Tue Dec 13, 2005, 10:33pm
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Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Spokane, WA
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Originally posted by ManInBlue
Originally posted by jicecone
Originally posted by ManInBlue
I'm going to get the Honig's with the watch. I do a lot of time limit games.
Currently using Rawlings with 3K, 4ball, 3O, and inning. More than is necessary. The inning portion is nice when considering the mercy rules that are in place. Other wise - it's just extra.
Ok I'll bite, why do you need 3ks 4b and 3o showing on your indaclickercounter?
Hey Blue what's the count?
Two strikes , 4 balls. son you can go to first now.!!!!!!
"Son, batter, oh I guess he already left."
Then again, why do you need an indaclickercounter anyway, oops, thats another discussion.
I don't think you do. The two I have are just that way. It's another click of the dial to get back to zero, but you adjust when that's what you've got!!!
No. You buy another one. Why put up with nonsense for the cost of an indiklicatator?