Originally Posted by briancurtin
has anyone ever noticed that so many sox fans concern themselves with the troubles of the cubs before the successes of the sox? i know they do not represent all sox fans, but ive really never seen a team following in any sport that concerns themselves more with other teams
If you recall last October after winning the series I said that the Sox were no longer the second team in the second city anymore and the Cub fans jumped all over that. That was said first and THEN I mentioned the troubles of the Cubs. So, sorry dude you're wrong.
With that being said, honestly I'd like to see the Cubs and the Sox in the "El" series. Chicago baseball fans have suffered for a very long time. In my honest opinion the fight between AJ and Barrett was the best thing that could happen for the cross-town series. I love it (the series) and said earlier it's the only thing I love about interleague play. Remember that one game they used to play before interleague play? Maybe one regular starter played on each team and the rest was made up of AAA players. It was a joke!
One more thing. Let me make this analogy. If you were to go to a restaurant and received poor service and substandard food you may go again and give them a second chance or you may never go there again and you may even speak to the owner about your experience. You can still be a fan of eating out but you choose to send a message to the owner and when a major change has taken place (different owners, new menu, etc.) you will go back but not until then.
Cub fans. Stop going to the games. You can call the score as much as you want to complain but the Tribune won't get your true feelings until you stop helping them pay the players salaries. You always say we're not true fans because we don't stick with the team through the good and the bad. But what did that "disloyalty" get us? In July of last year I went to a single-A game in Charleston, SC. I was wearing a White Sox hat. A guy behind me said "Are you really a Sox fan?" I turned around and said, "No one can pretend to be a Sox fan. They've sucked for so long."
Now here's a thought. Maybe most of those fans at the games aren't really true Cub fans. Maybe most of the fans filling the seats are there for the atmosphere, for the ambiance that is Wrigley. If that's true then I feel for you. Maybe the best thing that could happen to the Cubs is the demolition of Wrigley. Honestly, I'd hate to see that happen because I wish old Comiskey was still there. I remember in 1991 we sat in right field and said to each other, "Babe Ruth once stood right there." I love this game they call baseball. That's why I still hang around and umpire.