personal tho, that I am being held back so to speak, because of a few who wish to monopolize an already needing association. The point about working a 3-man crew is already in the works and will happen even if I have to volunteer my time for the experience. Damn I Love This Game! I will be confronting these senior officials this week about this situation. Based on the views expressed here on this thread, it has given me the confidence that I am not the only one who feels the monopoly must stop. Share the Wealth! Thank You for your replies!
"A picture is worth a thousand words". |
"Share the Wealth!"
About 15 yrs ago at one of our Association meetings a senior member stood up and said " Im sick and tired of all the critism about the senior members getting this game and that game. We have worked hard at this and deserve the games we get. Too Bad if others don't like it". I stood up and agreed with this official because he truly was one of the best in the Association. I then stated " Joe you do deserve these games because you truly are the best here however, all were saying is why should you get ALL the good games". "Share the Wealth!" |
I don't want to pop your bubble. I've never seen you work or know anything about your abilities. You may very well be great/fantastic but a couple years of experience is not much.
Be aware there is a definite advantage to experience.... years and years of experience. Confidence without that experience is dangerous and can get you in over your head. Be careful what you ask for. Your confidence could suddenly crumble when a situation presents itself that your are not prepared to handle.... and it usually crumbles into frustration and anger. Be cautious my friend. ![]()
"There are no superstar calls. We don't root for certain teams. We don't cheat. But sometimes we just miss calls." - Joe Crawford |
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