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  #121 (permalink)  
Old Mon Aug 29, 2005, 11:13am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Washington State
Posts: 209
Re: Re: Bovine excrement

Originally posted by BigUmp56

I have a couple of questions for you.

1) How much "formal" training have you had?

2) Why would you feel that you should only "consider" more formal training?

Don't you think receiving all the training you can the best avenue to acheiving success on the field?

3) Just how long have you been umpiring?

I don't want to seem confrontational with you, but you come off as someone who has done everything and been everywhere.

I have called games in LL for years and I can assure you that I have never worked with an umpire without a sound background off formal training that was a competent official.

There are a myriad of issues that are addressed at a formal umpiring camp that you cannot replace by simply reading a manual. Far to many to list on this forum.

Simply walking on to a field with a nicely pressed uniform and good equipment does not make someone a competent umpire.

You may feel that you can maintain control of a game and adjudicate the rules accordingly with little or no formal training, but in all honesty, without a solid understanding of the unwritten rules of umpiring, you cannot.

I don't want to disparage your intent, as I feel it is laudable. I do feel however, that you may need to reconsider your position on formal training.

[list=1][*]For the last 11 years, I've either taken the local League's classes or attended the District sessions. This has probably averaged 10 hours of training per year, much of it highly repetitive. Of course, for the last couple of years, I've been giving the local League's training, though this may also be a valid learning experience. Informally, I've worked many games with more experienced umpires who were willing to make them learning experiences, and we have discussed (and I've been critically evaluated for) some "unwritten rules" around rule enforcement and game management.[*] I guess that considering is something I do before doing, and I haven't done more formal training. Of course, my consideration may lead to a decision to do some different training this year.[*]I've been umpiring LL games since 1994: 12 seasons. I've never done another "level" of game. I have worked 60' baseball, 90' baseball, and softball in both regular season and tournament games. I can't imagine how I come off as anything but a LL umpire who's humbly reporting on his own experience at the local and district levels and who is not afraid to ask for guidance and advice from those with wider experience. If I have misrepresented my actual experience, I'm sorry.[/list=1]I'm not sure how to evaluate my own performances. How does one tell that one has failed at game control of fair officiating? I'm open to the notion, but (perhaps due to my own ignorance) I can't identify a huge problem.

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  #122 (permalink)  
Old Mon Aug 29, 2005, 12:35pm
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Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 2,716
Re: Re: Re: Bovine excrement

[i][/list=1]I'm not sure how to evaluate my own performances. How does one tell that one has failed at game control of fair officiating? I'm open to the notion, but (perhaps due to my own ignorance) I can't identify a huge problem.

-LL [/B]
When one has done all that they can to become GOOD ENOUGH, LONG ENOUGH, believe me, you will just know that you are FINE ENOUGH and DONE ENOUGH for the game at hand.

After 11-12 years, if your are asking that question, you just haven't gone FAR ENOUGH in your development as an umpire. Keep working at it though, and you will certainly know what I am talking about.

Oh and by the way, PERFECT ENOUGH, just never happens.

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  #123 (permalink)  
Old Mon Aug 29, 2005, 01:37pm
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Posts: 209
Re: Re: Re: Bovine excrement

Originally posted by LMan
Originally posted by LDUB
Originally posted by LilLeaguer
I am strongly motivated to recruit and train the best volunteer umpires I can for our League ...

I have resisted so far since the pay is too low.
So you work LL games for free, but the pay for working a HS game is too low? That dosen't make sense.
why it's obvious! LL is "for the kids"
More or less.

14 years ago my first child entered a LL program. We paid our fees, watched every practice, went to every game, and probably helped out a little with player events or field prep.

The next year, when the league president called us directly, we realized what we should have know earlier. That LL is a volunteer organization that actually requires a lot of work, that the major goal is to provide a healthy activity for children in an environment of community service, and that we had previously been using more that we had been providing.

That year, I volunteered to manage a team. The next, they didn't need managers or coaches, but they always need umpires, so I gave that a try. It turns out that I may have an aptitude for that role, and I certainly enjoy it.

As long as I have children in Little League, I'll volunteer to help out in some way. Last year it was being part of the umpire pool and working as the coordinator of umpires (which also means sitting on the board). It's the result of a fairly natural progression of just being involved for that amount of time.

I value my time highly, but I value my children and the children in my community more. So LL umpiring is worth it. When I add up the cost of travel and time away from family, I don't know if paid umpiring would be.

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  #124 (permalink)  
Old Mon Aug 29, 2005, 04:11pm
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Washington State
Posts: 209
Re: Re: Re: Re: Bovine excrement

Originally posted by jicecone
When one has done all that they can to become GOOD ENOUGH, LONG ENOUGH, believe me, you will just know that you are FINE ENOUGH and DONE ENOUGH for the game at hand.

After 11-12 years, if your are asking that question, you just haven't gone FAR ENOUGH in your development as an umpire. Keep working at it though, and you will certainly know what I am talking about.

Oh and by the way, PERFECT ENOUGH, just never happens.
Or perhaps I am honest enough to realize that I sometimes don't see problems where other people would.

Don't let my pose of modesty fool you. I am quite confident in my rules knowledge, game management, and judgement in every game that I officiate. Objectively, my confidence doesn't mean much. Except when I mix with other leagues, I don't have independent critical evaluation, and that I do get is pretty informal. I believe that I have improved every year, but I don't really have a yardstick to measure "Fine enough."

The fact that I haven't attended formal training that has indivualized feedback is probably my biggest concern. Would you all say that this type of feedback is common at "schools," and have you found it valuable?

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