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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 18, 2005, 01:41pm
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never ejected anyone?

Originally posted by PWL
I never pay the least slight attention to coaches yelling from the dugout or from the coaching boxes In fact, I have never had an ejection.

I call time. Walk over to the dugout. I say calmly, "It ends right now or I'm going to eject the person I think is responsible. You might want to want to get somebody ready in the bullpen". Not that I would do that of course, but it really quites them down a lot.
I believe that if you have never had an ejection, you either haven't been doing your job, or you haven't umpired very many games. It seems like you take a whole lot of crap off of coaches before you even warn them.

You actually walk over to their dugout? Any bench jockeying starts, I usually wag my index finger at them while shaking my head "no", they usually get the message. If they don't, somebody's leaving. My ejections have gone way down over the years, as coaches know better than to act that way in my games.

I'll bet they get a kick out of you pointing your butt at them too!
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
  #17 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 18, 2005, 02:29pm
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Originally posted by bob jenkins
Originally posted by harmbu
I agree with most on here that players and managers should be ejected for cursing at umpires, but what is the punishment for the umpires using the same words toward managers or players?

Some of the arguments that I see involve just as much or even more colorful language from the umpires.
I would never suggest that any amateur umpire use any of the "seven words you can't say on radio" in any manner in any game or contest.

In the pro game, as certain videos have shown, it's accepted, if not expected. What matters is how that word is directed.

The seven words are taboo - now. Back in the 70s, we had no problems with telling a D1 pitcher to shut the f*ck up.

George's explanation to two-way words is the funniest part of his routine. A two-way word is one with a common meaning and a dirty meaning as well. Like prick.

As Carlin says, you can prick your finger, but you can't finger your prick.
Papa C
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 18, 2005, 06:05pm
JJ JJ is offline
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Carl, shouldn't that have been, "You can prick your finger, but you can't finger your p###k"?

  #19 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 18, 2005, 06:56pm
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Originally posted by JJ
Carl, shouldn't that have been, "You can prick your finger, but you can't finger your p###k"?

Our Nanny doesn't recognize the nasty meaning of "prick."

But you sure can't say f##k.
Papa C
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 19, 2005, 03:02pm
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enough already

OK...enough of that other.

Here's a question: If I'm a coach at, say, Katy High School (not that Tom would ever do that) and I come up to you and yell (paraphrasing the late Mr. Merrill), "Hey, cough sufferer, that's the worst MF call I've ever seen," you're not going to run me?
An ucking fidiot
  #21 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 19, 2005, 03:12pm
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Re: Bigotry?

Originally posted by PWL
I thought this forum was all about ripping people and their ideas.
You thought wrong.

(The post in which the quote above originally appeared has been delted, as have several other posts in this thread.)
  #22 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 19, 2005, 06:26pm
PWL PWL is offline
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Not Ripping?

If someone is going to take a sentence and twist it, what would you call it? Satire? Irony? Comedic Wit?

If they don't like the way I do things, fine. Keep your wise remarks to yourself.

It offends me that you chose to delete all of my last post except for the one sentence.

No, I don't think it is all about ripping people. There are just a few that seem to take a post, and try to make that person the butt of their silly little jokes. Guess what, junior high is long past.

Now you know why I never have posted. Have I missed a call before? Sure, every once in a while. However, I don't have any grand illusions about my ability. My goal is to get it right, EVEN IF I HAVE TO ASK FOR HELP FROM MY PARTNERS.

If the time comes when I have to eject somebody, I won't give it a second thought. I don't like being patronized. I certainly am not a bigot. So Bob, as a moderater, you should know the pendalum swings both ways. My mistake was lowering myself to their standards. I apologize and thank you for your time.
  #23 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 19, 2005, 06:41pm
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Re: Not Ripping?

Originally posted by PWL
It offends me that you chose to delete all of my last post except for the one sentence.
Your last post offended almost everyone. I repeat: You're missing your milieu. You belong over at McGriff's.
Papa C
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 19, 2005, 06:53pm
PWL PWL is offline
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Re: never ejected anyone?

