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DG Fri Oct 29, 2010 07:45pm


Originally Posted by JR12 (Post 698747)
F1 is wearing a 2 tone glove(OBR). Are you going to call time and make him change it? There are several technicallity's most of us ignore. Of course if the other team complains, you have to do something.
"Don't look for trouble"


BSUmp16 Fri Oct 29, 2010 09:46pm


Originally Posted by MrUmpire (Post 698883)
If she read your post, she probably would.

I told her what you said. She told me "Tell the nice wee gentleman 'Póg mo thóin!'" :o

umpjim Fri Oct 29, 2010 10:14pm

Originally Posted by JR12
Following a HR, don't give F1 a new ball until the BR touches home plate. Does anybody follow this. I give him a ball, so he can rub it, get on the hill and get ready to pitch to the next batter.


3.01(e) comment: which means it's an MLB caseplay.

Why I looked this up don't know. But, I thought like you, that it was just some instruction in the PBUC or MLBUM. I knew I had read it and registered it as a nice to know but not critical to enforce rule? instruction? caseplay?, , I had some free time and found it. Anyway, I found it and depending on what venue you call in it might or might not be a good idea.

MrUmpire Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:16pm


Originally Posted by BSUmp16 (Post 698900)
I told her what you said. She told me "Tell the nice wee gentleman 'Póg mo thóin!'" :o

Must be the language barrier. She apparently didn't realize how you came across to the others here. That's okay. No offense was intended in her direction. If she didn't understand that, Tá brón orm.

mbyron Sat Oct 30, 2010 09:31am


Originally Posted by JR12 (Post 698833)
Following a HR, don't give F1 a new ball until the BR touches home plate. Does anybody follow this.

It depends on the game situation. Often I will. If I sense flaring tempers, I won't. This is a game management issue, not a mechanics issue. YMMV.

BSUmp16 Sun Oct 31, 2010 02:45am


Originally Posted by MrUmpire (Post 698908)
Must be the language barrier. She apparently didn't realize how you came across to the others here. That's okay. No offense was intended in her direction. If she didn't understand that, Tá brón orm.

From my mother and I: Tá maithiúnas tugtha ar fad. :)

Matt Sun Oct 31, 2010 02:54am


Originally Posted by DG (Post 698891)
You have actually seen this happen? What league/age/country?

College-age summer league.

mbyron Sun Oct 31, 2010 06:24am


Originally Posted by BSUmp16 (Post 698999)
From my mother and I: Tá maithiúnas tugtha ar fad. :)

Your Irish might be top notch, but you need to review English pronoun usage. :rolleyes:

johnnyg08 Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:02am

In the PBUC book it says to not throw it back...for pace of play, I'll give the pitcher the ball...if he's dumb enough to throw it at a player, he's getting ejected and probably suspended. I've seen the umpires throw the ball back to the pitcher at all levels.

BSUmp16 Sun Oct 31, 2010 09:37pm


Originally Posted by mbyron (Post 699001)
Your Irish might be top notch, but you need to review English pronoun usage. :rolleyes:

To continue our Gaelic theme: Touche :o

Steven Tyler Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:52pm


Originally Posted by BSUmp16 (Post 699064)
To continue our Gaelic theme: Touche :o

Don't pay any attention to those two. They're two of the cyber bullies that frequent this forum.

I picture them both being about 5' 2" in their stocking feet, weigh about 120 lbs, the upper body of a newborn and have Coke bottle glasses.

It's just a trigger I use to get through the tedium of their posts....:rolleyes:

P. S.-Feel free to check for spelling and/or grammatical errors.

P. S. S.-You forgot to put the little thinga-ma-jiggy in touché.

yawetag Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:09pm


Originally Posted by Steven Tyler (Post 699069)
P. S. S.-You forgot to put the little thinga-ma-jiggy in touché.

It's P.P.S. :D

BSUmp16 Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:14pm


Originally Posted by Steven Tyler (Post 699069)
P. S. S.-You forgot to put the little thinga-ma-jiggy in touché.

Touché (again)! :D

P.S. Can't believe you're taking time off from the band to post. Loved your version of "Angel" Happy Holloween

Steven Tyler Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:08am


Originally Posted by yawetag (Post 699070)
It's P.P.S. :D

Like a person in orthopedic shoes, I stand corrected........:)

rbmartin Mon Nov 01, 2010 07:11am


Originally Posted by dash_riprock (Post 698861)
Not in my games.

Then I applaud you sir.

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