Opening Day is Saturday and we are short on Umpires. I have 5 Lil' League games to do, (10-12 year olds w/2 hr. time limit), and get this, by myself.
I want to call them from behind the plate, but with some of these young catcher's, I'm gonna get beat up out there. Was hoping someone can psych me up and gimme some thoughts on this.
My 2 son's are also starting on one of the teams with my oldest son (12 yrs. old) pitching, and my younger son (10 yrs. old) catching.
Yes I am Proud Daddy!!
My wife better get some good pictures! lol
But, was wondering if anyone else out there calls for their son's/daughter's? And if so, your thoughts.
I'd rather not of course because I don't want the flack, or anything taken away from them if they do well, by having fans/parents saying "because their dad is the Ump" stuff.
I am probably one of the top 3 qualified to handle games by myself, and we are very short on officials here.
Comments/Opinions Please!
"A picture is worth a thousand words".