Originally posted by SanDiegoSteve
Originally posted by PWL
I never pay the least slight attention to coaches yelling from the dugout or from the coaching boxes In fact, I have never had an ejection.

I call time. Walk over to the dugout. I say calmly, "It ends right now or I'm going to eject the person I think is responsible. You might want to want to get somebody ready in the bullpen". Not that I would do that of course, but it really quites them down a lot.
I believe that if you have never had an ejection, you either haven't been doing your job, or you haven't umpired very many games. It seems like you take a whole lot of crap off of coaches before you even warn them.

You actually walk over to their dugout? Any bench jockeying starts, I usually wag my index finger at them while shaking my head "no", they usually get the message. If they don't, somebody's leaving. My ejections have gone way down over the years, as coaches know better than to act that way in my games.

I'll bet they get a kick out of you pointing your butt at them too!
No, I don't take a lot of crap. And you know why? That is taken care of at the pre-game meeting. I call a good game. I don't have rabbit ears like some people. I respect the coaches, and they respect me. The coaches in Texas don't want to get ejected because it creates a big hassle for them. Last but not least, like a stated in my original post, I'm having so much fum out there, it's hard to piss me off. Now, don't think I won't eject someone if I have to.

Correct me if I'm wrong. If you have a lot of ejections, does that mean you lost control somewhere or maybe you are calling a crappy game? Do the coaches not respect you? It's got to something.
  #25 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 19, 2005, 07:08pm
PWL PWL is offline
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Re: Re: Not Ripping?

Originally posted by Carl Childress
Originally posted by PWL
It offends me that you chose to delete all of my last post except for the one sentence.
Your last post offended almost everyone. I repeat: You're missing your milieu. You belong over at McGriff's.
You have a nanny? What does she do? Change your diaper? I guess your brand of humor if G-Rated? Excuse me, but I don't know what MILIEU means. I is a bigot, remember. You know how ignorant we is. Leave it to you O' Mighty Papa C. of the Internet to judge me without even knowing the slightest thing about me. Sorry, I woke you up from your nap. Keep those cards and letters coming in. Look forward to hearing from you soon.
  #26 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 19, 2005, 07:09pm
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Re: Re: never ejected anyone?

[QUOTE]Originally posted by PWL
Originally posted by SanDiegoSteve
Originally posted by PWL
I never pay the least slight attention to coaches yelling from the dugout or from the coaching boxes In fact, I have never had an ejection.

I call time. Walk over to the dugout. I say calmly, "It ends right now or I'm going to eject the person I think is responsible. You might want to want to get somebody ready in the bullpen". Not that I would do that of course, but it really quites them down a lot.
No, I don't take a lot of crap. And you know why? That is taken care of at the pre-game meeting.

Now, don't think I won't eject someone if I have to.

Correct me if I'm wrong. If you have a lot of ejections, does that mean you lost control somewhere or maybe you are calling a crappy game? Do the coaches not respect you? It's got to something.

What do you say in your meeting to keep the coaches off of you later, maybe I can pick up a pointer.

You haven't ejected one yet, so how do you know you would?

Okay, you are wrong, so I am correcting you. I never said that I have a lot of ejections, I said I have even less now, because coaches know I won't take a lot of BS, but I never had that many to start with. I have never ejected a coach, or player, who didn't absolutely deserve to be run.
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
  #27 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 19, 2005, 07:47pm
PWL PWL is offline
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Re: Re: Re: never ejected anyone?

[QUOTE]Originally posted by SanDiegoSteve
Originally posted by PWL
Originally posted by SanDiegoSteve
Originally posted by PWL
I never pay the least slight attention to coaches yelling from the dugout or from the coaching boxes In fact, I have never had an ejection.

I call time. Walk over to the dugout. I say calmly, "It ends right now or I'm going to eject the person I think is responsible. You might want to want to get somebody ready in the bullpen". Not that I would do that of course, but it really quites them down a lot.
No, I don't take a lot of crap. And you know why? That is taken care of at the pre-game meeting.

