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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 01, 2003, 02:11pm
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Opening Day is Saturday and we are short on Umpires. I have 5 Lil' League games to do, (10-12 year olds w/2 hr. time limit), and get this, by myself.

I want to call them from behind the plate, but with some of these young catcher's, I'm gonna get beat up out there. Was hoping someone can psych me up and gimme some thoughts on this.

My 2 son's are also starting on one of the teams with my oldest son (12 yrs. old) pitching, and my younger son (10 yrs. old) catching.

Yes I am Proud Daddy!!

My wife better get some good pictures! lol

But, was wondering if anyone else out there calls for their son's/daughter's? And if so, your thoughts.

I'd rather not of course because I don't want the flack, or anything taken away from them if they do well, by having fans/parents saying "because their dad is the Ump" stuff.

I am probably one of the top 3 qualified to handle games by myself, and we are very short on officials here.

Comments/Opinions Please!

"A picture is worth a thousand words".
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 01, 2003, 02:22pm
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In the past, I've umpired my brother's pony league games. Their team travels, so when they play at home, no one know's I'm his brother besides the home team. I felt a little uncomfortable the first couple games, but after a game or two, it felt like any other game. Just do your stuff!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 01, 2003, 02:48pm
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Man, if I had to do 5 games of any division of ball that required calling balls and strikes,by myself, you can bet I'd do them all from behind the pitcher's mound.
Dude, you're going to be one tired, sore umpire when that day's done, and that's if you're just standing on your feet that long. You'll never finish the day if you try to call them from behind the plate.
I've had the "privilege" of calling my son and daughter's games since they were 8 years old. You'll never get rid of all of the "yeah, his kid's on THAT team" comments, but if not you, who else will call the game? And can they do as good a job as you? Probably not!! And I'm darn sure not going to be off on another field, calling a game for someone else's kid, while my kid is playing elsewhere. If I just have to umpire a game that day, it'll be their game or none at all.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 01, 2003, 04:13pm
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Small diamond, 6 innings, no big deal. Work behind the plate, you can be at 2B in four strides. Try to get someone else to do your own sons' game, regardless of your skill to do a better job. After all, if you weren't around, SOMEONE would do it. Sit in the stands and relax and enjoy watching them play without saying a peep about the umpire. I found that when I umpired my son's games (which I have over the years) it wasn't pressure on ME, but pressure (spoken or unspoken) on HIM. It takes away from the child's experience as just another kid on the team.
I know you are trying to do what's best, but from experience this is what I have learned. Been there, done that. Good luck (hope you can recruit more umps).
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 01, 2003, 05:54pm
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Thumbs up Umping my son's games

I do games for both the local league where my son plays and for the district, through a volunteer association. My son has had two games where I have worked both behind the plate and on the bases with other umpires from the association. After the game, I asked the other umpires to identify my son. None of them could do it. My son says he likes it when I umpire and none of the other coaches or parents has an issue with it. During the games, I am the umpire and he is just another player. We celebrate his successes and talk through his errors away from the game.

Go ahead and umpire your son's games, at these levels, there should be no problem! But wow, 5 games in one day! Holy're a stronger man than me...hope you have good catchers! It is my opinion that you should work the plate...if you feel comfortable doing it, get a parent to assist you on the bases. (oh comes the flack!).

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 02, 2003, 06:13am
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Just how many times have you called 5- 2hr., 6 inning games in one day, by yourself. No big deal, you say. C'mon; small diamond or big diamond, it doesn't matter. Behind the plate for all of them is the problem. I couldn't do that when I was 23, much less 43 years old. If you can, more power to you.
I still stand by my statement that if there's that bad of a shortage of umpires, I'll umpire my kid's game, before I'd be off on another field, calling a game for someone else's kids. They'll be the ones without an umpire; not my kid's team.
I used to think I had to make sure that I stayed above reproach when calling my kids' games. If a call was close, it went against them. After a while, I finally realized that my kids (and their team) shouldn't be penalized just because those other lazy *** parents (you know, the same ones who like to make comments about you calling your own kid's game) wouldn't take the time to help out umpiring a game once in awhile.
Now, I call 'em strictly like I see 'em. Screw the other folks if they disagree with it. It is what it is.........
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 02, 2003, 09:14am
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Cool, thanks for the votes of confidence!

I have called JV games by myself, but only one or two in a day, not 5.

But it is only 60 foot bases!
I'll have to see how the 1st 2 go to see if I can continue behind the plate. I am definately doing my son's game from behind the plate!

Mike, I think nine01c was just tryin' to psych me up which I need because I'd rather do them from behind the plate, but you're right Mike, I'm 37 and no spring chicken anymore. But I was also doing 7 Youth Basketball games on every Saturday too, so hopefully that got me into some kinda shape.

Some NoDoze probably wouldn't hurt, huh?

And your right Striker991, here's the Flack!

if you feel comfortable doing it, get a parent to assist you on the bases.

LMAO, No Way! Thanks, but NO THANKS!!

I'll be OK by myself! (punn intended)

Some good points were made and taken. Thank You, I appreciate your thoughts on this. I'll do my BEST, as usual.


I wonder if their gonna have an ambulance there?

