Originally Posted by mcrowder
Nick, the advice that a coach should call time and approach the umpire in a judgement call is horrible. If a coach thinks an umpire missed a pulled foot or swipe tag, that's one thing... but simply coming out to argue (even nicely) a pure judgement call does nothing but antagonize the umpire, and will get you tossed by some of the old smittys out there. You CAN'T argue judgement calls. Period. This isn't MLB.
I have been trained to allow a coach to call time and approach me, on virtually any subject, as long as he does it respectfully. The book talks about leaving your position to argue balls and strikes is an instant ticket home. Other than that, asking me to explain why I called a kid safe is not going to get you the heave-ho from me. Asking me why I called the kid safe, then after hearing that the tag was high and the kid's foot got the bag before the tag, THEN telling me my judgment sucks- different story.
I respectfully disagree with mrcrowder. There is an element of judgment to almost every call in baseball. Like I said, I'm not changing my judgment call. But you may have a legit gripe, and I should not be such a reda$$ that I can't listen to you. My opinion.
Strikes and outs!