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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jun 26, 2002, 11:56pm
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June 26th, 2002

My name is Dave Johnson. But that is not important. I am a baseball fan. I want to express to all baseball fans around the world my outrage at the proposed strike within Major League Baseball. First off let me tell you without any hesitation - I love baseball. Kansas City at Tampa, New York at Boston, L.A at Arizona it doesn’t matter to me. I love the game. But I am angry at the players and the owners for suggesting that a strike could occur in 2002. I want to propose an idea that may expedite a solution to this dilemma.
The owners and players don’t seem to understand that this game is for our pleasure and we are the financial power behind the organization that is MLB. I am not taking sides in this argument other than that of the fans. It is time for the fans to stand up against the owners and players who are clearly slapping fans in the face that support this money generating entity. There are no individuals involved who are not millionaires. We need to be able to walk away from this game just as they wish to do to us. It is for this reason that I propose a bit of financial incentive to the owners and the players.
My idea is to have a strike of our own. Starting Saturday July 20th , if no settlement is in place we will not attend any games nor watch any on television. We will continue to refrain from all Saturday games until they reach a settlement. I am confident that seeing declining crowds, on what is usually a big revenue day at the park, will help the MLB owners and players reach a rapid settlement. That is my only motivation
Their strength lies in our lack of unity. We need to get the word out to all baseball fans. Please, whether you are a fan or not forward this message to someone who is. Tell your friends, family, coworkers, call-in to radio shows, write to you local paper, whatever, but let’s get the word out. We are doing this for the good of baseball. For those of you in the media we need your help. Clearly you benefit from covering baseball and not some boring strike. Power to the fans!

If you have any questions or comments contact:

Dave Johnson
[email protected]

David Johnson
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 27, 2002, 10:29am
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Originally posted by baseballfansonstrike


June 26th, 2002

My name is Dave Johnson. But that is not important. I am a baseball fan. I want to express to all baseball fans around the world my outrage at the proposed strike within Major League Baseball. First off let me tell you without any hesitation - I love baseball. Kansas City at Tampa, New York at Boston, L.A at Arizona it doesn’t matter to me. I love the game. But I am angry at the players and the owners for suggesting that a strike could occur in 2002. I want to propose an idea that may expedite a solution to this dilemma.

We need to get the word out to all baseball fans. Please, whether you are a fan or not forward this message to someone who is. Tell your friends, family, coworkers, call-in to radio shows, write to you local paper, whatever, but let’s get the word out. We are doing this for the good of baseball. For those of you in the media we need your help. Clearly you benefit from covering baseball and not some boring strike. Power to the fans!

Unfortunately, most of what is going on is the FANS fault.
Baseball is a Regional Game ever since NBC lost the weeekly Saturday baseball program. In addition, if memory serves Johnny Bench used to do a pre-game show for the kids going over baseball basics. Also, no more day games in the World Series.

The Fans had their shot the last time MLB went on strike, but what happened, with the exception of Tampa, Montreal, Florida, KC and some others, Attendence hasn't been hurt. In fact here in NY we have the new YES network, and people are going out of their way to get Direct TV.

Until Fans stop paying for cable and paying rediculous prices for games, IMO Nothing will happen. Let me give you an example. Here in NY people complain about the ticket prices when the Yanks are in the World Series, but no matter what management charges, you can get at least double selling those tickets in the open market.

IMO, sports will change but not in our lifetime. When the Baby Boom generation reaches it's peak, IMO that's where you will see the change. My kids are not "die hard" on sports as I was, so when they get to be adults, I doubt whether they will pay high prices for sporting events be it "live" or through cable.

In addition, baseball is watered down . There's not enough pitching and all the good pitcher's seem to be on one team because of economics. Your idea has merit, especially in the smaller markets, but I doubt very much it will work in New York.

IMO, here's what happend in baseball, that has it in this mess.

1. No Commissioner. I know Mr. McPhail is Commissioner, but he is also an owner. Baseball needs someone neutral who looks out for the best interests of the game.

2. Baseball didn't do anything to stop Cable. When baseball lost the Saturday Game of the week and started going regional is when IMO baseball started to take a nose-dive especially for the small market teams.
In football, each team shares in the TV revenue, not so in baseball. A team like the Yanks has a huge Cable deal, which allows Mr. Steibrenner to get any player he wants.

3. In the July deadline for trades, it's common for the small market teams to dump payroll and the good teams just keep getting better. Look at who the Yanks picked up 3 yrs. ago that helped them win the Championship - David Justice and they got him for Nobody. This should NEVER be allowed.

4. Free Agency is a joke and not good for the sport. Look at the Seattle Mariners. It's a credit to their organization when you can lose 3 Superstars (Randy Johnson / Ken Griffy Jr. and AEROD) and still be competetive. They basically got nothing for Griffy and AEROD, but their hands were tied. Who was going to make a LEGITIMATE trade with them when they knew Griffy / AEROD would be free agents anyway.

Baseball has many problems, and unless things change get ready to see the same teams in the World Series and Regional Playoffs. It doesn't seem to long ago that one of the best rivalries in baseball - The Yanks/ KC Royals (with George Brett vs. Goose Gossage) is a thing of the past.

Just take a look at the players both the Pirates / Montreal Expos let go.

Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jun 30, 2002, 11:34pm
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Thumbs down To heck with MLB, watch other levels of baseball

I'm not going on strike, I'll just attend more lower level games. Quite frankly, they're usually more entertaining.

Watched or participated in four games today.....

1. My son's Pony League (13-14) game at 1pm.

2. Our local 12-year old All-Star team in a tournament championship game at 3pm.

3. Umped a Little League Minors playoff game at 6pm.

4. Watched the Mets and the Yankees beginning at 8:30pm.

By far, the WORST game of the day was the Mets-Yankees yawner.

Let 'em strike. Baseball's a great game at any level and MLB doesn't have the market cornered.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 01, 2002, 12:02pm
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Yeah well, all it takes is for the fans to organize. Unfortunately the organizations belong to the players and owners.
I prefer the local minor league. Twenty minutes from home, free parking on the street, $3 beer, $3 sausages, good seats (except it's a hard bench) for six bucks, best seats in the house are $14 where you sit in a comfy plastic chair, have waitress service, can easily yell at the umps, and talk with the on-deck batter.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 01, 2002, 12:13pm
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Posts: 34
D1 NCAA is better baseball and value

Don't know about the rest but being in So. CA, Div 1 NCAA is the better place to watch baseball. I'll pay $7 thank you!

Great minds think alike. . and so do we.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 01, 2002, 12:50pm
Rog Rog is offline
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The general public could apply this logic to many venues that are overpriced, i.e. gas, sports equipment, automobiles, etc.....
When the public has had enough they will let the powers to be know; but, I do not see that happening.
Marketing studies are constantly scrutinizing what the consumer will swallow; or, won't!!!!!
In most cases they have got your number.....
"Enjoy the moment....."
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