Re: ":I have 5 Lil' League games to do, (10-12 year olds w/2 hr. time limit), and get this, by myself."
In a word - - - DON'T!!!!!
Let some other parents shoulder some of this burden for at elast two of those games. This is assinine to even expect any human being to do this many games in one day. If some other parents won't step up, then reschedule those games.
Let's do the math:
5 games
six inning each
2 hour time limit each game
= 30 innings, over 10 hours!
Now, is there some lag time between games at all???
i.e., when do you expect to take get a drink or a bite to eat, or take a bathroom break. Maybe freshen up a bit do you can clear out the cobwebs.
If you get 1/2 hr between games, tack on another 2-1/2 hours to your day, which brings you up to 13hours (+/-)
Please excuse me for saying so; but, if you do this on your own you are plain nuts - cause I banking on the fact that you will feel it for the couple weeks.
I've done my share of games - some 9 inning doubles, lots of 7 innings double, too many 5 inning doubles to count; and, twice I've worked triple 9 inning games = never again will I beat up my own body like that.....
"Enjoy the moment....."