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Old Wed Jun 26, 2002, 11:56pm
baseballfansonstrike baseballfansonstrike is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 1


June 26th, 2002

My name is Dave Johnson. But that is not important. I am a baseball fan. I want to express to all baseball fans around the world my outrage at the proposed strike within Major League Baseball. First off let me tell you without any hesitation - I love baseball. Kansas City at Tampa, New York at Boston, L.A at Arizona it doesnÂ’t matter to me. I love the game. But I am angry at the players and the owners for suggesting that a strike could occur in 2002. I want to propose an idea that may expedite a solution to this dilemma.
The owners and players donÂ’t seem to understand that this game is for our pleasure and we are the financial power behind the organization that is MLB. I am not taking sides in this argument other than that of the fans. It is time for the fans to stand up against the owners and players who are clearly slapping fans in the face that support this money generating entity. There are no individuals involved who are not millionaires. We need to be able to walk away from this game just as they wish to do to us. It is for this reason that I propose a bit of financial incentive to the owners and the players.
My idea is to have a strike of our own. Starting Saturday July 20th , if no settlement is in place we will not attend any games nor watch any on television. We will continue to refrain from all Saturday games until they reach a settlement. I am confident that seeing declining crowds, on what is usually a big revenue day at the park, will help the MLB owners and players reach a rapid settlement. That is my only motivation
Their strength lies in our lack of unity. We need to get the word out to all baseball fans. Please, whether you are a fan or not forward this message to someone who is. Tell your friends, family, coworkers, call-in to radio shows, write to you local paper, whatever, but letÂ’s get the word out. We are doing this for the good of baseball. For those of you in the media we need your help. Clearly you benefit from covering baseball and not some boring strike. Power to the fans!

If you have any questions or comments contact:

Dave Johnson

David Johnson
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