"A picture is worth a thousand words".
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 02, 2003, 09:39am
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Originally posted by Mike Follett
I still stand by my statement that if there's that bad of a shortage of umpires, I'll umpire my kid's game, before I'd be off on another field, calling a game for someone else's kids. They'll be the ones without an umpire; not my kid's team.
Mike: I didn't suggest that he go umpire on another field.
I suggested that he watch his sons' game.
That would give him a break from doing 5 games, AND,
not call his sons' pitching and catching.
Although it was already a done deal that he would
umpire all five games, he did ask for opinions.
I was just offering mine, right or wrong.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 02, 2003, 10:11am
Rog Rog is offline
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Re: ":I have 5 Lil' League games to do, (10-12 year olds w/2 hr. time limit), and get this, by myself."

In a word - - - DON'T!!!!!
Let some other parents shoulder some of this burden for at elast two of those games. This is assinine to even expect any human being to do this many games in one day. If some other parents won't step up, then reschedule those games.

Let's do the math:
5 games
six inning each
2 hour time limit each game

= 30 innings, over 10 hours!

Now, is there some lag time between games at all???

i.e., when do you expect to take get a drink or a bite to eat, or take a bathroom break. Maybe freshen up a bit do you can clear out the cobwebs.

If you get 1/2 hr between games, tack on another 2-1/2 hours to your day, which brings you up to 13hours (+/-)

Please excuse me for saying so; but, if you do this on your own you are plain nuts - cause I banking on the fact that you will feel it for the couple weeks.

I've done my share of games - some 9 inning doubles, lots of 7 innings double, too many 5 inning doubles to count; and, twice I've worked triple 9 inning games = never again will I beat up my own body like that.....

"Enjoy the moment....."
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 02, 2003, 10:24am
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I agree Rog!

But I'm in Europe and there is a serious shortage of officials for all sports, especially Youth Sports.

I try and do what I can for the Kids.

I'd rather try and do them all so they at least have a Certified Official out there than some parent who don't know what a force out

I expressed my concerns to the Youth Sports Director, and he told me another official MAY come to assist after his games. But that won't be til' the fourth or fifth game, if ever.

Plus, I'm gonna do my best to get 1-2-3 innings to get games finished within 90 mins. No reason 6 inning games can't be done in that time.

Your math is bout rite though, games start at 10:00 and last one is at 6:00. 10 hours!

What do you all think about me talking to Sports Director and making games 1 hr 45 mins. "drop dead" limit. This way other game will start on time?
"A picture is worth a thousand words".
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 02, 2003, 11:29am
Rog Rog is offline
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your dedication to the youth is commendable, and understandable; but, unless you are in superb condition you don't even want to think about working the plate.
Trying to get up and down to the level of these players for as many times as it may take over 5 games = OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

At the risk of being redundant - this is way too much for one person to do in one day (or to be expected of).
Definitely see if you can reduce the time limit at the very least.
Though I would not call the zone any different than any regular game. To change the zone is not fair to those players who can hit, and have a reasonably good understanding of what to look for in a pitch.

Lastly, the shortage of sports official knows no geographical boundaries.....
"Enjoy the moment....."
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 02, 2003, 12:15pm
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I appreciate your input Rog/All,

I did speak to the Sports Director, and we have set a 90 limit. You know how it works, if another inning can't be completed by 1 hr. 45 mins. game over. So that should help me.

The thing that scares me, is, this is military Youth. The talent isn't as good as in the States. You may have 2-3 kids per team that has really played baseball B4.

My worry is it's gonna be a walk-fest, and the catcher's won't be as competent behind the plate as they should be.

So, with that said, if I start gettin' killed back there by pitches, I will take off my gear between innings, and call from behind the mound! lol

There is also no real advancement here. For ex: No season ending tourny, or no chance at World Series, or nothin'.

"Having Fun" and "Good Sportsmanship" are the major focuses here.

But we all know what a Crock that

One more question: If I "Plate" one game, shouldn't I plate them all to be fair to the kids?

Just another thought!

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 02, 2003, 06:14pm
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Originally posted by thumpferee
Cool, thanks for the votes of confidence!

I have called JV games by myself, but only one or two in a day, not 5.

But it is only 60 foot bases!
I'll have to see how the 1st 2 go to see if I can continue behind the plate. I am definately doing my son's game from behind the plate!

Mike, I think nine01c was just tryin' to psych me up which I need because I'd rather do them from behind the plate, but you're right Mike, I'm 37 and no spring chicken anymore. But I was also doing 7 Youth Basketball games on every Saturday too, so hopefully that got me into some kinda shape.

Some NoDoze probably wouldn't hurt, huh?

And your right Striker991, here's the Flack!

if you feel comfortable doing it, get a parent to assist you on the bases.

LMAO, No Way! Thanks, but NO THANKS!!

I'll be OK by myself! (punn intended)

Some good points were made and taken. Thank You, I appreciate your thoughts on this. I'll do my BEST, as usual.


I wonder if their gonna have an ambulance there?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~`
Last football season I was working 5 pop-warner games in a day. The worst was my feet, one field was as hard as asphalt! Shoes were Reebok NFL style, the good ones. So.....good luck, we got rain here, tonites game cancelled, already got my refreshments sitting hereo)
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Sat May 03, 2003, 04:23pm
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I DID IT.....!!!!!


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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Sat May 03, 2003, 05:04pm
Rog Rog is offline
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Originally posted by thumpferee
I DID IT.....!!!!!



Details man, give us the details!?!?!? Glad to hear that you survived. Now for the details, i.e. how long did it take, how many innings, how were the games, were the player learning and enjoying, and most importently - did you still manage to have some fun?
"Enjoy the moment....."
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