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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 13, 2005, 04:48pm
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I don't wear a watch during the season, I hate the white outline on my wrist. Keep the watch in your ball bag.

As far as indicators go, I use the Honig, with 3 balls and 2 strikes. I find I never have to use any more than than that. I have no need to track innings, I figure when the teams no longer keep coming on the field, its time to go.

Now I have seen the indicators with both a watch and a "light up" feature. I'm waiting for the new ones that have have an MP3 player built in.

Bob P.

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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 13, 2005, 05:15pm
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I've always worn a watch. I just recently heard not to. That's only part of my decision to look at the "indiclock."

Coaches won't ask about me looking at it, simply because in a time limit game, they're looking at theirs too.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 13, 2005, 05:35pm
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I recommend purchasing the Sportline Keychain Stopwatch (you can find it by Google search, I bought mine at a Modell's store for $8). It has a digital clock, and is small enough to just throw in my ball bag and I can pull it out inconspicuously between innings if I need to check the time.

For those of you on MLB crews, it also has a stopwatch (as noted in the product name), in case you pull 2nd base duty. You, of course, will not have a ball bag, but it can go in your pocket nicely, also.

I bought one originally for the stopwatch feature for timing my kids in swimming events. The first one lasted 5 years, and I am on a second one now (one year in). The first one just ran out of juice, and I have not tried to see if I can replace the battery.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 13, 2005, 05:52pm
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coach needs to watch his team, not me

Originally posted by briancurtin

those may be old guidelines and people might not care if you have one, but i just dont wear a watch because it leaves another door open for coaches/rats. they will end up complaining during those long games if they catch you glancing at your watch.
I will probably get one of those stopwatches gotblue? was mentioning. But if a Rat/rat makes a smart comment about wearing a watch, he's paying way too much attention to me, and may possibly be leaving sooner than will I.
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 13, 2005, 06:10pm
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I know we cover this from time to time, but umpires should not wear watches for a couple of reasons. Coaches will wonder if you have a date, it looks bad when your skin is not tanned there, if you get injured it might be in the way and YOU COULD BREAK IT! "Time, the ball deflected off my watch and we have to pick up some pieces of metal, and crystal from the dish area." Oops...

I know of a guy who buys the cheapest Casio digital watch at the startof each season. It's really thin and he sticks it to the back of indiclickercounter. No one can see whether he is glancing at the count or the time. It was a neat trick and it looks better than fishing the watch out of the pocket or ball bag. It also helps those of you who are required to carry a watch out there for time limit games.
"You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 13, 2005, 07:48pm
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Originally posted by ManInBlue
I'm going to get the Honig's with the watch. I do a lot of time limit games.

Currently using Rawlings with 3K, 4ball, 3O, and inning. More than is necessary. The inning portion is nice when considering the mercy rules that are in place. Other wise - it's just extra.
Ok I'll bite, why do you need 3ks 4b and 3o showing on your indaclickercounter?

Hey Blue what's the count?

Two strikes , 4 balls. son you can go to first now.!!!!!!
"Son, batter, oh I guess he already left."

Then again, why do you need an indaclickercounter anyway, oops, thats another discussion.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 13, 2005, 07:54pm
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Originally posted by jicecone
Originally posted by ManInBlue
I'm going to get the Honig's with the watch. I do a lot of time limit games.

Currently using Rawlings with 3K, 4ball, 3O, and inning. More than is necessary. The inning portion is nice when considering the mercy rules that are in place. Other wise - it's just extra.
Ok I'll bite, why do you need 3ks 4b and 3o showing on your indaclickercounter?

Hey Blue what's the count?

Two strikes , 4 balls. son you can go to first now.!!!!!!
"Son, batter, oh I guess he already left."

Then again, why do you need an indaclickercounter anyway, oops, thats another discussion.
I don't think you do. The two I have are just that way. It's another click of the dial to get back to zero, but you adjust when that's what you've got!!!
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 13, 2005, 08:12pm
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Why do they continue to make/sell indicators that from top to bottom read strike/ball/out, and have 3 strikes, 4 balls, and 3 outs? When +POS first came out with the logical indicators, I loved them. They also had larger, easy to read numbers. I could never see going back to the old style.

Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 13, 2005, 10:33pm
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Originally posted by ManInBlue
Originally posted by jicecone
Originally posted by ManInBlue
I'm going to get the Honig's with the watch. I do a lot of time limit games.

Currently using Rawlings with 3K, 4ball, 3O, and inning. More than is necessary. The inning portion is nice when considering the mercy rules that are in place. Other wise - it's just extra.
Ok I'll bite, why do you need 3ks 4b and 3o showing on your indaclickercounter?

Hey Blue what's the count?

Two strikes , 4 balls. son you can go to first now.!!!!!!
"Son, batter, oh I guess he already left."

Then again, why do you need an indaclickercounter anyway, oops, thats another discussion.
I don't think you do. The two I have are just that way. It's another click of the dial to get back to zero, but you adjust when that's what you've got!!!
No. You buy another one. Why put up with nonsense for the cost of an indiklicatator?
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 14, 2005, 12:52am
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Originally posted by PWL
I see coaches wearing watches all the time.
I see a lot of football officials, doctors, and people on the street wearing watches too, but what does any of that have to do with what you wear on the baseball field?
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 14, 2005, 03:32am
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Why is it that you insist on arguing every time the majority of the members posting in a thread try to help you out?

If you want to wear a wristwatch, fine, you go right ahead.

When you get hammered on the wrist by a foul ball and the thing explodes on you, or a senior partner pokes fun at you for needing to be some place, you might change your mind.

Who knows, maybe you wear it to count the amount of time it will take you to have your first ejection.


BTW- Do you actually know who RulesGeek is? I can say with certainty that Luke ain't him!
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 14, 2005, 09:27am
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Originally posted by SanDiegoSteve
Why do they continue to make/sell indicators that from top to bottom read strike/ball/out, and have 3 strikes, 4 balls, and 3 outs?
Because people buy them.

It's hard to teach some of us old dogs new tricks. I still have the first indicator I got when I was about 10. I carry it as my back-up.

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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 14, 2005, 09:36am
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Never, ever wear a wrist watch on the field.

Carry a time piece in your ball bag, back pocket or hidden elsewhere if you work timed games.

BTW, NEVER wear a wrist watch on the field when you umpire.

UNLESS you're the base umpire and want to time yourself when you are dusting off the bases or the pitcher's plate.

Don't wear a watch, please.

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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 14, 2005, 11:30am
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Originally posted by PWL
Originally posted by LDUB
Originally posted by PWL
I see coaches wearing watches all the time.
I see a lot of football officials, doctors, and people on the street wearing watches too, but what does any of that have to do with what you wear on the baseball field?
And your like a broken watch. Your right at least two times a day. See ya later Rules Geek...
You still didn't answer my question.

How does what coaches, football officials, doctors, and people on the street wear have anything to do with what you wear on the field?
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 14, 2005, 12:49pm
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Originally posted by PWL
I see coaches wearing watches all the time.
that sounds like a hell of a job perk to me! they are such an elite group of individuals that they are allowed to wear watches on a baseball field.
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