Now, don't think I won't eject someone if I have to.

Correct me if I'm wrong. If you have a lot of ejections, does that mean you lost control somewhere or maybe you are calling a crappy game? Do the coaches not respect you? It's got to something.

What do you say in your meeting to keep the coaches off of you later, maybe I can pick up a pointer.

You haven't ejected one yet, so how do you know you would?

Okay, you are wrong, so I am correcting you. I never said that I have a lot of ejections, I said I have even less now, because coaches know I won't take a lot of BS, but I never had that many to start with. I have never ejected a coach, or player, who didn't absolutely deserve to be run.
Actually, I lay down my set of ground rules before the game. What I expect out of the coaches and the players. I tell a coach if he has player getting out of line he needs to take care of it or I will. I tell the coaches not to call time and question balls and strikes, what they can appeall and cannot If they need to come out on the field, call time and let the head coach come out. I let them know I'm not going to another umpire just because they want me to.

I have been very fornunate with the coaches and players I have umpired. I have never had a complaint to my association. Just like you say, once they know you, they get used to you.

I have had a lot of experienced coaches at the higher levels and that helps. What I don't understand is why I have to take crap off umpires on the forum.

Remember, try to have a good time. Everybody has enough stress in their life as it is!!!
  #28 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 19, 2005, 07:51pm
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PWL, In 20 years I have never had a season that someone, has not been ejected. NEVER!!!! And I have averaged anywhere from 50 - 175 games per year, during that period. From LL through D2 college and men's semi pro leagues, I can honestly say there was NEVER, a season that some one didn't get asked to leave.

I would guess that the high was about 8, and the low, 1.

But in all do respect sir, the forum finds your claim, (well maybe i will speak only for mysel), to have never ejected a coach or other, somewhat VERY VERY VERY hard to believe.

Could you enlighten us with your credentials. it would be most helpful?

If I am wrong about this , please correctme, but I would still, like to hear your credentials.

[Edited by jicecone on Oct 19th, 2005 at 08:55 PM]
  #29 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 19, 2005, 08:17pm
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Re: Re: Re: Re: never ejected anyone?

Originally posted by PWL
I never pay the least slight attention to coaches yelling from the dugout or from the coaching boxes In fact, I have never had an ejection.

I call time. Walk over to the dugout. I say calmly, "It ends right now or I'm going to eject the person I think is responsible. You might want to want to get somebody ready in the bullpen". Not that I would do that of course, but it really quites them down a lot.
What I don't understand is why I have to take crap off umpires on the forum.

First, trust me, you don't know what crap is yet.

Second, explain why you would threaten the coach with something that of course, you would not do? You never want to tell the coach the old "one more word" line, especially if you aren't really going to back it up with action. That's like when Bugs Bunny keeps drawing the line in the dirt for Yosimite Sam.

I swear, I'm just asking. I'm the last person here to be giving anyone "crap".

Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
  #30 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 19, 2005, 08:33pm
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Re: Re: Re: Not Ripping?

Originally posted by PWL
Originally posted by Carl Childress
Originally posted by PWL
It offends me that you chose to delete all of my last post except for the one sentence.
Your last post offended almost everyone. I repeat: You're missing your milieu. You belong over at McGriff's.
I guess your brand of humor if G-Rated? Excuse me, but I don't know what MILIEU means . You know how ignorant we is. Leave it to you O' Mighty Papa C. of the Internet to judge me without even knowing the slightest thing about me. Sorry, I woke you up from your nap. Keep those cards and letters coming in. Look forward to hearing from you soon.
If Hitler remarks are somehow humorous,I must not have a
sense of humor.Count me as glad if that's the case.
Where I come from,anyone who makes a comment such as yours
shows what type of person he is.One does not need to
know anything about that person to understand. If that's
your idea of funny,I feel like I know you already.

All generalizations are bad. - R.H. Grenier
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