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Old Fri May 16, 2003, 07:54am
thumpferee thumpferee is offline
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I have been officiating for 2+ years now doing Men's League, High School, JV, and Youth baseball in Florida under FED rules. I love doing it and plan on doing it as long as I can and being the best that I can. I have played and have been involved in athletics for almost 30 years, I'm now 37. In the organization I was with in Florida, my assignor and I was cool and I was always there when he needed me. Even though I was and still am a rookie, I have potential and have been put with senior officials to call upper level games to help me advance to the next level, and their have been no complaints on my potential and capabilities as an official.

I am currently in Europe where my wife is in the military. There is a very limited supply of baseball officials here for the Youth Baseball Program. With the military, it's mostly softball for the troops. Anyway, currently there are only 5 qualified officials, including myself. I must add, there is NO High School Baseball Program here because of the lack of interrest.

My situation is, there are 2 senior officials, one with 20 yrs experienc and the other with 10 yrs, who happen to be the Clinicians for the officials and coaches here in Europe. There is only 4 JV games a week, the rest are Lil' League and softball.

Well, these 2 officials are wanting to call ALL the higher level games together. And I must say, the competition is not that good. The Lil' League games (Bantam level here under lil' league rules) are actually more competitive and in need of quality officials in moving up to the next level.

My situation is that I would like the experience, while I am here, in doing higher level games and not be shut out because of a monopoly.

I think it would be more than fair to put some junior official with a senior offial and switch off on the level of games that we all do.

I wanted to get your opinions on my situation and any feedback you all have to offer would be grateful.

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