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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 30, 2007, 10:19am
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Posts: 70
Got quasi evaluated this weekend

It was a good weekend, not only because it was the last weekend of Babe Ruth/travel team tournaments around here, but also I got to work with a guy who is regarded as a good umpire in our area and is well respected. During our pre-game discussion I asked him to critique me (I was the PU) and let me know what he think I need to work on.

Here is what he said:

1) My strike zone is slightly different for LH vs RH batters (I am more apt to call an outside strike on a LH than RH). Besides just having somebody pitch or go to a batting cage anybody have any ideas on how I can work on this? Drills or anything?

2) He said I need to work a little more on my timing and suggested calling strikes in a mirror. He said its not bad, but it could be better (he said he would have given me a 7.5 on a scale 1-10)

3) He liked the way I moved around. Coming out and looking for a pulled foot at 1st, heading to the library on plays that could be coming to 3rd, etc (basically just not standing around the plate all the time) He was especially grateful when I busted my butt down to 1B when there was a rundown with a picked off runner yelling "I got 1st, I got 1st".

4) He thought my zone was great and consistent (expect for the LH thing)

5) He thought my game management skills were excellent.

All in all he said he wouldn't hesitate for a second to walk on a field with me. That statement meant a lot to me.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 30, 2007, 11:09am
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Originally Posted by Julio Caliente
It was a good weekend, not only because it was the last weekend of Babe Ruth/travel team tournaments around here, but also I got to work with a guy who is regarded as a good umpire in our area and is well respected. During our pre-game discussion I asked him to critique me (I was the PU) and let me know what he think I need to work on.

Here is what he said:

1) My strike zone is slightly different for LH vs RH batters (I am more apt to call an outside strike on a LH than RH). Besides just having somebody pitch or go to a batting cage anybody have any ideas on how I can work on this? Drills or anything?
First off, a partner critiquing anything more than mechanics is very tough.
He's got more to concern himself with on the bases than tracking the differences in your strike zone to LH and RH batters. Besides depending on which position he was in pitches will have a different look. It's much easier for him to track hi and lo pithches than side to side.
Personally I'd ignore this comment for the time being. If your zone was great and consistent as he said it was then unless someone else coments independently on this inconsistency, leave it alone.

Originally Posted by Julio Caliente
2) He said I need to work a little more on my timing and suggested calling strikes in a mirror. He said its not bad, but it could be better (he said he would have given me a 7.5 on a scale 1-10)
I don't think calling strikes in the mirror helps anything but your mechanic, certainly not your timing.
As mentioned in another thread, timing is all about getting the call right. Don't prejudge a pitch 4' out from the plate. Watch it all the way to the mit then make your decision after that, not before, and your timing will be fine.

Originally Posted by Julio Caliente
3) He liked the way I moved around. Coming out and looking for a pulled foot at 1st, heading to the library on plays that could be coming to 3rd, etc (basically just not standing around the plate all the time) He was especially grateful when I busted my butt down to 1B when there was a rundown with a picked off runner yelling "I got 1st, I got 1st".
I also appreciate good hustle by my partner. Continue to study two man mechanics to make sure your hustle is channeled properly.

Originally Posted by Julio Caliente
4) He thought my zone was great and consistent (expect for the LH thing)
Again, forget the LH thing

Originally Posted by Julio Caliente
5) He thought my game management skills were excellent.
These are not easy to teach, if you have a knack for it you're way ahead of the game. But don't rest on your laurels, game management is a life long learning experience.

Originally Posted by Julio Caliente
All in all he said he wouldn't hesitate for a second to walk on a field with me. That statement meant a lot to me.
As it should.

Last edited by Don Mueller; Mon Jul 30, 2007 at 11:16am.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 30, 2007, 08:29pm
DG DG is offline
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Originally Posted by Julio Caliente

1) My strike zone is slightly different for LH vs RH batters (I am more apt to call an outside strike on a LH than RH). Besides just having somebody pitch or go to a batting cage anybody have any ideas on how I can work on this? Drills or anything?

2) He said I need to work a little more on my timing and suggested calling strikes in a mirror. He said its not bad, but it could be better (he said he would have given me a 7.5 on a scale 1-10)

3) He liked the way I moved around. Coming out and looking for a pulled foot at 1st, heading to the library on plays that could be coming to 3rd, etc (basically just not standing around the plate all the time) He was especially grateful when I busted my butt down to 1B when there was a rundown with a picked off runner yelling "I got 1st, I got 1st".

4) He thought my zone was great and consistent (expect for the LH thing)

5) He thought my game management skills were excellent.

All in all he said he wouldn't hesitate for a second to walk on a field with me. That statement meant a lot to me.
Find some Fall games to work and 1. call more outside corners on RH batters and 2. put a little more pause in before your call.

If he said he wouldn't hesitate to walk on a field with you then take that as a compliment and work on the little things he mentioned.

I got some tips once from a senior umpire. He gave me 5 tips and I worked on 4 of them and sort of worked on the 5th because I did not 100% agree.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 30, 2007, 10:11pm
Is this a legal title?
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 360
Originally Posted by Julio Caliente
He was especially grateful when I busted my butt down to 1B when there was a rundown with a picked off runner yelling "I got 1st, I got 1st".
I don't know exactly how you handled this part, but you might try this:

Don't say a word until you've ARRIVED. This lets the BU, as he should, own the call until you've stopped moving. Move most of the way (about 3/4 of the way) to 1st in foul territory, then when the runner is moving toward 2nd, move to the cutout in fair territory and announce your arrival. Announce like this, loud enough for your partner to hear you: "Joe, I've got this end."

Sometimes players will yell what you said--i.e., "I've got 1st!"--to indicate to a teammate that they've got the bag covered. By using your partner's name, and the verbiage, "this end" instead of the base you are covering, it helps eliminates any confusion between umpires about who is indicating what to whom. A player is unlikely to yell, "I've got this end!" but if a middle infielder coincidentally has the same name as the BU, the BU might hear, "Joe, I've got 1st!"

Any tag that takes place before your announcement is the BU's call. Even if the tag is right in front of you, it isn't your call unless you've announced your presence to the BU. After the announcement, PU takes the cutout back to 1st, BU everything else. If the tag is near the border of responsibility, the umpire who is facing the tag (the ball is between the umpire and the runner) makes the call.

It's important to pregame the responsibilities of timing and distance if you have a partner you aren't used to. The plate umpire has only about 15 feet to cover at 1st or 3rd (cutout to bag); the BU has the rest.
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