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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 07, 2002, 02:44pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 2,729

I want you to think of this in a different light . . .

Let's assume for a short second that the "umpire" was just an average, everman sort of guy. Let's also assume for this portion of the discussion that he was doing a good job all day long.

Now, we have an issue that a batter is not in the box and you as BU, for this discussion only, have no idea WHAT the conversation is about between hitter and umpire.

Now the PU "directs" the pitcher to throw.

What right do you have as a BU to stop this.

Now please understand . . . I am NOT trying to involve personalities I am asking you as a BU if it is ANY of your business as to why the PU directed the pitcher to pitch.

There have been times during my extensive career that I have either directed a pitch or seen my partner direct a pitcher to pitch and I would NEVER have interceded in that direction. EVEN IF HE WAS DOING SOMETHING I DIDN'T AGREE WITH.

A bunch of people jumped to your defense and said the "guy should be reported" . . . why? because he told a player (or two or twelve)to not only look like a ball player and tuck in the shirt but ALSO to protect the game from a potential argument about a pitch hitting the untucked shirt.

Marty, I am not trying to defend a guy that may have been overly officious or an a$$ . . . I am just trying to say that it is sometimes best to allow your partner to settle his own issues and THEN decide what to do about it.

As UIC I have sent partners packing . . . I have called assignors and told them of troubles . . . but I don't remember imposing myself into their personal battles on the field.

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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 07, 2002, 10:24pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 276
Tee: This is what happened (I was in B position):
Batter gets in box to bat. PU says, "Batter,
tuck your shirt in." He points to shirt, and kid
steps out, so I know what's going on. I am just
hanging out, waiting for kid to fix shirt, when
I realize the pitcher is about to pitch. My natural
instincts made me come up with hands and shout TIME!
My natural instincts do not want my partner getting
a pitch in the gut or face when a pitch comes his
way with no batter in the box. I'm nice like that.

Kid ignores me and pitches anyway. At that moment,
I realize PU is ordering the pitch, which he
calls (Stirke). Batter JUMPS into box as next
pitch is about to be delivered. Batter's coach
goes CRAZY. I am still in my stunned mode after
what PU just orchestrated.

I'm sorry if you disagree, but this is poor game
management as well as against the rules and a
dirty trick. He should have spoken to each coach,
warned that the shirttails out will no longer be
tolerated, then ejected the next player who delayed
the game by not complying. You just don't DO things
like that to get your point across IMHO.

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